Chapter 238
After seeing the two admit their mistakes, Fu Su nodded slightly and smiled and said, "Actually, what Prime Minister You said is somewhat reasonable. Ordinary wheat and rice really don't need to be bred like pigs, cattle and sheep."

Hearing Fusu's words, Wei Liao glanced at Chen Mao contemptuously, and immediately raised his head like a proud little rooster.

Chen Mao was about to explain, but he heard Fusu continue to speak unhurriedly: "This is because wheat and rice are hermaphroditic, and there are stamens and pistils growing in their stamens. When the wind blows, the two The ones combine, and thus produce the offspring, which is the grain of wheat, or grain of rice."

"But good fortune is wonderful, and there are no surprises. Some of these two, like mules, are born sterile. I call it the congenital sterile line!"

Old Yuan Yuan, have a good journey...Fusu thought about it for a while, and continued: "Compared with other similar crops, the female flowers in the stamens are normal, and the male flowers have lost stamens."

Wei Liao asked in confusion, "How does Your Majesty know such details?"

In his opinion, Fusu was born in a noble family, and he knew some skills of breeding war horses. It may have been taught by Meng Tian or taught by himself when he was in Shangjun, but wheat and rice... and judging by Chen Mao's expression, what Fusu said, Even the farm students don't know it at all!
Fu Su said solemnly: "Food is the most important thing for the people, and agriculture is the foundation of the country. This is the way that the king must not ignore!"

Wei Liao bowed his head and bowed his hands: "Your servant is taught!"

Well, actually I don’t know much either, after all I’m just an engineering guy... Fusu secretly sighed, if he knew he could travel through time, he should have gone to the next door Agricultural College to hook up with a girl, chat about knowledge during the day, and practice postures at night.

Well, men are fine too...

Fusu took Chen Mao and others away from Muyuan, walked to the experimental field he planted in Shanglinyuan, pointed to the wheat fields planted according to a certain pattern, and said: "For example, among the wheat I plant here, some of them are short and short. There are also some with big ears, the former is resistant to lodging, while the latter can increase the yield per mu.”

"My idea is, can the two be blended together to breed offspring that inherit the advantages of the two, which are both resistant to lodging and high in yield! The rice fields over there are also for the same reason."

Chen Mao nodded frequently, watching his words and observing his deeds, and Fusu had both. This was an important reason why he felt that Fusu was his own.

"But there is a difficulty, that is, both wheat and rice are male and female, and the work of breeding offspring has been completed before flowering, which makes it impossible for manpower to intervene effectively."

Fusu shook his head slightly and sighed: "But it's a lot of fun to seize the good fortune of the world! I was thinking, can I use those congenital sterile lines to indirectly complete the hybridization, so as to get the breed I want?"

Wei Liao frowned and asked: "Congenital infertility, how can you reproduce?"

Chen Mao was quite dissatisfied with him interrupting Fusu's speech, and said in a rough voice: "Your Majesty just said that the female flowers of the CMS line are normal, and the male flowers have no pistils. Since there are females, then find a male flower from another place. If you come here for breeding, it will be fine!"

Wei Liao pinched his chin and exclaimed: "Hey, yes, you can draw inferences from one example, you are indeed the leader of the farm family!"

Chen Mao shook his head and said: "Prime Minister Zuo is wrong, not to mention that there is no leader of the farm family, even if there is, the current leader of the farm family is His Majesty!"

Fu Su said with a smile: "In this case, I will reluctantly become the leader of the farm family! But I will change the name of the leader of the farm family!"

Tian Yun leaned over and asked, "Change your name? I don't know what your Majesty wants to change?"

Ah, the soul of my middle school...Fu Su said loudly: "Hero! The great man is for the country and the people!"

All right, you're the emperor, you've got a lot of trouble... Wei Liao cupped his hands: "Here!"

Hurry up, I want to hear how to use the CMS to breed hybrids... Chen Mao bent down and saluted: "It's all up to His Majesty, farmer Chen Mao, I have seen Xia Kui!"

Xiaomengxin trembled... Tian Yun stood beside her and bowed her hands, not knowing what to say for a while.

I'm sorry, I'm going to start copying... Fusu pondered for a moment and said: "What the master said hits the point. The use of heterosis in wheat and rice can only rely on the male sterile characteristics of the sterile line."

"After careful consideration, I named the specific method three-line hybridization technology. It is divided into sterile lines, maintainer lines, and restorer lines."

"The so-called sterile line is the strain of stamen stamen mentioned before, but in order to make this type of line reproduce offspring and keep the offspring's maternal characteristics, it is not only sterile, but also it is necessary to find another line, which can be done by yourself. The male flowers that breed the offspring allow the reproduction of the female parent line, the maintainer line."

"As for the restorer line, it means that after the grain grows, the female flowers and male flowers are normal, and they can reproduce by themselves. After the male flower of the restorer line is pollinated by the female flower of the sterile line, the first generation of hybrid rice seeds is produced. This type of hybrid rice seed grows into Afterwards, the female and male flowers are normal, self-pollinated and produce grains, this is the hybrid I want!"

After Fu Su finished speaking, Chen Mao nodded frequently, while Wei Liao and Tian Yun thought for a while before they suddenly realized.

Wei Liao praised loudly: "Your Majesty's talent is really the blessing of my Great Qin, and the blessing of thousands of people!"

Well, cool... Fusu smiled and accepted it.

In fact, what he did not say is that if such rice or wheat grains continue to be kept and propagated, the traits will be separated, resulting in a decrease in yield.

But this is exactly what he wants. After all, there is a famous saying in later generations, whoever controls oil controls all countries; whoever controls food controls everyone!

Only when the high-yield seeds are firmly in the hands of the Qin people, can he boldly increase productivity for the foreign races, and then continuously obtain cheap food from them.

Just like what the later generations of the beautiful country did, if you don’t sell me the grain below the cost price, I will use force to force you to open the market, dumping the grain that the price is as low as your cost after the country’s large subsidies, and let all your farmers Go bankrupt, and then plunder the wealth that a country has accumulated for several years, ten years, or even decades.

In Fusu's plan, it's not just as simple as getting Chen Mao to Xianyang, but to get him to Xianyang first, and then let him take his apprentices to the fields to find congenital infertility, and then go to Nanhai County To build a test field.

After all, the climate there is hot, and it is possible to do three crops a year.

In this way, the time to breed hybrid grains can be greatly shortened.

When Chen Mao and other peasant scholars are free, they can also teach the Guishou of Nanhai County how to farm efficiently, so that when the population of the Pearl River Delta explodes, they will have sufficient human resources to manage the Red River Delta.

No, to be precise, it is to bring the brilliance of civilization to the savages who are struggling to survive there!

 ps: Thanks to 'Book Friends 2018...1356', 'The Wind Blows the Ball', 'I am a struggling ant', 'Slowly and slowly, I know my way', 'The God of Book God 1212', 'Spadea Death Knell',' Monthly tickets for scholarly novelist', 'breeze and cloud', 'Prince Zhaoming' and 'Purple Qi comes from the east and Dao Qi lasts forever'!


(End of this chapter)

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