Chapter 243 Bian Que
"Your Majesty, there is nothing 100% in the world!"

The contemporary Bian Que suppressed the anger on his face. After all, the person standing in front of him was no longer the prince of Qin, but the emperor who ruled the entire empire. More importantly, Fusu was his father...

"What about 90.00% nine?" Fusu persevered. Most of the 'advanced' intellectuals in this period had mastered the mathematics level no less than junior high school students in later generations, so he was not worried that the contemporary Bian Que could not understand him.

Hold back, hold back, assassinating the king is not a small crime... The contemporary Bian Que kept taking deep breaths, trying to calm down the anger in his chest.

The last time he was so angry, he was arguing with Emperor Shihuang whether there is any elixir of life in the world.

"I have a method that can greatly reduce maternal and neonatal mortality!"

Seeing Bian Que's eyes widen in an instant, Fu Su knew that his method had worked.

This is the inspiration he got from the works of Zhang Yi preserved in the palace. He can fully mobilize the other party's emotions through certain words, and then affect the quality of the subsequent conversation.

As I said before, Emperor Qin will be the leader of a hundred schools of thought... Fusu calmly waited for a certain fish to be brought up by himself.

Therefore, the contemporary Bian Que said angrily: "Your Majesty is playing tricks on the old man. If you count from Qi Ji, the old man is still your elder!"

Well, Qi Ji is one of my father-in-law and also your own son, and Qi Ruier is both your granddaughter and my wife, one of them...Fu Su instantly figured out the relationship between everyone, he said with a smile : "The emperor's golden words, how could he play tricks on you!"

"Could it be possible that His Majesty really masters the art of medicine?"

The contemporary Bian Que is very happy to see that Fusu does not call him by family seniority.

What he hates the most in his life is being dragged down by his family blood, preventing him from roaming around the world freely and seeking the truth from doctors.

Otherwise, he would not pass on the title of Marquis Gao Wu to his son, and he would only be a title of official and official who is convenient to travel around the world.

"That's natural. I am the emperor, and I abide by the will of heaven and earth. Mere medical skills are nothing!"

Fusu stood with his hands behind his back, facing the rising sun. The faint sunlight shone on his shoulders, faintly drawing circles of light on his back.

"Mere medical skills!" Contemporary Bian Que suppressed his anger again, bowed his hands and said, "Please teach me, Your Majesty!"

This is the only way to ask others for advice... Fusu turned his head and said with a long sigh: "A few days ago, I checked the birth situation in various counties and counties in Xianyang, and found that the data is terrible. Usually, out of ten mothers, there are two Adults have a mortality rate, while children also have a mortality rate of over 30.00%!"

This is the origin of the average life expectancy of ancient people who are often said to be 30 years old. After all, the premature mortality rate is too high. Well, in addition to the medical level, the more important thing is to die from malnutrition.

Contemporary Bian Que shook his head and sighed: "This is something that can't be helped, maybe it's fate..."

Fusu grinned and said, "No, it's not fate, but an irregular operation, which caused the mothers to contract diseases...a considerable part of the reason is the fault of the midwives or doctors who delivered their babies!"

"What?" Contemporary Bian Que's face flushed instantly, and he roared angrily, "Is Your Majesty trying to kill others? Does Your Majesty know what the consequences will be if it spreads to the outside world?"

We know that the doctor in the later generations who proposed bacterial infection of pregnant women was sent to the hospital as a mental illness and was beaten to death because he insisted on his own opinion.But I am different, I am the emperor, below the sky, above all people... Fusu said with a gloomy face and a solemn voice:

"I ask you, when you treat the wounds of wounded soldiers in the army, do you wash their wounds with clean water before further treatment?"

"That's natural!" The contemporary Bian Que nodded: "The wound is stained with dust and blood, if it is not cleaned up, it will definitely cause death!"

Fusu nodded slightly and said: "Before entering the delivery room, has the mother's room been cleaned? Have the midwives and doctors thoroughly cleaned their hands? Have the scissors used to cut the baby's umbilical cord been sterilized? Did it burn?"

"This..." The contemporary Bian Que said nothing, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead for a moment.

A smile appeared on the corner of Fusu's mouth, and he continued: "That's why I said, I have a method that can greatly reduce the mortality rate of mothers and newborns!"

It is not clear how much it can be reduced, but after Mr. Semmelweis used bleach to disinfect medical equipment and bandages, the fatality rate of puerperal fever dropped from 18.27% to 0.19%!

Looking at the contemporary Bian Que who was circling in circles with a thoughtful face, Fusu sighed in his heart. It's a pity that he couldn't make perfect glass. Otherwise, he could reproduce a simple microscope. The word "bacteria" could appear in AD. 209 years ago!

"Your Majesty, please teach me!" The contemporary Bian Que stomped his feet violently, turned around and bowed down, wanting to do the disciple's gift.

Fu Su hurriedly took a step forward and helped him up: "It doesn't have to be like this, I don't mean to cherish myself, Master wants to hear it, so I just tell Master to listen to it!"

Facing a pair of eyes full of thirst for knowledge, Fusu pondered for a while and said: "I have a suggestion, first promote it within the scope of Xianyang City, and then slowly promote it to the whole world."

"The specific implementation details are, first of all, before the midwives and doctors enter the delivery room, they need to clean their hands repeatedly with soap, and then put on a clean mask."

"Secondly, all the sackcloth, scissors and other instruments used in delivery must be boiled in boiling water for a while to remove as much stains as possible."

"Finally, all townships are ordered to register the midwives in their jurisdictions, and then hire experienced people with high salaries to teach on-site. This fee will be allocated by the Shaofu!"

This kind of large-scale people's livelihood project is naturally taken from the people and used for the people, and it can also gain a wave of reputation for loving the people like a child.

As long as the area is large enough, there is no need to worry that experienced midwives will not teach others with all their heart.

When this policy is promoted for a period of time, a group of experienced "obstetricians and gynecologists" can be trained. At that time, his two pregnant women can also be properly cared for.

The contemporary Bian Que touched the bronze human head and bird body adornment around his waist, full of reluctance in his heart.

He had already heard from Gongzi Yan that Fusu was ordering someone to recreate the Juzi Order, and also received the Chengying Sword, which symbolized the leader of the farm family.

Hey, he didn't escape after all... Contemporary Bian Que was silent for a long time.

After a while, looking at the present-day Bian Que, no, Qi Heng's slightly desolate back, Fu Su handed the human head and bird body pendant to the servant behind him, and told him to put it away carefully.

This wave, this wave is to pay attention to learning everywhere!

 ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'chen111', 'The Boss' Master', 'This world is true', 'Kouhuahukou', 'Misty Village', 'Book Friends 2019...9355'!

  (*  ̄︶ ̄)
(End of this chapter)

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