Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 250 What Should I Do When I Run Out of Food?

Chapter 250 What Should I Do When I Run Out of Food?
Yichun Court.

Ying Yinman lifted the silk quilt from her body and sat up angrily from the bed.

“Mosquitoes are so annoying!”

She gently scratched the mosquito bag on her arm, and then looked to the other side, where Qi Rui'er curled up into a sleeping sound.

"Oh..." Ying Yinman stuck out her tongue, returned the quilt she snatched from Qi Rui'er, and continued puffing her cheeks in anger.

"She didn't even cover her with a quilt, but the mosquitoes still just stared at me and bit me... I hate it!"

It is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality, she looked at the closed Yichun Garden, and she missed the life in Lanchi Palace more and more.

Glass windows, mosquito nets and incense, so that the mosquitoes will not bite the seven stars on the arm...

When she thought that she would have to go through another round of mulberry picking before the silkworm kissing ceremony could end, her face immediately collapsed.

After Ying Yinman returned the quilt, Qi Rui'er subconsciously wrapped herself into a rice dumpling, then turned over, her frowning gradually eased.

"Ah, looking at it from this angle, Qi Ruier's is so beautiful, her mouth is so beautiful, I really want to take a bite!"

Ying Yinman leaned towards Qi Rui'er unconsciously, and slowly opened her mouth wide, at this moment, Qi Rui'er opened her eyes.

"Ah!" "Ah!"


South County, Jiangling County.

The spring breeze is blowing, and the drizzle is continuous.

A young man in a coir raincoat and a garb on his head walked in from outside the county mansion. Two officials who had been waiting at the door hurried forward and changed him into dry black official uniforms.

This person is none other than Xiong Que, the newly-appointed magistrate of Nanjun County.

After Xiong Que nodded his thanks to the two minor officials, he took a breath and asked, "Has the county guard woke up?"

A small official clapped his hands and replied: "The sheriff got up an hour ago, he punched, and started working in the back hall after breakfast!"

Xiong Que sighed solemnly: "Mong County Governor is diligent in state affairs, he is really a role model for my generation!"

After speaking, he took off his muddy boots, put on a pair of clean clogs, and walked quickly all the way to the back hall.

"Bah, sycophant!" Looking at Xiong Que's back, a petty official picked up the boots he had taken off, and cursed softly after spitting.

"Why, do you feel dissatisfied seeing your brothers from the same clan suddenly ascend to the high position?" The little official who answered Xiong Que's question before chuckled.


The back hall of the county mansion.

Meng Yi stood in front of the table with a smile on his lips, holding a brush in his hand to carefully outline something.

He raised his head inadvertently and saw Xiong Que striding towards him, so he quickly pulled the silk cloth over and covered the things on the table.

The entourage outside the door walked in: "Your Majesty, Cheng Xiong is asking to see you."

This is an attendant who has been with Meng Yi for many years, so he has been using the title he used when he was an official next to the first emperor.

After a while, Xiong Que took off his clogs and walked in from the door.

"Meet the Sheriff!"

"You are not directing the construction of drainage ditches by the edge of Yunmengze, what are you doing here?"

Xiong Que raised his head, glanced at the table in front of Meng Yi, and couldn't help but call out in his heart, "Good guy, I started drawing this kind of picture early in the morning, and Meng County Sheriff can bear it, ah bah, real celebrities are so romantic!"
Although he complained in his heart, he said without changing his face: "If you go back to the county guard, there will be no enough food on the construction site!"

"Huh?" Meng Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that he had sold a large amount of grain stored in the treasury in order to implement the flat sale order.

"There is not enough food to eat, so is the wages enough?"

Xiong Que nodded and said, "There is more money. The batch of five baht coins shipped from Xianyang earlier is enough to pay the Guizhou chiefs another three months' wages!"

Since they took office, they immediately registered the half taels of money in the treasury, melted them into copper ingots, and sent them to Xianyang, and then distributed the five baht coins as wages to promote the new money.

For Qianshou, the government only charged five baht for buying salt, grain, and paying taxes, so they were not against the new money.

But the most important point is that the exchange of new money and old money is calculated according to weight. At least on the bright side, it is the government that suffers...

So if you have an advantage, don't take advantage of the bastard!

This has led to at least in Nanjun, the promotion of five baht coins is smoother than in Guanzhong.

Meng Yi thought for a while: "That's good, I'll figure out a solution for the food problem."

Due to historical reasons, many water conservancy projects in the Chu state have been in disrepair. This has led to the abandonment of many reclaimed land. After all, there is abundant rainfall here. If the accumulated water cannot be removed in time, even the rice will be drowned.

Because of this, the daily life of many people in the head of Guizhou depends on mediocre farming for those old nobles with the surname Qu Jingzhao who occupy a large amount of land.

Since Meng Yi sacrificed to Qu Yuan, he began to recruit the landless head of Guizhou in South County to rebuild the water conservancy project, excavate mulberry fish ponds, and expand the area of ​​cultivated land according to the method discussed with Fusu that day.

But this caused the problem Xiong Que mentioned. In this lean season, according to the current consumption rate of the government's grain stocks, the grain stocks would be eaten up before the summer grains were harvested.

Xiong Que asked curiously: "Could it be that the county guard is going to go to Shu Majesty to transfer grain from Xianyang?"

Meng Yi shook his head, and said with a mysterious face: "In the words of His Majesty, at this time of year, the landlord's family has no food left!"

Xiong Que frowned slightly: "So, what about the food on the construction site? Why don't we stop the construction for now?"

"The rainy season will soon enter, and the project of digging ditches cannot be stopped for a moment!" Meng Yi said with a smile:
"Although there is no grain in the official granary, the granary is overflowing in the homes of those big dogs and local wealthy families. If you just take out some, it will be enough for the heads of Guizhou on the construction site to eat summer grain and harvest!"

I heard, you said you are a big dog, right...Xiong Que nodded his head and agreed with Meng Yi's statement: "The county guard has a high opinion, why don't we send troops from Guanzhong to collect the debts owed by the local wealthy families over the years?" Tax it!"

Meng Yi blinked: "Xiong Juncheng is preparing to kill relatives righteously!"

Xiong Que clasped his fists and said: "Everything is the most important thing in the Great Qin, and a few relatives are nothing! As long as the county guard gives an order, I am willing to personally carry out the matter!"

He is a shabby household who makes a living from mediocrity, so he doesn't care about the life and death of those guys who are eating and drinking!

Meng Yi shook his head unobtrusively, and said with a smile: "Things haven't developed to the point where swordsmen meet."

"The State of Qin has set up counties and counties in Nanjun for many years, but in many places, there is no delineation of civil registration and household registration. Every time it raises troops to take over, it always provokes civil uprisings."

"Your Majesty once said that if people from far away are not convinced, they will cultivate literature and virtue. So when I left Xianyang that day, Your Majesty once said that to govern Nanjun, you need to combine strength and softness, and you must not blindly kill."

Xiong Que cupped his hands and bowed: "I would like to be taught! But I don't know what the sheriff wants to do?"

Meng Yi said with a smile: "Like the past Qin lords, at this time of crisis, call on the local big households to pay more food in exchange for the corresponding military merits!"

(End of this chapter)

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