Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 242 Zhao Ji's taste is really good!

Chapter 242 Zhao Ji's taste is really good!
In Lanchi Palace, candles as thick as a child's arm illuminate the entire hall as bright as day.

"Sister Tian Ji, you feel so soft and smooth!" Ying Yinman looked enviously at Tian Ji's gorgeous dress.

"Naturally, this is one hundred thousand dollars!" Zhao Ji helped Tian Ji tidy up the accessories around her waist, looked them up and down, and sighed slightly, wishing she was a man.

In the candlelight, Tian Ji turned around slightly, her rings jingling non-stop, her bright red dress was complicated and gorgeous, and there were a few golden steps on her head, her round face had graceful lines, and her pair of peach blossom eyes made her look even more beautiful. Charming and juicy.

People depend on clothes, and Tian Ji wearing such a gorgeous dress looks like a delicate and flawless jade beauty between movements and movements.

Tian Ji walked up to Zhao Ji who was staring blankly at her, imitating the way of supporting Su, stretched out her fingers to hook Zhao Ji's chin, and opened her mouth slightly: "My concubine, am I beautiful?"

Zhao Ji: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Ying Yinman: (°ー°〃)
Qi Ruier: (°ー°〃)
"Stop, no fighting!"

On the battlefield full of lightning, Ying Yinman appeared on the stage with two short legs upside down, raising her hands horizontally, separating Zhao Ji and Tian Ji who were on the verge of saber-rattling.

Zhao Ji raised her eyebrows, and showed Tian Ji an expression of waiting for me, while Tian Ji held her skirt and turned around in a circle again, looking indifferent.

Zhao Ji's taste is really good... Tian Ji savored the slipperiness of her fingertips, and a pair of enchanting peach blossom eyes immediately stared at Qi Rui'er who was stunned aside.

"Aifei, am I beautiful?" She used the same gesture to lift Qi Rui'er's sharp and white chin.

Mom, help me... Qi Rui'er's eyes were full of panic, and a pair of neat and long eyelashes trembled uncontrollably.

She came here today to prepare for the silkworm kissing ceremony. Because Tian Ji and Zhao Ji are both pregnant, it is not suitable for frequent prostrations, so the mission of leading the noble ladies of Xianyang City to pay homage to Leizu fell. On the shoulders of her and Ying Yinman.

After all, one of them is the third-ranked existence among concubines, and the other is Fusu's sister of the same father and mother.

"Sister Tian Ji!" Ying Yinman ran over with her hands on her hips, trying to repel the 'filthy palace' sister-in-law with her eyes.

"Okay, stop making trouble!" Zhao Ji walked over slowly, and snapped off Tian Ji's little hand rubbing Qi Rui'er's chin.

"Hmph! Pretending to be a good person again!" Tian Ji turned her head slightly, her pair of charming peach blossom eyes had evolved to the point where both men and women could kill each other.

"No, it's okay..." Qi Rui'er's voice was as thin as a mosquito's.

"Sister Zhao Ji, what do you want me to do then?" Ying Yinman pulled Zhao Ji and asked. When holding silkworm kissing ceremonies in the past, she was still young, so she was not eligible to attend.

"At that time, what the ceremonial officer says, you can do whatever you want! Well, that's it." Zhao Ji was also a little unclear. In the past, she was just a concubine of Mr. Qin, and she was also not qualified to attend the meeting.

"Don't look at me, I don't know either!" Tian Ji waved her hands hastily, she and Zhao Ji have the same identity, and she naturally doesn't know things that Zhao Ji doesn't know.

"Then, why did you call us here! I finished brushing my teeth and I'm going to bed!" Ying Yinman put her hands on her hips, her face full of anger.

"Stupid, when offering sacrifices to the gods, there will naturally be a courtesy officer to guide you, but on the day of bowing to the mulberry, you and Qi Meiren are required to lead the singing of the mulberry-picking song! If you don't practice now, you will lose the face of your emperor brother on that day!"

Tian Ji walked over and poked Ying Yinman's head with a green finger: "At that time, all the noble ladies in Daqin will be there. If you make a fool of yourself, don't even think about getting married!"

"I won't fail to marry, I'm the richest woman in Xianyang City!" Ying Yinman continued to put her hands on her hips, with a look of embarrassment.

What she said was not a lie. Earlier, Fusu gave her a detached palace in Huaili County, north of the Weishui River, as a birthday present.

As a wealthy emperor, sending his younger sister a Li Palace is almost equivalent to sending an alien to future generations.

"Plucking mulberry song? I know how to do it, and then I will sing along with Yunyang." Qi Rui'er said timidly: "It doesn't matter if she doesn't know, just hum along with me..."

"Really? That's great!" Ying Yinman, a 'student', heard Qi Rui'er's words, and threw herself on Qi Ruier's body, kissing her like a chicken pecking at rice.

Ah, no, my first kiss, woo woo... Qi Ruier hurriedly pushed Ying Yinman away, took out a handkerchief from her arms, wiped the saliva from her face, and stared at Ying Yinman with resentful eyes.

"That's all right, I don't worry about it." Zhao Ji nodded, then looked at Ying Yinman and said, "When the silkworm kissing ceremony is held, you should pay special attention to your sister Tian Ji's condition. Once you find her If you feel unwell, stop the ceremony at any time, and ask someone to call the imperial physician over!"

After she finished speaking, she added: "Don't worry about breaking the etiquette, this is what your emperor brother specially ordered!"

"En!" Ying Yinman nodded heavily, then frowned and asked, "Then, what about you, Sister Zhao Ji? Who will take care of you?"

"I won't go to the silkworm kissing ceremony this time. I will go to Yunyang County with your emperor brother. It is said that there is a newly built hydraulic spinning wheel there."

Zhao Ji looked skeptical, and said softly: "Although Your Majesty has made many wonderful things during this period, but he is a big man, how can he understand the affairs of his daughter's family, so I absolutely don't believe anything !"

"I bet on a jade bracelet, the emperor's brother is always right!" Ying Yinman raised her head.

"I'll bet on a jade bracelet too, Your Majesty is always right!" Tian Ji Liu gently shook her waist and walked slowly.

"I also bet on His Majesty's victory!" Qi Rui'er boldly came over.

"Okay, I'll reveal the answer for you when I see the real thing!" Zhao Ji smiled slightly: "Actually, I also made a bet with Your Majesty, if Your Majesty wins, it's only natural for me to receive a family law! "

Her plain and elegant pretty face blushed inexplicably: "If I win, hehehe..."


Shanglin Garden, Changyang Palace.

Fusu leaned against the bed, and when he opened his eyes again, the sky was already pale.

Ah, I only slept for 5 minutes... Fusu lifted the mink blanket on his body, moved his stiff body slightly, and he began to miss Han Rang.

If Han Rang was here, maybe he would be woken up, maybe someone would carry him back to the palace to rest, and he would never be allowed to sleep in the yard for a night...

Fusu stood up and saw the contemporary Bian Que punching in the courtyard.

Although the contemporary Bian Que is not a high-ranking official, he has a high title, so he was also invited to yesterday's spring banquet.

Fusu walked over, practiced a few times, and asked nonchalantly, "Master, do you have any students who are good at gynecology, the kind with a 100% delivery rate..."

Contemporary Bian Que suddenly became short of breath, feeling inexplicably irritable, and wanted to hit someone!
 ps: Thanks to 'Ling Huan Xing Meng', '怺逺 (sorry, the symbols can't be typed)', 'Kai Di', 'Luo Wei luowei', 'Precious Time', 'Da Leilei Loves Reading', 'Electroplating, Oxidation, the monthly ticket for renting out the circuit board factory' and 'enforcing the law according to the fate'!

(End of this chapter)

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