Chapter 251 Hunter
Hearing Meng Yi's words, Xiong Que heard a roar in his ears, and his heart was full of thoughts.

To be honored by those rich and powerful families?

Don't the county guards know that they are the root cause of the turmoil in Nanjun?If they are allowed to master the military merit, the consequences will be disastrous!
The sheriff and I must have gone crazy!

Xiong Que opened and closed his mouth a few times, and finally asked, "Can the sheriff tell your subordinates how you made such a decision?"

Meng Yi closed his eyes slightly and said: "Since the battle of Yanying and Badong in Nanjun, the land has been barren and water conservancy has been in disrepair. The men do not have enough food to farm and the women do not have enough clothes to spin."

"This county guard is here to change this situation! And those rich and powerful families are also people under our Daqin rule. Naturally, they should contribute to the governance of Nanjun!"

Xiong Que cupped his hands and asked, "I don't know how the county guard wants to implement the new law?"

Meng Yi stretched out two fingers: "The first-level title of Babaishi Grain, the highest is the eighth-level public vehicle, which is the highest level of private title."

Xiong Que thought about it in his mind. When he was in Xianyang City, he had heard people say that the Duke of the People's Republic of China is no more than a public servant.

In other words, for ordinary Qianshou, the Duke of Gongcheng is their highest point. After all, the five nobles of the ninth level, in addition to the fields and houses, also have food towns, which are equivalent to the "shangdafu" in the Spring and Autumn Period. And the one that goes up is the level of "Qing" in Shiqing Shilu.

However, the phenomenon that the title of public ride is nothing is for Xianyang City.

After all, as the imperial capital of the Qin Kingdom, there are as many doctors as dogs, public rides are everywhere, and a snot-faced doll walks by the side of the road, wearing the double-board long crown exclusive to the nobles!

Xiong Que remonstrated: "Will the county guard be impeached by others for this move? Besides, if you just pay more food, you can be promoted to the public. Isn't it too much?"

What he didn't say clearly was that although he was the county magistrate and the second person in the Nanjun civil servant sequence, his title was only the sixth rank official.

And Meng Yi on the opposite side, although the official residence of the county guard of two thousand shi, his title is only the tenth rank Zuo Shuzhang.

Meng Yi said with a smile: "No, the system of asking others to pay more food and then receive titles was established when Shang Yang was still alive. If anyone is dissatisfied, let him confront Shang Yang!"

"Besides, I didn't make this decision with a slap in the head, but I already discussed it with His Majesty when I was still in Xianyang City!"

" come here!" Meng Yi beckoned with a mysterious face, and when Xiong Que came to his side, he whispered: "Actually, this is His Majesty's arrangement, I just followed it. If anyone sues me to His Majesty, hehe..."

The hearts of your famous families are really dirty... Xiong Que complained in his heart, but he still put on an expression of the sheriff's greatness on his face.

As a middle-aged fox in the Xianyang officialdom, Meng Yi saw his inner thoughts from Xiong Que's face, so he laughed in his heart, "Young people are still young", and continued:
"And calling on them to 'worship millet' is not only used to alleviate the problem of food shortage on the construction site, but also to give them a chance to cleanse themselves, so that they can re-establish their civil registration registers and sort out the number of acres. .”

The corners of Meng Yi's mouth raised slightly, although he was smiling, but he looked murderous: "At that time, whoever resists the government will know the law and break the law, and the crime will be aggravated!"

Xiong Que nodded frequently. What Meng Yi did was actually to make a deal with the big families in Nanjun.

While exchanging an empty title for food, it also indirectly allowed the nobles of the three surnames who owned a large number of acres to legalize the illegally occupied acres under their own names.

Anyone with a bit of a brain would understand that Qin Ting was unable to take action in the previous indulgence, but now Lang Zhongling, one of the Nine Ministers, parachuted to Nanjun as the county guard, which represented Qin Ting's determination to reorganize the order in Nanjun.

And Nanjun is very close to the base camp of the Qin people. The powerful Chu State in the past has never beaten the Qin people, and the parasites of the three surnames Qu Jingzhao who are still alive today are not worth mentioning!

Xiong Que immediately thought that the aristocrats of the three surnames had Gao Jue, so they must seek high officials, and when the time comes...

He raised his head, glanced secretly at Meng Yi where the old god was there, and then felt relieved.

With such a filthy sheriff, those three idiots will definitely be played to death!

Just like when he married his wife not long ago.

When the little daughter-in-law gets out of the carriage, enters the new house, and is stripped into a white sheep, isn't that lying down, lying down, sticking up, sitting, and doing whatever she wants!


Jincheng County.

In the southwest of Dingqiang County, there is a tall and majestic mountain. At the foot of the mountain is an endless wilderness, with gentle slopes extending upwards, and endless thatch covered the sky.

When you reach the mountainside, it is suddenly steep, and the strange peaks protrude, like a series of castles, like ancient towers standing still, the creator's great work is dizzying.

Large areas of unique flowers and trees on the plateau decorate the mountain in colorful and picturesque.

The mountain was named Bison Mountain because Zhang Han, the guardian of Qiang, led people to hunt many wild yaks here.

At this moment, in the bushes and grass in the mountains, countless pheasants and pheasants are singing to their heart's content, one after another, their sounds are like bursts of heavenly music, which makes people ecstatic.

However, Shentu Jia, who was carrying a hunting bow and quickly walked through it, didn't care about admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him. He concentrated on searching for all the clues on the road.

He is not here to hunt, but to catch thieves!
To be precise, to catch a barbarian dog thief trying to steal his sheep!
A few days ago, he and his fellow villagers arrived in Dingqiang County, but because the house had not been built yet, everyone could only temporarily live in the tents provided by the Longxi Army, or snatched from the Qiang people.

Unlike other fellow villagers who eagerly desire to breed offspring, although Shen Tujia also applied for a "small loan" from the county government, what he bought was a black and white Qiang sheep.

First have the ability to support the family, and then consider starting a family...

These were the last words Shen Tujia's Orion father left to him when he was dying.

So, sheep thief, this is your way of death!
Following the traces, Shentujia gradually came to a fork in the road with fallen vegetation. Two roads extended from this fork, one of which was an obvious animal trail, probably stepped on by gazelle or other large animals.

The other one should have been opened up by Zhang Han when he led people hunting yaks a few months ago, but these days have passed, and the trail is covered with dense weeds and small pale yellow flowers.

But what is noticeable is that there are some very fresh traces of human beings passing by on this road.

Shen Tujia grabbed a handful of the fresh mountain wind, put it in front of his face and sniffed it lightly, a hunter's smile filled the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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