Chapter 248 Sweater
"You really think so?" Fu Su turned his head slightly, staring into Zhao Ji's eyes.

"Well, that's it!" Zhao Ji said weakly: "Didn't your majesty say that the efficiency of spinning yarn can be improved, and more cloth can be woven, and then there will be more cloth in the market, and the price of cloth will be reduced." will come down, and then more people will be able to afford cloth..."

She looked at Fusu with something wrong, so her voice became smaller and smaller.

Fusu nodded slightly, comforted his timid and cautious young woman, and then sighed in his heart, if the person who accompanied him here today was a mother who came from Pei County and gave birth to two children, maybe she would Understand why you sigh in seconds.

Well, I really have the talents of Wei Wu... A slight smile appeared on Fusu's face, but it disappeared immediately.

He led Zhao Ji out of the textile workshop. After all, during the spinning process, tiny wool fibers would fly into the sky with the operation of the machine, so the female textile workers here also wore masks.

Standing outside the house, Fusu stared at the running waterwheel, and suddenly asked, "Do you know how an ordinary family of Qianshou lived under the rule of Daqin?"

Zhao Ji blinked, looked in private, and was sure that Fusu was asking her, so after thinking for a while, she said: "The concubine has never had the experience of living in Qianshou, so I have no way of knowing how they live, but the concubine Come to think of it, it’s nothing more than men plowing and women weaving.”

"It's a good saying that men farm and women weave!" Fusu nodded and smiled: "Since the reform of the Shang Dynasty, the men of the Qin people plowed the fields and guarded the borders, not only producing food, but also protecting the family and defending the country; women weaving and raising children, the former provided for the family. Clothes can also be exchanged for coins, which are used to pay taxes and subsidize the family. Men and women work together to support a small family, and then these countless small families form a great Qin Dynasty!"

"My hydraulic spinning machine can be used to spin silk and hemp thread with a little adjustment, but what you see today is actually only one-tenth of the efficiency of this machine, that is to say, if the wear and tear is not considered , the efficiency of this machine can be equal to hundreds of Weaver Girls operating hand spinning machines!"

Fusu lowered his head, looked at Zhao Ji whose eyes were still a little confused, and said:
"If this kind of spinning machine is generalized, the price of yarn can be lowered to an unimaginable low price in a short period of time, and the price of cloth will also be reduced accordingly. Furthermore, all the small workshops, as well as the Qianshou families who rely on textiles to subsidize their households, cannot make ends meet and cannot make a living!"

Zhao Ji'e frowned, shook her lips and said: "But, but the price of cloth has dropped, and many Guizhou heads who could not afford clothes before will go to buy clothes. Isn't this what His Majesty said, retaliatory consumption?" ?”

"In this way, don't those Weaver Girls have jobs again?"

It's hard for you to remember this sentence...Fu Su smiled and shook his head and said: "But it will take time, from the price of cloth in the market falling, to the time when the Guizhou heads buy cloth to make clothes, in between, for those who have lost half of their income source For the families of men farming and women weaving, the sky is falling!"

Fu Su guessed that the water-powered spinning wheel invented in Chinese history might have disappeared for this reason.

After all, for any feudal ruler, efficiency is actually not important, but stability is important, both men can farm and women can weave, and everyone has something to do, so as to avoid large-scale refugees.

And in the current state of Qin, the same is true.

If Fusu was just a private business owner, he would definitely build textile workshops in various places, seize the market at a low price, and use the money he earned to lend to self-cultivated farmers who are on the verge of bankruptcy and have no money at all, so that they can quickly and cheaply annex land , and transform the free people into vassals and their own tenant farmers, on the one hand, they can gather strength to fight against the government, and on the other hand, they can get more surplus value!
You can even take part of the benefits to cultivate forces in the court that obey your own orders, and then promote policies that are more beneficial to you. The imperial court took money to build roads for their own workshops...

"Then, why did Your Majesty make the water-powered spinning machine?" Zhao Ji tilted her head and said angrily, "It would be nice to just use the old spinning machine honestly!"

What you said sounds a bit like a feudal ruler... Fusu laughed a few times, looked at Zhao Ji's red ears from anger, and said, "It's not okay to give up eating because of choking! Now that I know the consequences, naturally It will be handled with care.”

"So the hydraulic spinning machine here is only used to process wool. This is for the long-term peace and stability of the northern and northwest borders of the empire. The wool spun can effectively improve people's livelihood!"

Well, knitting sweaters.

Today's wool is mixed, thick and thin, and its quality is not stable.

In this period, Guishou generally only had two sets of clothes.

One is a thin summer dress, and the other is an autumn dress with a layer inside.

Among them, autumn clothes are the clothes that are worn for the longest time. They can be worn in spring and autumn. In winter, they can be stuffed with straw in the interlayer to become winter clothes to keep out the cold.

This is also the reason why during this period, and even in many periods in later generations, when winter comes, people want cat winter, which is why they hide at home and do not go anywhere.

Although the house is not warm, at least I won't freeze myself to death...

Fusu looked at Zhao Ji, who was about to turn into a hundred thousand whys, and beckoned, took two sweater needles that had been prepared a long time ago from the waiter who was following him, and then took a ball of wool, and knit them skillfully. sweater.

"Your Majesty?" Zhao Ji's almond-shaped eyes were wide open. From the imprint on the mask, it could be seen that the degree of opening and closing of her mouth was exactly the shape of Fusu.

Um, it’s over the top, but it’s really nostalgic... Fusu looked at the sweater needle in his hand and remembered the sweater knitting competition held by the engineering college back then.

"Your Majesty, when did you learn how to do women's work?" Zhao Ji's face was very complicated, and her bright almond eyes blinked and blinked.

Do I have to tell you about my Tathagata palm... Fusu said with a smile, "I'm just giving you a sample so that you don't have to ask questions. Look, the sweater knitting skills I have mastered There are four weaving methods..."

Under Zhao Ji's increasingly puzzled eyes, Fusu continued to smile and said, "After the woolen thread is spun in large quantities, I will draw shadow patterns of these stitches and sell them together with the woolen thread. Wait a few months." Afterwards, the heads of Guizhou had thick sweaters on their bodies, which was conducive to constructing water conservancy projects outdoors in winter!"

Zhao Ji took the woolen yarn and looked at it repeatedly: "Then, can ordinary Qianshou families buy woolen yarn?"

(End of this chapter)

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