Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 247 Your Majesty, so fast!

Chapter 247 Your Majesty, so fast!

"Hee hee!" Zhao Ji chuckled, and her two round almond eyes curved into a crescent shape again.

When Fusu shared the bed with her during this time, she would often tell her some bedtime stories. The protagonist of the story is usually a witty and brave Qin people, while the villain is a stupid and reckless Hun, Donghu Humanize barbarians.

Zhao Ji laughed twice, then froze for a moment, she found a strange thing, that is, except for the guards stationed outside the door, the entire textile workshop was full of women, not a single man.

This is a bit abnormal. Even in the east and west weaving workshops of Shaofu, there are a large number of men involved in weaving, especially many people who have been tortured in the hidden palace. It is said that Zhao Gao is not only proficient in Qin law, but also good at weaving. .

"Your Majesty, why is there no man here?" Zhao Ji kept turning her head, trying to find the answer.

"Huh?" Fu Su hesitated for a moment, then nodded secretly in his heart, Zhao Ji has been living in the deep palace for the past six months, so he didn't know about his banning female concubine.

"These people are the concubines of women from all over the world. I selected some of them who were physically damaged and placed them here so that they can support themselves with their own hands!"

Fu Su let out a long sigh and said: "These concubines lost their qualifications to be mothers because of frequent abortions... As for those lucky ones, I sent them to Jincheng County and Beidi County, and allocated them to those Qin people who migrated there. .”

Zhao Ji sighed in a low voice. When she lived in the son's mansion, she had heard people mention that most of the abortion methods for female concubines were to beat the lower abdomen hard, which was simple and rude.

Thinking of this, she raised her bright eyes and stared at Fusu: "Your Majesty is so kind-hearted, you are worthy of being the benevolent king known as Qilinzi!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Ji hummed softly: "Linzhitoe, Mr. Zhenzhen, Yu Qilinxi..."

Fusu lowered his head and smiled, and patted her little hand that was embracing his arm: "Don't think that patting my horse can escape the family law after a failed bet!"

Zhao Ji lightly pinched Fusu, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, don't be too sure, it's still unknown who will win!"

Oh, the dead duck has a hard mouth... Fusu cast a sideways glance at her, led her around the wool-washing pool, and continued walking into the workshop.

After walking for a while, Zhao Ji exhaled softly: "Huh? Why is there still a farmland in the workshop?"

She stretched out her hand and pointed to the lush and well-growing wheat field beside the canal in the distance: "Is this the nature of the people of Qin that His Majesty said?"

Fusu nodded slightly and said: "Food is the most important thing for the people! Besides, in order to obtain a stable water flow as the power of the spinning wheel, it is necessary to build ponds and canals first. In this way, the original dry fields will become irrigated fields. Such a good land would be a waste if not planted with food!"

His Majesty the Emperor is a farming maniac, what should I do, hurry up, wait online...Zhao Ji raised her head, and stared at Fusu with watery almond eyes: "Your Majesty, you said that farming is a physical labor. Are these concubines okay?"

Fusu said with a smile: "They can't grow, so the Shaofu can come forward and rent out the land to Guishou who has little land, and then just collect the rent for each mu of land. In addition, when there are more people, the farmyard manure produced every day will also be more. The income from fertilizers, as well as the income from renting land, can almost solve the ration problem of these concubines!"

Zhao Ji wrinkled her small nose under the mask: "Your Majesty is really a little expert who is careful and thrifty in managing the house?"

Fusu glared at her, pretended to be angry and said, "Slandering the king, what crime should I have?"

Zhao Ji squinted her eyes and said, "Punish one incense kiss!"

Fu Su chuckled, but did not answer, while Zhao Ji restrained her mind slightly, and stayed away from the majestic and majestic palace, which made her a little presumptuous. She reminded herself in her heart that being with you is like being with a tiger!

After about half a quarter of an hour, they came to a house next to the canal. Half of the house was suspended over the canal, and it looked a bit like a water mill, but this house was much larger than ordinary mills.

"This is the spinning workshop." Fusu pointed to the plaque on the door and said, taking out another mask from his sleeve pocket and putting it on.

"Workshop?" Zhao Ji blinked and repeated this extremely novel term.

Fusu didn't explain, but led Zhao Ji into the spinning workshop under the leadership of two female workers.

After entering, I saw a machine made of iron and wood in the middle of the room. There were two huge wheels on both sides of the machine. Belts were wrapped around the wheels, and there were hundreds of one-foot-long spindles on the brackets.

On the other side of the machine, there stood a row of concubines who looked very stiff, and although their clothes were old, they were very clean.

When they stared at Fusu, their eye sockets were slightly red, and a thin layer of water mist faintly appeared in their dull eyes.

In their hearts, this man is not only the emperor of the empire, the ruler of the people, but also the god who gave them a second life!

"Meet Your Majesty!"

The concubines shouted with trembling voices, then knelt down on their knees and paid respects.

"Get up." Fusu nodded slightly, then turned to look at the female worker standing beside her, "It's time to start."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The engineer in charge responded, and went to the window to pull a pry bar.


There was a crisp sound outside the house, and then Zhao Ji felt a slight vibration coming from under her feet. The two gears on the machinery in the house began to rotate slowly, and the spindles on the platform also started to rotate driven by the transmission belt. , it's just that the speed of these spindles is much faster than that of the wheels.

Seeing this, Zhao Ji sighed in her heart, it seems that the family law cannot be avoided...

However, I like it, let the family law be more violent... Zhao Ji took Fusu's arm and stared at everything in front of her.

At this time, the dozen or so concubines picked up a basket of wool treated with a foot-operated carding machine, picked up a ball and lightly rolled it on the spindle, and the high-speed rotating spindle opened a large invisible mouth. The wool fibers are sucked in and form a thin, tough thread that is wound around the spindle.

Zhao Ji opened her sandalwood mouth slightly, and her almond eyes became more and more round. As a woman who likes to raise silkworms and reel silk, although she was mentally prepared for the speed of the hydraulic spinning machine, she did not expect...

"Your Majesty, so fast!"

I don't like to hear what you say... Fusu glanced at her sideways, sighed heavily and said, "Slow has slow worries, but fast has quick troubles!"

"Where did your Majesty start?" Zhao Ji frowned slightly: "If you have this thing, you are better than dozens of Weaver Girls. Why worry that the world has no clothes to wear?"

ps: Thanks to 'Eyue Observer' for the monthly pass and reward! Thanks(ω)

(End of this chapter)

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