Chapter 239
Shanglin Garden, Changyang Palace, and the lights are just up.

Fusu picked up a lacquered gold wooden cup full of fine wine, and slowly put it into the artificial stream beside him, and the cup drifted down along the tortuous current.

This is the second wave of the Spring Banquet, the Night Banquet.

It's just that this way of drinking is Fusu's inspiration from a saying in later generations, "Qushui Liushang".

So the night banquet was chosen in Changyang Palace with a gurgling stream.

In this way, the trouble of digging the ground for a pond and diverting the river water to flow in is saved, and whoever floats in front of the lacquered wooden cup full of fine wine will drink a cup by himself.

As the banquet began, a group of dancing girls with peachy faces and enchanting bodies stepped on the ground and sang, and slowly came out of the palace.

"Yo yo Lu Ming, the apple of the wild. I have guests, and I will encourage and play the sheng."

"Blowing the sheng and drum springs, carrying the basket is the general. People are kind to me, show me how to go around."


"Drums, zithers, and zithers are harmonious and exquisite. I have a special wine, with the heart of a guest of Yanle."

This Xiaoya Luming seems to be a bit unlucky. Later Cao Gong listened to this, and then wrote a poem, and then it was burned to the bottom... Fusu put his hand on his forehead, and his face was covered with bruises. Professional smile, a look of fun.

Wei Liao came from the stage and said with a smile: "Chen Mao, a farmer, deserves to be a man of noble character..."

What on earth are you trying to say? I've been pestering me for a whole day... Fusu nodded slightly: "Yes, I appointed him as the eight hundred shi's Da Nong Ling, but he said that he only has one wife and one daughter, and his daughter has already been married , two hundred stones are enough to support a family..."

"So I and he each took a step back and offered eight hundred stones a year. It would be bad if all the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty were like him, living in poverty and living happily!"

Hearing what Fusu said, Wei Liao was startled immediately, the fine wine in his hand almost spilled, and he stood beside Fusu, but Zhang Cang, who was in charge of drinking, was also dumbfounded.

He glanced at Wei Liao, and saw the same thought from the other's expression.

Zhang Cang went around to Fusu, cupped his hands and bowed, saying: "In the past, Confucius once said that a basket of food and a ladle of drink, in the alleys, people can't bear their worries, and they don't change their joys when they return. Although this is a family saying, it is true. It is the method of self-cultivation for scholars, Your Majesty said that it is not good to live in peace and happiness, but I don’t understand His Majesty’s intentions, so I hope His Majesty will teach you!”

Seeing the commotion on Fusu's side, many unrestrained ministers couldn't help being stunned, sat up slightly, and involuntarily cast their gazes over.

And those dancers who were twisting their graceful figures felt a little uneasy, and missed several beats in a row.

Fusu smiled slightly, waved his hand, and signaled for the song and dance to continue.

So the sound of Shaoyue reappeared, and the dancers twisted their willow waists and sang on the moon.

"I've heard people say that when you're full, you think about sex. With a bowl of food and a spoonful of drink, Yan Zi used the simplest life to curb the emergence of more desires, and thus reduced a lot of troubles caused by desires. "

Fusu thought about the sentence slightly and said: "Yanzi's happiness lies in being content with poverty; the suffering of the Li people lies in worrying about being poor. Yanzi seeks the Tao and finds peace in the Tao; the common people seek the desire and worries about greed. Yile One suffers, the environment is the same, but the state of mind is very different. So Zigong asked Confucius: What is it like to be poor without flattery, and rich without arrogance? Confucius said, yes. It is not like being poor and happy, and being rich and polite.”

Seeing Zhang Cang and Wei Liao nodding frequently, Fusu shouted 'I'm so awesome' in his heart, and continued to speak carefully:
"From my point of view, Confucius does not mean to make people live in poverty, but means that a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. For example, Chen Mao, I gave him a yearly gift of [-] shi, in his opinion, it is too much and useless , this is because he has only one wife and one daughter, and he is content with poverty. But if he is pushed, it is difficult for all the officials in Daqin to live in poverty and happiness like him. There is only one standard of daily life, that is, as long as If you don't starve to death, you will starve to death!"

Zhang Cang smiled and shook his head: "I can't do it!"

Young Master Yan who came here from nowhere also smiled and shook his head: "I can't even do it!"

After Fusu laughed with them a few times, he said solemnly: "Although Qin's salary is not high, it can enable officials, big and small, to live a life higher than that of the head of Guizhou, and can support their families in a decent way. Only in this way can they be cleared." Do things cleanly, and don’t search for people’s fat and people’s anointing in order to support your family.”

Fu Su paused for a moment, looked at Zhang Cang and said, "Combined with the supervision of the censors, the able will go up and the mediocre will go down, and the government will be clear..."

Zhang Cang cupped his hands and said, "I would like to be taught."

Fu Su nodded slightly. What he said was the way of high salaries for the feudal dynasties of later generations.

Generally speaking, it means that most people in the world live and do something for the sake of a better life for themselves and their families.

If we follow the thinking of a model worker surnamed Zhu in later generations, he thinks that using a strict system can prevent the growth of corruption, but the low salary leads to the fact that no matter how strict the system is, there are still corrupt officials everywhere. Lianjun...

So what needs to be done is to have a strict system and a sufficient salary.

The former is used to increase the cost of being a corrupt official, while the latter is used to recruit talents. After all, people always have to eat!
For example, if someone has a monthly salary of [-] and a house price of [-], then [-] is a huge amount of money that can make him tempted.

But what if his monthly salary is [-]?
10 yuan is not worth it for him to bear the consequences caused by it!
In other words, the cost of bribery increases accordingly, and the difficulty also increases accordingly.

If the supervision system is further improved, the phenomenon of corrupt officials everywhere may be reduced a lot.

Fusu smiled slightly, thinking of the crown that he had neglected for a long time. The string of beads in front had another meaning, which was called turning a blind eye, and the beads hanging on each side were called turning a blind eye.

After all, if the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if people observe it, there will be no disciples...

Fu Su looked at Wei Liao who was sitting next to him, hesitant to speak and asked: "If Prime Minister Zuo wants to say something, you might as well just say it, you have been with me all day!"

Wei Liao said with a smile: "The old minister hasn't figured out what to say..."

Old fox, I don't know what I'm holding back...Fu Su sighed slightly: "But it's okay, I forgive you for not guilty!"

Wei Liao seemed to have made up his mind and said: "I heard that His Majesty is going to send troops to conquer the Di people again? Your Majesty has been conquering the Di people frequently this year, isn't it a bit..."

What a great success?Militarism?Or something else... Fusu looked at Wei Liao and said: "I heard from the merchants who returned from the Di people that the Di people are located between Qin and Qiang, know metallurgy, are good at farming, and have their own customs and language. To deal with them at this time is tantamount to feeding tigers!"

Wei Liao nodded, he deeply agreed with what Fusu said, but some details still need to be communicated.

"Longxi County fought against the Qiang people last year, and the treasury was exhausted. Recently, most of the troops were dispatched by Xianyang. If we send troops now..."

ps: Thanks to 'Zixuan's Dad' and 'G Borg' for the monthly pass! Thanks(ω)

(End of this chapter)

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