Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 246 Zhao Ji's Question

Chapter 246 Zhao Ji's Question

Yunyang County, Lin Guang Palace.

It is located in the upper reaches of the Jingshui River, and it was built by successive Qin emperors as a "summer resort".

Because it is on Ganquan Mountain, it was also called Ganquan Palace in the Han Dynasty. Its status was second only to the capital Chang'an, and it was the frontline headquarters of the Han emperors against the Huns.

When the sun was high, Zhao Ji woke up faintly, sat up slowly, and stretched her waist lazily.

It was almost summer now, and she was wearing an almost transparent gauze dress. When her arms were raised, her chest was exquisitely curvy, but her grasp was nothing compared to the talented Tian Ji. hurt story...

Vaguely, Zhao Ji seemed to feel a trace of killing intent, so she turned her head and looked at Fusu beside her, and couldn't help but chuckled.

"It's hard to embarrass Your Majesty..." She covered her eyes, but her crooked almond eyes were full of complacency.

What the hell... Fu Su frowned slightly, followed her gaze, and suddenly realized.

"Sweep Disney!" Fu Su smiled in agreement, without further explanation.

"Otherwise, I'm a concubine..." Zhao Ji squirmed suddenly, her mouth was slightly opened, and a small hand with flawless white jade was about to move.

"Your Majesty despises concubines, err..." Zhao Ji turned her head and pretended to sob.

Hey, since she became pregnant, she has become more and more confident, and her nature has been exposed. No wonder she and Tian Ji became good friends!People flock together, things are divided into groups, the ancients never deceived me...Fu Su said with a wry smile:

"Aren't you going to follow me to see the hydraulic spinning wheel? If you don't get up again, I will go by myself!"

Zhao Ji was no stranger to Fusu's behavior as a straight man, so she boldly pinched Fusu, moved off the bed, and began to bathe and change clothes.


Outside the textile workshop, Meng Ying was wearing iron armor, with a slightly curved long knife on her waist. This was the symbol of the Qimen Army, and it was an imitation of Fusu's imperial forest saber.

"Quick, quick! Guard the roads everywhere, within a radius of five miles, not a single fly can fly in!"

He yelled loudly, and teams of gate guards led soldiers in armor and armed with strong crossbows and spears scattered around, tightly controlling the main roads from Lin Guang Palace to here.

When the golden root car with the Sanchen flag came from a distance, there was already a post every five steps and a sentry post every ten steps outside the textile workshop.

The enemy is in the dark, but he is in the light, no matter how cautious you are, you can't be too careful!

Fusu, who was dressed in black clothes, stepped down from the carriage, stretched out his hand, and held Zhao Ji's catkin to help her off the carriage.

Zhao Ji smiled sweetly, Xing's eyes were full of joy.

Because the place she was going to come to today was special, she didn't wear gold and jade, but a moon-white palace skirt and an ebony hairpin on her head.

But such a simple and elegant dress made her look even more slender with slender shoulders and a thin waist, her figure was as slender as a crescent moon, and her temperament was crystal clear, gentle and clean like a jade slip.

If Tian Ji dressed up is like a rich and noble peony in full bloom, then Zhao Ji at this moment is a fresh, meaningful, white and beautiful lily of the valley.

In future generations, if he can take such a fairy-like beauty to the skewers, he must have a lot of face... Fu Su led Zhao Ji to the textile workshop.

"Oh! It smells so bad!" Zhao Ji stretched out her hands and pinched her nose, staring at the mountain of sacks full of wool piled up under the shed.

"Untreated wool, of course it has a smell!" Fusu smiled, took out a scented mask from his sleeve, and handed it over.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Zhao Ji took it and put it on, her bright almond eyes bent into two crescents.

Well, this is not only for you to cover up your smell, but also to prevent you from inhaling the fine hairs into your lungs, just like I forbid you, Ji You, to pet your dog and cat... Fu Su returned a gentle smile and continued to lead her inward go.

The first thing that catches the eye in the workshop is a pool made of cement. On an elevated canal in the distance, water lifted by a waterwheel is poured into it continuously.

Two concubines with big arms and round waists lifted a bulging sack and poured the wool into the pool, while the other two concubines lifted the wool with a wooden fork, and washed away the grass stalks and soil with running water repeatedly.

After a while, the wool that had returned to its original color was fished out and thrown into a wooden basin filled with hot water. Several concubines held a bag of white powder in their hands, dug a little with a wooden spoon, poured it into the hot water, and began to repeat the process. Rub the wool.

"Your Majesty, what are they doing here? Is that wool? Why do you wash it in hot water? What are those white ones?"

Zhao One Hundred Thousand Whys Ji frowned, holding Fusu's arm, trying to let Fusu feel her heartbeat through her not-so-great chest.

Well, the softness is moderate, cool... Fusu turned his head and smiled slightly: "This is washing wool, those white ones are earth alkali extracted from alkaline earth, which is used to wash off the grease on wool, um, It's the smell of mutton that you don't like..."

After finishing speaking, he sighed slightly. The oil on wool is also called lanolin, which is a highly valuable secreted oil. Not only can it be used as cosmetics, but it can also be distributed to soldiers stationed in the north and northwest to apply on their faces. , resist the severe cold and dryness of winter.

It's a pity that with the existing means, lanolin cannot be extracted from the waste water, and we can only watch this huge fortune being washed away by the current...

Fu Grande Su sighed heavily, making Zhao Ji a little puzzled, wondering if she had done something wrong to make Fu Su unhappy?

"Oh, Your Majesty, our emperor has kicked his concubine..." Zhao Ji called out in a pretentious manner.

What a fart, how could a fetus of two or three months come to kick someone... Fusu smiled helplessly: "I'm thinking about state affairs, don't worry too much."

Zhao Ji pretended to be stupid and smiled blankly: "Your Majesty, what do you need so much wool for? Could it be stuffed into autumn clothes to resist the severe cold?"

My wife is awesome... Fusu nodded: "You are half right, wool is used to resist the severe cold, but it is not stuffed into autumn clothes, but used for weaving, weaving into balls like silk threads, and then Made into clothes!"

"So washing wool with alkali is the key point. After all, if there is lanolin on the wool, the smell can only be tolerated by barbarians!"

ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Mr Heng' and 'Slowly and slowly'! (*^▽^*)
(End of this chapter)

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