Chapter 254

Liu Ji shook his head slightly, and then smiled proudly: "I let him go, go to Yingchuan County to pick up someone!"

"Have we all had such a difficult time? Do you want to take someone else over?" Lu Wan frowned and shook her head slightly.

Liu Ji patted him on the shoulder, continued to smile and said, "Didn't you hear what the person who came to deliver food with Cao Shi said? Wei Bao has already been arrested by the Qin people, who said he fell into the water and died. Who would believe it!"

"That's why I asked Chongda to lead someone to Yingchuan County to take over Ningling Lord Gongzi Jiu. After all, he is the blood of Xinling Lord. Don't be caught by the Qin people!"

"Although we have more beasts than people, we don't have tens of thousands of people. Don't try to catch us!"

Lu Wan nodded, "Wei Jiu is the son of King Wei Min. When he was born, Lord Xinling had been dead for many years..."

Liu Jiman smiled nonchalantly and said, "Whatever he is, his surname is Wei anyway! And if you take him over, we will be famous in the future!"

Lu Wan was taken aback, and said softly, "You mean destiny..."

Liu Ji raised a hand to stop Lu Wan from continuing.

Although this place is located on a mountaintop among the mountains, there is no third person except the two of them.

But that person from the Yinyang family was able to find him in the mountains of Mangdang that day, and taught him a set of nonsense such as 'the death of the White Emperor', 'destiny', and 'cloud'!

How could he be a candidate for the Son of Destiny?
However, the identity of the "Son of Destiny" was not revealed a little until he got drunk with his good brother Lu Wan.

The two of them looked at each other silently for a long time, Liu Ji seemed to suddenly think of something: "Hey, why haven't I seen Shen Shiqi these days?"

Lu Wan froze for a moment, and asked with a frown: "Didn't you send him to Xianyang City to bring Lu Zhi and Ying'er back?"

Liu Ji shouted with his distinctive Peisi accent: "When did I send him? What are you doing in Xianyang City!"

Lu Wan tilted her head, as if she had seen through Liu Ji, and gestured twice in front of and behind her: "I can understand that you don't want Ying'er, but you don't want Lu Zhi? I was drunk before and thought Fan Kuai was Lu Zhi Who is it?"

Liu Ji stomped his feet: "Go, fuck you! I really didn't let him go!"

"Where is Xianyang City? That's the old nest of the Qin people. If you only judge and eat one person, wouldn't you die there if you go there?"

Lu Wan shook her head and said, "Shen Shi is not alone, how many did he bring with him? How many of them are there, and there are also rangers who defected to you from other places!"

Liu Ji turned around in a circle, shook his hands and said, "That's useless!"

"People say that brothers are like siblings, and wives are like clothes. I'm still here, but it's still as powerful as a tiger, and it's worried about having no sons and mothers? But if my brother is gone, it's really gone!"

"Without my brother, I, Liu Ji, am still a fart!"

Lu Wan hooked her arm on Liu Ji's shoulder, and whispered, "Shen Shiqi is not that stupid, maybe after arriving in Xianyang, he will go to Xiao He for help first, with Xiao He here, it's not a problem!"

Liu Ji covered his face, took a few deep breaths and said, "That's the only way to go. What do you think Xiao He is doing in Xianyang? Is it more comfortable to be the head official in Peixian County? I really miss when he was still there. At that time, you and my brother The wine has never been broken!"

Lu Wan nodded, deeply agreeing with this.

"Hey, I said Liu Ji, are you really going to release Kong Ju?"

Liu Ji put his arms around Lu Wan's shoulders, and the two were as close as Siamese twins: "Then there is still a fake? He has promised me that he will not tell the government about us!"

Lu Wan hesitated slightly: "Do you really believe it?"

Liu Ji smiled, and said seriously: "A man was born in heaven and earth, so he should keep his word! He promised me, so I will believe it!"

Seeing the look on his face, Lu Wan couldn't help but feel heartbroken, this is the Liu Ji he knew!
"Liu Ji, when will you pay back the half bottle of wine you owe me?"

"Who owes you..."

"Don't run!"


Beidi County, at the western foot of Helan Mountain, the end of the grassland, the edge of the desert.

Meng Tian was riding on a big maroon horse, and in the distance of him was a lake reflecting the sky.

On the green grass at the edge of the lake, crystal white particles are shining in the sun, and the air is filled with a strong salty taste.

"right here!"

Looking at the lake and mountains in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh.

This is Jilantai Yanchi, the place where he fought against Modun last time, but the other party ran away immediately before seeing him...

Behind Meng Tian, ​​followed by a long line of cavalry, and about 1000 four-wheeled carriages that could only be pulled by four horses.

What was loaded on the carriage was the cement used to build the fort beside the salt pond. As for the bricks, local materials had to be obtained.

Anyway, on the other side of Helan Mountain, in the newly established Xihe County, thousands of Huns and Qiang prisoners of war are working hard in the coal mines.

And with enough four-wheeled carriages, coal can be transported here, a pit is dug for coking, and then the waste heat of coking can be used to burn bricks for building the city wall.

After that, the refined coke will be sent back to Xihe County, and sent to Xianyang by boat along the Yellow River.

After a while, the carriage drove to the predetermined location, and everyone began to pick up and unload supplies in an orderly manner.

Some of the engineers from Yanchi in the east of the river, and the engineers transferred from Jiangzuo Shaofu, carrying the theodolite with vernier, strode towards Yanchi.

When they left Xianyang City, they had heard from Fusu that before the snowfall this year, if the salt was mined here in the same way as in the Hedong Salt Pond, all the engineers would be promoted to two ranks and rewarded with tens of thousands of coins!
And the snow falls earlier in the north than in the south, so they have to race against the clock!
As for the military officials from the Jiuyuan Army, they, together with the engineers brought by the army, began to survey the terrain, planning to build a Great Wall connecting the western foot of Helan Mountain all the way east from here.

At the very least, the beacon tower must be repaired first.

After all, this is the salt pond, and what is produced is white gold. The Huns will certainly not be reconciled to the salt pond being taken away by the Qin army, so fortresses and beacon towers are essential things!

The former is used to restrict the Xiongnu cavalry to come and go like the wind, and launch a surprise attack on the defenders; while the latter is used to call the Jiuyuan Army to harvest their heads in exchange for military merit.

Meng Tian waved his hand, and the cavalry in charge of guarding were divided into three groups, one group spread out to the distance, and the remaining two groups jumped off their horses, took off their saddles, and let the horses eat the grass and lick the salty lake water.

"Remember, when building the Great Wall, remember to repair the underground canal for water diversion first. There are so many people and livestock without enough and stable drinking water!"

Meng Tian called an engineer to instruct him carefully, and the latter hurried away after recording on paper.

No, no manners... Meng Tian was slightly speechless, but then burst out laughing.

"Perhaps, this is called making a hole!"

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of 'Ding Mao Nian Xuyue Eight Coins'!

(End of this chapter)

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