Chapter 253 Emperor Shangjian
The moon of Meng Xia, the day is at the end, in the faint wings, the day is in the middle of Wunu; It smells burnt; it worships the stove; it sacrifices the first lung.

Lanchi Palace, in the cool hall in the middle of the lake.

Fusu sat behind a table made of sandalwood, listening to the creaking and turning water wheel, continuously lifting the lake water to the top of the hall, and then rushing down.

In front of him was a memorial sent by the internal historian Wang He, which contained a proposal to temporarily suspend the canal repair project so that the leaders of Guizhou could concentrate on farming.

Wang He's reason is that this month is the season for winter wheat to mature, so the fields cannot leave people at all times, otherwise the ripe wheat will be eaten by wild boars, sparrows and other vermin...

After all, one mu of land can only produce more than 100 catties of grain. If left unchecked, a wild boar will eat it and destroy more than 100 mu of crops in one night.

Although sparrows are small, they can fly, and there are huge numbers of them!

A group of Wuyang Wuyang fell down, and within a few minutes, more than ten or twenty catties of food were gone!
In contrast, the voles are slightly better. After digging the voles' holes, not only can they get back the food, but they can also harvest some protein!

No wonder after the founding of the People's Republic of China, sparrows were also four pests... Fu Su squeezed the beautifully trimmed mustache around her lips, and wrote three words on Wang He's memorial.

The system said, yes.

He blew on the ink stains on the bamboo slips, and while waiting for the ink stains to dry off, he had a whim, if he made a batch of iron forks and distributed them.

Brother Xun, I am Yin, Bah, I am Runtu...

Fusu shook his head, smiled silently, and immediately frowned.

If he remembers correctly, it is the month of Meng Xia, which is the fourth month of the lunar calendar. In later generations, the winter wheat in the Huanghuai area is ripe, around the time of the college entrance examination, which is around June of the Gregorian calendar every year.

Fusu clearly remembered that the last holiday before the college entrance examination should be the Dragon Boat Festival, or May [-]st Labor Day next to the Dragon Boat Festival!
Therefore, this should be due to the high average temperature during the Qin Dynasty!

No wonder people in this period called Meng Xia Zhiyue Maiyue.

Fusu suddenly remembered that Fengchang Hu Wujing had written a memorial before, which said that after the new wheat matured, he ordered Yousi to kill a batch of pigs, and then asked him to take all the officials to present the pork and new wheat to the ancestral temple. .

Well, by the way, this is called the gift of tasting new wheat!

Phew, it's a good thing that the 24 solar terms song of the later generations was not copied, otherwise, as soon as the word mangzhong came out, the old farmer would have closed the door and scolded his ancestors for dozens of generations... Fusu tapped his knuckles on the table inadvertently.

"Do you want to revoke the wanted arrest of the Yin-Yang family? As long as they surrender with courtesy, no, send the chief minister, young minister, concubine Yan, etc., all into the palace to be maids... Well, the main thing is to let them help Compile a suitable calendar according to the imperial court, and use it to atone for sins!"

"After all, Qin State is currently in charge of observing the weather and astrology, and the Taishi Ling Dong Tang, who is also the royal historian, is the main business of the latter..."

"Concubine Yan is a bit older, let's forget it! Well, it's better for Gao Yue, she is Yan Dan's daughter, and Yan Dan and Emperor Shi Huang are friends, so I will not be polite!"

Just when Fusu's imagination was running wild, the servant outside the door walked in.

"Your Majesty, Tai Shi ordered Dong Tang to ask for an audience!"


After a while, Dong Tang was searched inside and out, took off his shoes and rushed to the hall.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

"What's the matter?"

Dong Tang lowered his head and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, the beginning of summer will begin in three days, please fast immediately, and in three days' time, lead the three gongs and nine ministers to the southern suburbs to welcome the summer!"

He hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Dare to ask Your Majesty, on the day of welcoming summer, do you want to follow the color of the summer fire and change the flags and clothing into bright red?"

Fu Su pondered for a while, and asked, "What color clothes did the former emperor wear when we welcomed the summer last year?"

Dong Tang said: "Red."

Um, didn't you say that the fat man has all been changed to black?Heck, after all, he pursues longevity, so how could he let go of this opportunity to conform to the world? Feudal superstition kills people... Fu Su nodded and continued to ask: "Is the set of things that I used last year still there? Do I need to re-do it?" Get some new ones?"

Hearing Fusu's words, Dong Tang was obviously stunned for a moment, lowered his head and thought for a while and said, "There are many things that need to be redone, especially His Majesty's dress..."

Well, I understand, the clothes of the first emperor can hold two of us... Fusu complained in his heart and said: "That's still free, the flags and so on still use the usual ones, it's not worth the waste of money..."


After Dong Tang bowed and saluted, he took a few steps back slowly, then walked quickly to the outside of the hall, put on his shoes, took the accessories handed over by the guards casually, put them in his belt, and took out a brush from his pocket. After slobbering, he wrote a line of large characters on the ruler in his hand.

The emperor respects simplicity, cherishes the power of the people, and has an ancient style.

At the same time, in his mind, a small essay with tens of thousands of words was quickly born...

Inside the cool hall, Fusu picked up a bamboo tube, and after confirming that the wax on the top was correct, he pulled out a roll of bamboo paper from inside.

This is a secret performance sent by Gan Fu from outside the palace.

Fusu glanced at it, and found that it was not about Li Si, Feng Jie, etc., but about a group of strong men who came out of nowhere and snatched a baby from the home of Lu Ze, the magistrate of Dingqiang County.

After they led the team to track them down, they found that there were only seven people including the leader.

So after a fight, except for the odd person, all the rest were put to death, and the baby was sent back to Lu Ze's home safe and sound.

Fusu saw the end and found out that the leader's name was Shenshiqi...

Huh, as long as it's not called Li Shiqi... Fusu heaved a sigh of relief. As for the name 'Shiqi', it roughly means 'eat your own', which is similar to the 'self-improvement' and 'self-reliance' in later generations.

"So, that child should be Liu Ying..."

"Shen Shiqi, this person seems to have had an affair with Lu Zhi in the legend, could it be that he is also a Cao thief! Talent..."

"So, the bamboo skin crown on the head of a pavilion chief surnamed Liu who did not want to be named is of a worrying color..."


It is far away on Mangdang Mountain, thousands of miles away from Xianyang City.

Liu Ji was wearing a thin summer dress, with his hands on his hips, standing on the top of the mountain, like an eagle about to soar high.

Just a gust of wind blowing, the swaying waterline between his legs, giving away what he was doing at the moment.

After shaking it, he casually wiped his hands on his body, full of pride in his heart.

After all, at his age, many people are already pissing against the wind, and he can still do it against the wind, which is really strong!

Behind him, Lu Wan approached slowly: "Chong Da (Gu Feng) is gone, do you want to..."

(End of this chapter)

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