Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 236 First of all, I don't call you hello...

Chapter 236 First of all, I don't call you hello... (Add more updates on weekends)

Xianyang City, Lanchi Palace.

Tian Ji was dressed in a splendid attire, as graceful and gorgeous as a peony flower, picking up a brightly colored preserved apricot with green fingers, and gently putting it into the delicate and charming sandalwood mouth.

Beside her was Ying Yinman, who was lying on the desk, pouting and practicing calligraphy.

Han Rang walked in from outside the hall, with a series of servants behind him, holding a dazzling array of pearl hairpin accessories in their hands.

Pointing to the priceless jewelry in the box, he explained in detail: "Madam, please look, this is a rare treasure bought from the Western Regions, this is a rare treasure sent by the counties in the Kanto region, and this is a treasure from the Yue Dynasty in Nanhai County." Contributed by the kings and elders..."

Tian Ji yawned slightly, and then slowly stood up from the short platform with the support of two strong maids.

In fact, she can stand up on her own, but if this kind of excessive protection is arranged by His Majesty the Emperor, then she cannot be allowed to refuse.

The pile of jewels that Han Rang brought today was for her to choose some for the sericulture ceremony.

"Oh, I like this one. This one is suitable for Zhao Ji's charming girl. I'll give it to her. I'll give this one to her too, and this one..." Tian Ji muttered softly as she flipped through the pages.

Suddenly, she pointed to a simple and exquisite jade plate and said, "Where did this come from?"

Tian Ji frowned slightly, feeling that she had seen this thing before, but couldn't remember where it was.

"Well, this should be what His Majesty said about being pregnant for three years, hehe!" She smugly defended her ignorance.

After taking a look, Han Rang explained: "Reporting to Madam, this was sent by Hou Feng from Kanto, and it is said that it was copied from the house of a corrupt county magistrate."

Tian Ji picked up the slightly milky-yellow jade plate, and felt that the tentacles were delicate and moist. She was a little surprised and said, "How can there be such a grade of sheep fat jade in a small county magistrate's house?"

Han Rang explained in a low voice: "My servant listened to Shang Shuling's words, the county magistrate has a daughter who is good at pretending to be a ghost, cheating the ignorant, and showing someone's face, at least fifty gold!"

"Fifty gold?" Tian Ji was a little stunned, and began to count with her fingers: "One gold is 16 taels, one tael of gold can be exchanged for 576 half taels, and fifty gold is... well, it's a lot of money anyway! Well, that person has a bit of a conscience!"

Ying Yinman raised her head, looked at Tian Ji speechlessly and asked, "Sister Tian Ji, why do you say that?"

Tian Ji turned her head and smiled, her face became more and more beautiful, charming and charming: "Think about it, it takes so much money for a look, how can ordinary Qianshou afford it? Only those rich and luxurious families will be deceived. That's why I said, she still has a bit of conscience, at least she doesn't lie to the poor..."

"Yes!" Ying Yinman pointed her index finger, her eyes full of admiration: "Sister Tian Ji, you are so smart! No wonder the emperor likes you so much!"

"Hey hey..." Tian Ji laughed a few times, then said with a straight face: "Your emperor brother said when he left that you won't be allowed to eat if you can't finish the homework he assigned!"

Ying Yinman: o(╥﹏╥)o
Tian Ji took a few steps outside, raised the jade plate in her hand, faced the sunlight from the window, and found that there were countless strange tadpole characters engraved on it.

"Huh? This is it?" She took a close look for a while, and found that she couldn't understand it at all, so she thought about such a beautiful jade, it's a waste to just make it a decoration, why not dig it out and make a pair of jade pendants.

"Well, one piece for me and one piece for Your Majesty, when we appear in front of Zhao Ji together, we will be so mad at that foxy girl, ho ho ho ho!"


Xianyang City, a straight and wide road.

Han Xin rode on a tall yellow puma horse with a brand-new double-board long crown on his head, which represented that his title had been promoted again.

After the battle of Nuoshui, like Wang Li, he was also promoted to the third rank, so he was promoted from the seventh rank to the tenth rank Zuo Shuzhang.

Shuchang refers to "the leader of the common people", that is, the meaning of "the leader of the people". Zuo Shuchang was once the official name of one of the four ruling ministers of the Qin State in the Spring and Autumn Period. It's just gradually becoming a pure title title.

Later, the Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system, and also continued to use the [-]th-class military meritorious title.

It's just that unlike the 'generous' Liu Tingchang, Qin's [-]th-class military merit is much more 'stingy'.

In the Han Dynasty, the tenth-level Zuo Shuchang could obtain 74 hectares of land, 74 houses, and 74 people attached to him. Moreover, the military merits of the Han Dynasty were sold at a clearly marked price. The so-called selling officials and nobles began at this time , which allows the rich to legally occupy a large amount of land and population.

In Qin Dynasty, one hectare ([-] mu) of land and one house were given strictly according to the title of each level.

In other words, Han Xin at this time was just a middle-level landlord with [-] mu of farmland.

Well, besides that, he also owns the taxes of [-] households as food, which is the main source of income for the title.

Of course, these three hundred households are not under his control.

This is the surplus that Shang Yang's reform left for the descendants of Qin people. After all, land is limited, but people have endless descendants.

Qin's system design idea is more inclined to save land, give priority to protecting the rights and interests of low-ranking soldiers and civilians, and limit the excessive expansion of the aristocratic class.

Therefore, the original intention of Qin Jun's meritorious service is not to turn Qin Jun into a tiger or wolf, but to challenge the privileges of hereditary nobles.

This is also an important reason why Shang Yang was finally torn apart by the car.

After Han Xin placed the soldiers in Dayuan, he hurried back to Xianyang, mainly for the purpose of changing his household registration.

Well, he used to be a citizen, but now that he is granted Zuo Shu Changjue, he can convert his household registration to a high-ranking person.

In this way, when his heirs reach the right age, they can directly enter the school, teach the law, use officials as teachers, and receive pre-job training to become Qin officials...

"Cough! I haven't married a wife and had children yet, so why do I want to do this!" Han Xin shook his head slightly, and couldn't help but think of the former Bai Yueguang in his heart.

It's a pity that times have changed, the beautiful woman has become a wife, and he has no ambition to become a prime minister.

"Hey..." Han Xin rode on the horse, looking at the twelve golden men towering into the sky in the distance, he couldn't help but lamented the impermanence of fate.

Not long ago, he was a poor and destitute person who did not dare to resist after being humiliated by his crotch.

In order to make a living, he had to endure the cynicism of the pavilion chief's wife.

And now?

Horses are free to ride, high-ranking officials are free to do anything!
Most of the heads of Guizhou and the petty officials along the way secretly looked at the Juebian on his head with reverence and envy in their eyes.

"Your Majesty treats me like a soldier of the state, and I will repay him with my own body!" Looking at the solemn Xianyang Palace in the distance, Han Xin swore secretly in his heart.

When Han Xin was in a daze, a crisp voice with a Longxi accent sounded head-on.

"Hey, that one over there!"

Han Xin took a closer look and found that it was a heroic girl riding on a maroon horse.

He smiled gently: "First of all, I don't call you hello..."

 Thanks to 'Knowing the King' and 'Book Friends 2021...9239' for their rewards!


(End of this chapter)

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