Chapter 249 Stability (addition on weekends)

"Well, that's a good question!" Fusu said with a warm smile on his face:
"People in other places dare not say that at least the families of soldiers who have experienced the conquest of the Qiang people and the Huns in the north can afford wool. After all, many of these wools are bought from them!"

"As for the counties around Xianyang City, since they have started to use composting method to fertilize their fields one after another, it should not be difficult to increase the yield per mu by 90% this year. At that time, I will issue an edict to implement the Ping Tiao Order, and use [-] pieces of five baht per stone The price is not limited to purchase grain, so that the trouble of overcharging three or five buckets will be avoided, and the income of farmers will increase, so they will naturally buy wool to make themselves more comfortable in winter!"

"Well, I can also ask General Zuo Shaofu to arrange the construction period in advance, so that the recruited Qianshou can use the recruitment certificate as collateral to go to the government to borrow a sum of money to buy wool, and then make money from working, and then go to pay back the debt owed to the government money!"

During this period, the state of Qin lent money to the head of Guizhou in the form of the government, which was similar to the young crop method introduced by Wang Anshi in later generations.

After the Qin Dynasty, the lenders changed from government to private, so there were almost never-ending debts such as nine times out and thirteen times back, and donkey rolling.

After all, in an agricultural society, people's income is mostly constant and limited.

The amount of loans that ordinary people need is limited. If the state takes more, the income of private lenders will be less.

And who is standing behind the private lenders, naturally those princes and nobles who have a deep interest collusion, and the scholar-bureaucrats who ruled the world with the Song Emperor!

Therefore, Wang Anshi's young crop method failed, which is also a reasonable thing.

Zhao Ji held the ball of wool that Fusu handed over to her in her hand. Amid Fusu's chatter, her thoughts gradually drifted away. She was going to take some balls of wool with her. When she returned to Xianyang, she would weave a cushion for Tian Ji...

Seeing this situation, Fusu sighed in his heart, and then said with a smile: "I have prepared a small gift for you in Lin Guang Palace, do you want to go and have a look together..."

"Gift? What gift? For me?" Zhao Jiyin revealed a bright smile on her face under the mask.

Oh, this familiar feeling of being a dog licker... Fusu didn't answer, but just led her to the golden root car.

Everything is normal here in the textile workshop, so the next step is to process the wool sent from the northern counties and counties, and then pull it to the markets in the surrounding counties of Xianyang for sale.

Of course, before that, the largest order needs to be completed first, which is the winter sweaters for the Jiuyuan Army and the Longxi Army.

After all, the construction of this workshop and part of the cost of buying wool were pre-sold by Fusu to the soldiers guarding in the bitter cold place with the emperor's credit guarantee.

So except for the box of wool that Zhao Ji took away, the rest of the wool that was spun had to be delivered to the door one by one through the postal transmission system according to the registered list.

It's time to increase the wages of the 'couriers' and introduce a new version of the KPI system... Fu Su sat on the golden root car, took out a brush, and wrote down his ideas.

On the opposite side of him, Zhao Ji is holding two thin sweater needles in her hands, and she is concentrating on knitting a sweater, but she is a little clumsy...


Lin Guang Palace, in a side hall.

When Zhao Ji saw what Fusu said was a gift for her, her moist lips opened to the maximum involuntarily.

"Your Majesty, is this your gift to my concubine?" She stammered.

"Of course, this is the first machine that I personally built!" Fusu pointed to the pedal spinning wheel in front of him and said:

"When I saw the spinning wheel used by the weaving girls in the palace that day, I had a whim, whether it is possible to add some accessories appropriately, such as pedals, spikes, cranks and other transmission parts, and use pedals to drive the rope wheel and the spinning wheel. The spindle, making a continuous circular motion."

"In this way, the Weaver Girls' right hand used to shake the spinning wheel can be freed, and they can concentrate on spinning or weaving with both hands!"

Fusu said enthusiastically: "I had someone try it out. Using this pedal spinning wheel can solve the problem better. The silk flocs are easy to kink with each other during spinning, and it is easy to cause the defect of uneven yarn thickness!"

"And more importantly, this spinning car can be equipped with three spindles at a time, which triples the efficiency of spinning hemp yarn..."

This small improvement will not have an impact on the existing handicraft spinning, but only slightly improves the production efficiency.

After all, the hydraulic spinning wheel relies on water power. If the water does not stop, the machine will not stop. Under the assembly line shift production, the raw materials will continue to flow, and the finished products will also continue to flow.

The pedal spinning wheel still relies on manpower, and manpower is sometimes poor, and naturally it can't do it when it's boring.

Just like the straight shaft plow is improved into a curved shaft plow, the work that was originally completed in three hours can be completed in only two hours, and the saved one hour, whether it is going outside to cut pigweed or do some Other things can effectively increase family income.

Governing a large country is like cooking small fish, and so is the improvement of productivity, step by step.

After all, it's easy to talk nonsense if you take a big step...

In the side hall, in stark contrast to Fusu's elation, was Zhao Ji's face full of tears.

She likes the handmade spinning wheel that Fusu gave her, but...

Although she likes to raise silkworms, reel silk, spin yarn and weave cloth.

But it is obvious that she mainly enjoys the fun of playing a business-like simulation game, and occasionally operates it herself, just to pass the time.

After all, she hugged Fusu's thigh and stood on the top floor of the empire, reaching out for clothes and opening her mouth for food, which was her real daily life.

"I have ordered people to spread the drawing of the new spinning wheel to all the counties. With the detailed drawings, even a carpenter can copy it..." Fusu pretended not to notice Zhao Ji's pursed lips, and took out from under the spinning wheel A sandalwood box.

"Look, this is the gift I gave you!" Fusu opened it with a smile, revealing a beautifully crafted pearl necklace inside.

"It's so beautiful!" Zhao Ji's face quickly turned from cloudy to sunny. Even though her material desires are not strong, she still has no resistance to such sparkling things.

"This is a special product that Ziying brought back from Nanhai County. It is said that he got it from the Yue people in Guilin County. I picked some evenly sized beads, just enough to make such a necklace..."

Fusu took the necklace from Zhao Ji, walked around behind her, put it on for her, and said: "I understand, you came to Lin Guang Palace to accompany me today to avoid the silkworm ceremony, and to express that you don't want to be with Tian Ji. The idea of ​​fighting..."

Vaguely, he heard a few small sobs.

Women are really troublesome, especially pregnant women, it's even more troublesome to open the door for trouble, it's so troublesome... Fusu complained in his heart, but still stretched out his arms to embrace Zhao Ji, and comforted him in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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