Chapter 240 Speech Quotient

Hearing Wei Liao's words, Fu Su frowned slightly.

"Where did Prime Minister Zuo hear the rumor that I am going to send troops at this moment? I said before that the Di people are good at farming, so the time to conquer the Di people is set after the wheat in Guanzhong is ripe!"

"At that time, the corn planted by the Di people will soon be harvested, and it happens to be food for the enemy!"

Wei Liao nodded slightly: "Your Majesty, it is indeed a clever plan to provide food to the enemy, but has your Majesty thought about it, there are still a few months before the day of sending out troops, and during these few months, weapons and armor will be transferred, troops will be assembled, and formations will be practiced." , it is inevitable that there will be no leaks, and when our army attacks, the Di people will definitely defend to the death, I am afraid that there will be countless casualties at that time, and the gains will not be worth the losses!"

Well, Wei Liao's words are reasonable, as expected of the big brother tied to the same chariot as me, Qiang Lian, the wall-riding faction, just wants to take advantage of the opportunity to go to war to seek benefits for his children and grandchildren, after all Qiang Liao I am only a tenth-level Zuo Shuzhang. Whether I can achieve Shiqing Shilu depends on the two generations... Fu Su's heart turned like electricity, and he said immediately:

"In the past, Wu Xinjun Zhang Yi once said that he was good at attacking diplomatic relations. Now I have made it clear that I want to conquer the Di people, to test the pressure on them, and then choose a good opportunity to send envoys to ask them to offer money for peace, just like the former emperor. At that time, as long as you pay tribute, you will let yourself go."

"Of course, this is only the first step. When the peace talks between the two sides are over, when the Di people think that Qin is just bluffing and won't use troops against them, it's time to actually send troops! My idea is that women should keep men but land should stay. No one stays!"

Seeing that Wei Liao was frowning, Fusu said: "The Di people are good at farming and have writing. If they are allowed to integrate the Qiang people who were scattered by the Longxi Army, after the merger of Qiang and Di, their power will not be inferior. Yu Zhou's Quanrong, Qin's Yiqu! So we must break them up as soon as possible and integrate them into the Qin people."

Although the former Qin established by the Di people in later generations was better than the other Hus, but...

There is really no need for the people of Daqin to be divided into Di people, Qiang people, Rongdi people, and Qin people. It is better to be Qin people!

Although Wei Liao didn't know why Fusu wanted to subjugate the Di people, but what Fusu said just now, every step was counted, so he had nothing to persuade him. After all, nothing happened yet, and the fighting power of the Di people , anyway, it will not be higher than Yan Ren!
Thinking of this, Wei Liao nodded and said: "The temple is considered the winner before the battle, it must be counted too much. Since Your Majesty has already thought about it, then I will congratulate me on the victory of the Great Qin Banner!"

After watching Wei Liao leave, Fu Su beckoned, several servants stepped up and put a low table and two thick candles in front of him.

Under the illumination of candlelight, Fusu picked up a letter of remonstrance left by Chen Mao before he left.

Sure enough, the farmer got into a fight with the merchant again.

In Chen Mao's remonstrance, he suggested that the price of all commodities should be marked by the government, instead of just asking merchants to clearly mark the price like the existing Qin law.

In this way, merchants will be prevented from profiting from it, thereby defrauding the head of Guizhou, and the hearts of the people in the world will become simple.

Fusu looked at the flickering candles, and suddenly felt that it would be a waste of candles to read such utopian remonstrances, so he inhaled slightly, and blew out the candles with two puffs.

Well, please call me a diligent and thrifty little expert... Fusu put down the bamboo slips, and he just felt amused in his heart. In fact, the biggest merchant in Daqin is none other than the Shaofu who has monopolized the interests of mountains and rivers such as salt and iron. , Shaofu's is actually his.

In other words, what the peasant scholars want to attack is the peasant hero himself...

After Fusu smiled silently, recalling the information he had read, in fact, the fundamental reason why the Qin State in this period, including many feudal dynasties in later generations, emphasized agriculture and suppressed commerce was that private traders represented The interests of the bourgeoisie and the landlord class represented by the emperor himself conflicted.

In an agricultural society, only farmers and a small number of handicraftsmen directly create social value, and due to the limitation of productivity, developed commercial means cannot effectively improve farmers' production efficiency.

When resources are limited, there are more merchants and fewer landlords.

But most of the time, the guns are in the hands of the landlords, and they will definitely not and will not take less. If the merchants do not reduce their share, then the peasants will not be able to survive.

And if the peasants can't survive, the court will be finished.

For example, the tax package system developed by the Yuan Dynasty, merchants represented by Shen Wansan tried to expand their own interests, so after Zhu Baba changed his name to Zhu Yuanzhang, the Mongolian princes went back to their hometown to herd horses and sheep...

Therefore, any sensible feudal dynasty will choose to suppress business in the general policy, so as to ensure its own rule.

But there is no business and no wealth, and the big landlords will carry out commercial activities in an obedient manner, and the merchants often exist as white gloves, attached to the powerful and powerful landlords. During this period, both Chinese and foreign Such.

During the period of great geographical discovery, the landlord class found that the colonies were the most valuable thing, but they could not take the land and population away, so they adopted the method of plundering business to squeeze the wealth of the colonies more efficiently.

During this period, because the resources plundered by the colonists were equivalent to unlimited, everyone shared enough, and there was no conflict of interest between merchants and landlords.

So after the two were combined again, the landlord class provided the army, the merchants provided the goods and channels, and the colonial economy developed rapidly.

Well, to give a chestnut, the first batch of brown sugar shipped from Nanhai County is equivalent to the real gold and silver shipped back to Europe from America.

So the big landlord (Fusu) provided the army (Yueqiying), the small and medium landlord (clan) provided manpower, and the businessman (Shaofu) provided channels.

Under the connection of interests, plantations have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and endless wealth will also flood into Xianyang City like a tide.

This is why Fusu wanted to attack the Di people who might block the trade route.

And the commercial routes leading to the Western Regions were also unimpeded with the surrender of the Yuezhi people.

When the autumn wind blows, those Hu merchants loaded with silk and lacquerware will form a camel caravan that is ten times or a hundred times larger than the last time and come to Qin again.

Xianyang City is destined to become the brightest pearl of human society, and it is the brightest one, not one of them!

When Fusu was lost in his imagination, a loud sound of drinking wine disturbed his thoughts. He took a closer look, and sure enough, those half-brothers took the lead in making a fuss.

Very good, when the next sacrificial ceremony is held, Bailu Coin must make some arrangements for their brothers!

ps: Shen Wansan passed away before the establishment of the Ming Dynasty (at the end of the Yuan Dynasty). For details, please refer to Mr. Gu Cheng's "No Shen Wansan in the Ming Dynasty".

 Thank you for the monthly tickets of '0 Fantasy Star O', 'Qing Ju', 'Eagle Sword★', 'Ten Years of Novel Life', 'Zhan Feng 2005'!

(End of this chapter)

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