Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 245 Ying Yinman: In short, I regret it very much!

Chapter 245 Ying Yinman: In short, I regret it very much!
South of the Wei River, Zhangtai Palace.

Before dawn, the noble ladies who came from all over Xianyang City to participate in the silkworm kissing ceremony were already waiting in line outside the palace gate.

Waiting with the noble ladies were the six female officials of Shang Gong, Shang Yi, Shang Fu, Shang Shi, Shang Sleeping, and Shang Gong, as well as a thousand guards of the palace gate, and a full set of ceremonial guards.

In a bedroom in Zhangtai Palace, Tian Ji, who got up two hours earlier to take a shower and change clothes, was leaning on the bed. Beside her were Ying Yinman and Qi Ruier who were also nervous, waiting for her. The arrival of the auspicious time calculated by Taibu Ling.

As of today, they have fasted for five full days.

Among them, the first three days are called Sanzhai, which is held in Lanchi Palace, and the last two days are called Zhizhai, which needs to be held in the main hall of Zhangtai Palace.

The fasting during this period is mainly to bathe and change clothes every day, not to drink alcohol, not to eat meat, not only scallion and ginger and other pungent food, but as for meat, you should eat as you please.

The so-called not eating after noon refers to the main meal, and snacks such as snacks are not restricted.

Just when the bored Tian Ji was trying to destroy the second plate of preserved fruit, Lady Shangyi stood outside the palace gate and shouted loudly: "The auspicious time has come!"

In a short time, the six female officials walked in one by one, checked the clothes of Tian Ji, Qi Rui'er and others again, surrounded them and walked out.

Waiting outside the gate of the palace is a four-wheeled carriage specially built by Jiang Zuo Shaofu. It is luxuriously decorated, inlaid with gold and jade, and a series of leaf springs are installed under the carriage, so that even when passing through ditches, there will be no trouble. Too big a bump.

After a while, the convoy arrived at the silkworm altar where the Xiling family was worshipped, that is, Leizu's ancestor.

Under the guidance of the officer of ceremonies, the guards of the palace gate collectively turned back, strung their crossbows, drew their swords out of their sheaths, and blocked the entire Xiancan altar.

At this time, the noble ladies got off their respective carriages, and stood in front of the four-wheeled carriages one by one according to the title and salary of their men.

The six female officials stood apart in two rows, among them Shang Yicheng stepped out of the queue and shouted loudly: "Madam Tian, ​​Meiren Qi, and Princess Yunyang please get off the bus!"

Accompanied by this shout, the door slowly opened, Tian Ji stepped out of the car slowly stepping on a small stool, while the noble ladies lined up in front of the carriage bowed their backs like the wind blowing wheat waves, bowing their heads in salute.

Tian Ji held up a vixen's face, full of pride in her heart.

A year ago, she was just Mr. Qin's concubine, these noble ladies walked by her without even looking at her, but now?

No matter how tall she is, in front of Mrs. Ben, only her head can be exposed... With the support of two court ladies, Tian Ji went to rest under the dome east of Xiancan Altar.

"Sister Tian Ji, watch your way!" Ying Yinman, who was walking behind Tian Ji, complained in a low voice.

"Hmph!" Tian Ji still kept her head held high.

Inside the dome, there are squats, screens, tables, and incense burners. What caught Tian Ji and the others’ eyes was glass jars sealed with corks, and those soaked in sugar water were put in while they were fresh. Tangerine.

"The stingy brother of the emperor is finally generous!" Ying Yinman cheered, and rushed forward regardless of etiquette.

Canned sugar water in this era is undoubtedly a luxury among luxury goods!
"Heh, don't think I don't know, you've been stealing canned oranges from your emperor's brother!" Tian Ji sat cross-legged on the bench, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

A moment later, when Ying Yinman finished half a bottle of canned oranges in the Qionglu, there were three sounds similar to beating wooden fish in the distance.

In a short time, the sound of bells and chimes resonating and yu and sheng playing in unison sounded.

"Don't eat it, wipe your mouth quickly!" Qi Rui'er took out a handkerchief and handed it over: "This is the music of "Yonghe" specially for the silkworm ceremony, and the etiquette is about to begin!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the music officer standing by the silkworm altar raising the big flag in his hand, and the actors began to sing in unison:
"Fang Chun opened the preface, and the Shaoyuan was smooth and peaceful. Only Shen Guangyou, the spirit, showed the magic."

"Qi will meet Zhou Tianyu, in the midst of the algae. The concubine celebrates the festival, and lays down the curtain palace."

Amidst the singing, the female officials of Shangyi walked outside the vault with offerings in their hands, quietly waiting for the singing to stop.

After the music of "Yonghe" was played three times, the sound of Jiajia [jiá yǔ] sounded, signaling the end of the music.

Tian Ji crossed her hands in front of her body, stared forward, and paused step by step. On both sides behind her, Qi Rui'er and Ying Yinman followed her step by step.

At this time, the sound of Yayue sounded again, this time the sound was called "Zhenghe".

Under the leadership of Tian Ji, the ladies boarded the altar of silkworms and worshiped the wooden sign with Leizu's name on it.

I saw Tian Ji took a step to the side, bowed to salute, and the task of leading the ladies to bow was given to Ying Yinman and Qi Rui'er.

After the prostration was over, Tian Ji took a piece of white silk from Lady Shangyi, carefully packed it in a wooden box, and respectfully placed it in front of the altar.

The box is named 篚 [fěi], and the silk is called coins, and it is the most important tribute in silkworm ceremonies.

At this time, the sound of Yayue changed again, and changed to a magnificent and deep piece of music called "Su He".

In the sound of the music, Tian Ji led the ladies down the silkworm altar, and a group of female historians held pottery tall trays called 'beans', which contained the blood of cattle and sheep slaughtered in the morning .

This is 'blood food'.

The stewardess made all kinds of dishes and fruits for offerings to the female history, and arranged them in order from east to west.

At this time, the musicians changed to "Yonghe" music, which is a song for worshiping gods.

Tian Ji was led by the Shang Palace to the southeast corner of Xiancan Altar, where there were two copper basins called 罍 (léi), which were specially used for nobles to wash their hands during sacrifices.

After all, it was time for them to arrange food for Leizu themselves.

In a short time, the female officer Shangyi picked up the jar and dumped it, and the female officer Shangfu came over, dried Tian Ji's hands, and took out the wine cup and the copper plate from another basket.

When Tian Ji takes the ladies to the altar again, the musicians will change to "Shouhe".

Shang Yi poured a jug full into the bottle, and Ying Yinman held it with both hands, and offered it to Leizu in front of the throne. At this time, the sound of the music paused, and the female official of Shang Palace read out the congratulatory speech loudly:
"In the first year of Qin II, in the first year of Jichun, the wife Tian, ​​the beauty Qi, and the princess Yunyang dared to announce to the Xiancan family: "Only the gods prospered silkworm weaving, and made great contributions to Guizhou and Li. I chose a good time and obeyed the order. Dian, I would like to use the coins to sacrifice the fast, to prosper the common goods, and to recommend them to the gods. Enjoy!"

After Shang Gong finished speaking, Ying Yinman picked up the second wine and drank it in one gulp...

Although this is a sacrifice to the gods, in a sense, it is a treat. If the 'host' does not drink, the gods being entertained are obviously too embarrassed to drink it.

No wonder the emperor’s brother was willing to give up the canned oranges, and he regretted it, in short, he regretted it very much... Ying Yinman dazedly took the three animal gizzards and various sacrifices handed over by the female officer, bowed three times and kowtowed nine times and placed them in Lei Zu in front of the wooden sign.

Your Majesty is very kind, and I will repay His Majesty in the future... Tian Ji let out a sigh of relief.

 ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Killing Eros JL', 'Ding Mao Nian Xuyue Eight Coins', 'Book Friends 2020...5906', 'I Can See Six Babies'!

(End of this chapter)

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