Chapter 241 Self-help
Xianyang City, Du Youting, Xingguoli.

It was completely dark, and the lights of almost all the houses in Lifang had been extinguished, except for a new house that had just moved in. The lights in the wing room were as bright as beans, and a young man with delicate features repeatedly recited the Qin law.

Looking down from the sky, there is only this light in the entire Lifang.

The reason for this is not only that in the ancient times when there were no entertainment activities, people followed the daily routine of daily life after sunrise, but also because a candle for lighting is worth more than ten catties of grain!

Suddenly, there seemed to be a sound of heavy objects falling in the courtyard, and the yellow dog in the courtyard also barked hoarsely. In a short while, the whole Lifang was full of dogs barking one after another.


The young man walked out of the room with a short stick in one hand and a candlestick in the other.

Although he is also very afraid, his father is getting old and his elder brother is on the border. As the only adult man in the family, he must protect his family.

But what inspired him was the Qin law he had just recited.

The law stipulates that in this case, as long as he utters a cry for help, the neighbors, and even Li Dian and others in Lifang, must rush to help immediately, otherwise the former will be punished with two grades, and the latter will be punished. To be questioned!
"Unless none of them are home, of course, which is impossible!"

The young man thought about it, and then boldly walked towards the place where the barking sound came from.

"Lu Shizhi, it's me, take your dog away!"

A man's voice that is somewhat familiar to young people came.

"Is it Shen Shiqi's brother?" Lu Shizhi stopped the yellow dog, raised the candlestick in his hand, and found that although the clothes were shabby and the person was tall and thin, he was indeed his fellow from Pei County.

"It's me!" Shen Shiqi walked out from the base of the wall, looked at the yellow dog that was about to pounce, and laughed at himself, he knew that he had come with Fan Kuai, that guy was a dog, no dog would dare to run wild in front of him!
Lu Shizhi threw away the short stick, drove the yellow dog back to the kennel, and immediately stepped forward and bowed in salute.

"My little brother never greeted me far away, but I still hope that my brother will forgive me!"

Shen Shiqi smiled and helped him up: "I haven't seen you for a long time, but you are still so polite."

Lu Shizhi shook his head and said, "Rites cannot be discarded."

Shen Shiqi patted him on the shoulder and said: "Of course, lead me to see Lu Gong."

In the main room of the Lu family, Lu Gong, who was awakened by the sound of the dog barking, sat on the futon. In front of him, Shen Shiqi knelt down on his knees and paid homage as a nephew.

On the side of Shen Shiqi, Lu Shizhi bowed to Shen Shiqi in the same posture, and he was paying back the salute for Duke Lu.

After the ceremony was over, Duke Lu asked in a low voice, "Shen Shiqi has come here all night, what's the matter?"

Shen Shiqi didn't reply, but looked around at the house of the Lu family. Although the layout of the room couldn't be compared with the luxury of the Lu family when they were in Pei County, it still looked very wealthy.

Especially the construction area of ​​the entire courtyard, according to the standards of Qin people, is at least a hairpin!

Shen Shiqi nodded with a smile and said: "Grand Lu is fine, and the guilt in Shen Shiqi's chest has eased a little, but I don't know where my sister-in-law and nephew Liu Ying are?"

When Liu Jidun entered Mangdang, he had asked him to help take care of his family. It was a pity that when Qin Future came, although he and Fan Kui stood up to resist, they were both punished as Chengdan in the end. Liu Ji led people to rescue.

Hearing Shen Shiqi's words, Lu Gong sighed slightly in his heart. If he had married his eldest daughter to this poor scholar in Pei County, maybe the situation like today would not be the same.

Lu Shizhi said from the side: "Sister She is working as a weaver girl in the palace. Ying'er is young and has just fallen asleep. Let's see you after dawn."


Shen Shiqi turned pale with fright, entrusted by others, and a matter of loyalty, if he could not bring Lu Zhi and Liu Ying back to Pei County, what face would he have to live in the world!

Lu Gong glanced at his second son who was too upright, and said with a smile:
"Shen Shiqi is too worried. From the letter from the palace, Ji'er said that she is full and clothed, and she is much fatter than before!"

"After Ze'er makes another military contribution, we can redeem her as a commoner!"

Lu Gong remembered what Lu Zhi said in his letter, and after pointing his eyes at Lu Shi, he said with a smile: "Shen Shiqi has come from a long way, and he hasn't had a bite of hot food yet, right? You should stay with me for a few days, and the details in the , I will explain to you slowly!"

Lu Shizhi nodded insignificantly, then stood up and said with a smile: "Just now the yellow dog at home offended my elder brother, I'll go right away..."

"Report to the official?" Shen Shiqi stood up, took out a short dagger from his arms, and looked coldly at Lu Gong who suddenly changed his face.

"Shen Shiqi, what are you going to do?" Lu Shizhi raised the candlestick and looked at Shen Shiqi warily.

"Give Liu Ying to me, or the two of you will be bloodied for five steps!" After Shen Shiqi finished speaking, he sucked his lips and whistled. In a short time, the same whistle came from outside the courtyard.

After a while, Duke Lu looked at Shen Shiqi, who had climbed over the wall with the child in his arms, turned to look at Lu Shizhi and asked, "Is there still a lot of gold brought out from my hometown?"

Lu Shizhi thought for a while and said, "It's not much, it's less than a hundred gold."

Lu Gong nodded and said: "When Ze'er was in the army, he made friends with Meng Tian's son, gave him half of the gold, and asked him to help Xu'er enter the palace to serve the emperor. If he is lucky enough to have a son and a half daughter , the Lu family is still saved!"

He recalled the letter sent by his daughter from the palace, and he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, how could a woman who was both a wife and a mother be the emperor's pillow!


Xianyang City, heaven and earth.

Well, this is actually a government-run bathhouse, and the bathers are all uncles and aunts whose waists are thicker than the water tank.

Because it is also running a guest house, the shopkeepers are divided into black and white shifts. According to the usual practice, the night shift will come soon.

pat, pat.

The sound of straw sandals stomping on the ground came from far and near, followed by a heavy knock on the door.

"This guy is finally here!" The city resident of the day shift cursed, and then slowly moved over to open the door, but unexpectedly, there was a strange middle-aged man standing outside the door.

"Stay in a hotel? Take a bath?" The city people stood at the door and asked the middle-aged man.

"Stay at the hotel."

"Do you have experience, biography?" Upon hearing that this person was going to stay in the hotel, the townspeople instantly became shrewd.

"There is a test."

"Han Xing, from Xianyang..." The city people looked the middle-aged man up and down, and laughed when they saw his embarrassed face: "Look at you, didn't you just get beaten up by your wife?"

The middle-aged man stroked the messy beard on his chin, and smiled a little embarrassedly.

Before entering the guest house, the middle-aged man glanced back at Xianyang City, which was gradually disappearing into darkness, recalling the repeated fights, and couldn't help but lament in his heart.

"Could it be that Zhang Liang is going to kill me?"

"However, the most dangerous place is the safest place. I'd better hide here for a while and try to escape from Qin after a while!"

 ps: Thanks for 'plating, oxidation.Monthly tickets for circuit board factory rental', 'Azatos Taihao', 'Qianlei', 'Mengxin's crunchy', 'wanwu mourning'!

  Thanks for the reward of 'The Road to Wind and Frost'!

  (`) Compare the heart
(End of this chapter)

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