Chapter 252 Choice (Addition on Weekend)
"So cunning!"

Shen Tujia murmured to himself, and resolutely walked on the unmarked animal path, without even looking at the suspicious path.

He sprinted forward for a certain distance, and sure enough, he found some footprints that landed very lightly.

"Oh, I found you!"

When he was young, he went hunting with his father many times. Although the terrain here is different from his hometown, the tracking skills are always the same.

So he gently stepped over the trap hidden in the grass, and followed the direction of the footprints.

Gradually, the footprints disappeared behind a bush.

However, Shentu Jia, who was traveling through the mountains and forests, did not hesitate at all. His intuition told him that he was very close to his prey at this moment!
He passed the fallen trees and tangled brambles, and then saw the shocking scene in front of him.

On the high hills, there are huge square boulders dotted all over, criss-crossing from side to side, like uncanny workmanship.

However, Shentujia didn't care to appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of him, he suddenly lowered his body and dodged a stone flying towards him.

Beside the tallest square boulder, there stood a big man of the Qiang people with his hair cut off.

What the Qiang man held in his hand was a leather rope used for throwing stones.

Out of the corner of Shentujia's eyes, he glanced at the stone that fell on the ground, and he knew that if he was hit by this blow, his bones would be broken.

"Sheep thief!" He roared angrily, and rushed forward with his bow and arrows.

Arrows are too expensive, if you miss the opponent on the mountain ridge, you probably won't be able to get them back.

Poor, can't afford to be hurt!
"Qin Dog!" The Qiang man originally wanted to launch a countercharge, but when he saw Shentujia's height and arms, and his face glowing with nutrition, he turned around and ran away!

Shentu Jia pursued him relentlessly, not only did he not say that if he captured or beheaded the other party, he would be able to pay off most of the debt he owed, but he also said that he did not need to guard against thieves for a thousand days, so that his flock could graze freely. This Qiang must also be killed!
So the two sides stopped talking, and just ran and chased each other, engaging in a competition of life or death.

They went up a gentle slope and then went down the other side. Shentujia's legs slowed down and accelerated according to the terrain. His eyes were fixed on the figure of the Qiang man, looking for a chance to kill him with one blow.

Suddenly, the Qiang man seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly changed direction on the spot, and ran away in another direction.


Shentujia didn't hesitate anymore, he drew his bow and released his arrows while running.

In the vibration of the bowstring, the arrow shot the big Qiang man staggering like lightning.

"Ah..." The Qiang man wailed in pain, leaped forward a few steps, and immediately fell to the ground.

Shentu Jia immediately yelled that it was not good. The moment the arrow left the string, the hand that drew the bow was bounced by a branch, causing the direction of the bow and arrow to shoot slightly off. The arrow that should have shot through the opponent's chest seemed to hit on each other's shoulders.

He drew an arrow from his back again, put it on the bowstring, and walked cautiously towards the fallen Qiang man.

The arrows he used were wild goose feather arrows used by the commander of the frontier army. The shafts of the arrows were made of boxwood, and the arrows were made of long triangular narrow barbs. Such arrows were easy to cut and wedged in, and they were issued to immigrant soldiers like them. , used to deal with poor people like Qiang, Huns, and Yuezhi who wear thin fur and armor.

Suddenly, there was a series of hurried footsteps in the bushes to his left.

Shentujia turned around subconsciously, the bowstring was fully drawn, and the metal arrowhead shone coldly in the scorching west slanting sun.

But in the next moment, he was slightly stunned, his pupils gradually dilated, and his expression was dull.

From the bushes, rushing out was a Qiang girl with two braids.

"Don't kill my brother! Please!"

The Qiang girl shouted in elegant words with a Longxi accent, her slightly plateau red face was full of fear.

"Her lively eyes are like the bright moon at night..."

In Shentujia's mind, such a line of lyrics suddenly sounded.

"As long as you don't kill us, we, we are willing to be your slaves!"

The Qiang girl lay on top of the Qiang man who was struggling to stand up.Looking back anxiously at Shen Tujia who drew his bow and arrows full and aimed at them.

Shen Tujia began to hesitate. The Qiang girl in front of her was not pretty, and her cheeks, which had been ravaged by the wind and frost on the plateau, were even rougher to the naked eye.

But her eyes are like a deer, bright and pure.

Shen Tujia thought of a doe he caught with a lasso when he went hunting with others, and the fawn following it seemed to be looking at him with the same gaze.

It's a pity that it was someone else's prey, he could only watch the killing happen, but there was nothing he could do.

Shen Tujia relaxed the bowstring, took out a bundle of leather ropes from behind and threw it over: "Tie his hands behind his back..."


"Which Qiang tribe do you belong to?"

On the way back to Dingqiang County, Shentujia held a bow and arrow, and escorted two dejected Qiang people, one large and one small, in front of him. The one with a cloth belt on his shoulder was the big Qiang man, and the little The only one is a Qiang child hiding in the grass.

"We are a branch of Shaodang Qiang. My name is Jiang Ram. In the language of the Qiang people, Ram means fairy..."

The Qiang girl followed in front of Shentujia. Although her hands were tied with leather ropes, she chattered non-stop. In her instinct, although the Qin person in front of her hurt her elder brother, it might be a good man!
"Shao Dang Qiang? Surnamed Jiang? Could it be that this is a descendant of the former Emperor Yan..."

Shen Tujia didn't ask where the clansmen of the Qiang girl went, because it was an obvious question, because her clansmen were everywhere on the road from Jincheng County to Longxi and Zhaowu City...

Hey, there is no other way, but when will the Qiang people and the Qin people get along together... Shentujia glanced at the Qiang girl beside him from the corner of his eyes, and his mind was full of thoughts.

He is from Liang County, Sanchuan County, so unlike other immigrants, he has been from Qin since his great-grandfather's generation.

When the sun was setting and the sky was full of rays of light, Shen Tujia escorted his captives to the foot of the mountain.

In the distance, a cavalry galloped forward with the flag of Qin character waving.

The first person was Lu Ze, the magistrate of Dingqiang County.

"Good boy, you did a good job!" Lu Ze jumped off the horse and patted Shen Tujia on the shoulder.

He looked at the trembling Qiang girl hiding behind Shentujia, and immediately asked: "Are these captives exchanged for titles, sold to pay off debts, or kept for their own use?"

When he said the word "for his own use", Lu Ze's tone seemed a little frivolous, which made the cavalry behind him burst into laughter.

Shentu Jia blushed a little, and couldn't help but fell into hesitation.

"I want to keep them..." He raised his head, looked at Lu Ze's teasing smile, and tried to cover up: "My family has too many sheep, and I can't finish them alone..."

 ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of '0 Dream Star O', 'I also have a small goal', and 'Stupid Kiyana'!

  Thanks to 'Confused Ugly Man' for the reward!

  (`) Compare the heart
(End of this chapter)

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