Chapter 255
Xianyang City, east of Zhangtai Palace, south of Ji Temple.

Before dawn, [-] soldiers have already lined up here.

The 1 soldiers on the left are the soldiers of the Lantian Camp led by General Huben Yang Xiong, while the 5000 on the right are the Xianyang City Defense Army led by Lieutenant Xin Sheng.

When the sun is high and the sky is high, it will be the time to hold the Summer Festival here.

Wearing bright armor, Yang Xiong walked up to Xin Sheng and whispered, "Is Your Majesty a little too cautious?"

Hmph, wait till you die of heat... Xin Sheng looked enviously at the bright light armor on Yang Xiong's body, shook his head and said, "Your Majesty belongs to the whole world, and His Majesty's safety is the safety of Great Qin. No matter how careful you are Not too much!"

Flatterer... Yang Xiong nodded his head and said: "Then follow the previous rules, divide everyone into three teams, check this area three times, and then you and I will do the final review?"



Xianyang City, Sanhuai Li.

A middle man with a goatee under his chin and wearing a green short robe vigorously climbed up the wall of the inner square, and jumped down lightly with hardly any sound.

"See Juzi!"

A dozen knight-errants with black and white shapes painted on their collars with white powder and toner knelt on one knee and saluted.

Zhang Liang stepped forward to erase the marks on their collars, and whispered: "The plan has changed, let everyone retreat!"

The Mohist ranger who led the team just wanted to question, but immediately remembered the Mohist rules, so he nodded and smacked his lips.

In a short while, all kinds of strange sounds, such as dog barking and bird singing, came from the Lifang on both sides of the road.

If you look down from the sky, you can see hundreds of men of all kinds quietly leaving the Lifang, disappearing into the huge city of Xianyang like a drop of water merging into the sea.

Zhang Liang looked at the rangers scattered around, and let out a long sigh.

He hibernated in the bathhouse for many days, exchanging baths for three meals a day and accommodation.

Although it was a bit humiliating, many of the guests who came to take a bath were officials from the Qin court, so they were more or less able to obtain some core secrets while taking a bath.

There are many times when a guest's unintentional remark is as loud as thunder in Zhang Liang's ears.

Therefore, in his opinion, if he wanted to restore Han, he had to assassinate Emperor Qin again, which caused the Qin court to be in chaos, and the man's sons fought for the position of emperor.

As a result, the world was in chaos, which made it easier for him to extract chestnuts from the fire.

Zhang Liang looked at the Mohist ranger who disappeared in a flash, and sighed again: "Leave someone on tiptoe for me, it's hard to climb such a high wall!"


About a quarter of an hour later, a group of men in black wearing soft armor and holding strong crossbows, round shields, and sharp swords rushed into Sanhuai.

The person in the lead is Gan Fu who once captured the general Wang Li.

He looked at the empty place in front of him, and resentfully hammered the old locust tree next to the inner door.

"Damn, let them run away again!"

He commanded his subordinates to release Limin who was locked in the cellar, thinking in his heart: "Could it be that this is what His Majesty said, the enemy of life?"


In Lanchi Palace, Fusu yawned and boarded the Golden Root Chariot, shaking his sleeves.

Although there was no panchang battle last night, the memorials were reviewed until dawn. After all, the upper reaches of the Yellow River are about to enter the rainy season. It is necessary to record the rainfall in the upstream counties and send officials from the capital water supervision to inspect the Yellow River embankment.

Have you ever seen Xianyang City at four o'clock in the morning... Fusu leaned on the sofa in the car and continued to look at the memorial in his hand.

According to the records of later generations, the breach of the Yellow River generally occurred at the turn of spring and summer, when the snow in the upper reaches melted, and after the weather became warmer, there was frequent rainfall, which caused the water flow of the Yellow River to soar and eventually rushed out of the river.

In contrast, the Yangtze River Basin has many lakes, so the function of regulating water flow is very powerful, so there is no need to worry too much about the problem of embankment bursting.

Well, the most important thing is that there is not much population in the Yangtze River Basin, even if the embankment bursts, it will have little impact on the empire as a whole.

Fusu took the memorial and compared it to the miniature version of the trend chart of the Yellow River in front of him.

"Sure enough, if the lower reaches of the Yellow River is a swinging arm, then her elbow joint is the distance from Guanyi County (now Zhengzhou) to Dingtao County (now Heze)."

"It seems that many Yellow River breaches in later generations all started from here."

Fusu took a charcoal pencil and circled this section of the Yellow River embankment, which will be the focus of inspections by the water supervision officials.

"What a mother river!" Fusu sighed, and suddenly smiled: "But after the Qin and Han Dynasties, my biological mother became a stepmother..."

After all, during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Yellow River breached once every 27 years on average, but after the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the breach occurred once a year, not even once every six months!
According to some views of later generations, the Yellow River has only formed its current scale for more than 1 years...

At the end of the fourth season of glaciers, the meltwater from the plateau glaciers flowed down to the lower altitudes, forming lakes in the intermountain basins, and then gathered other water systems and flowed to the east in a mighty way.

During this period, the Yellow River carried the sediment from the Loess Plateau and filled the shallow waters of the continental shelf all the way, forming a vast impact plain.

North China Great Plains!
In other words, many inland plains in Henan and Hebei in later generations were all coastal cities without any knowledge of them a few years ago!
Especially a certain city where the average cross talk master in later generations is still buried in the sea at this moment...

But it is a pity that the North China Great Plain and the Bohai Sea belong to the Bohai Bay Basin, and there is a problem of slow subsidence in geological structure.

Otherwise, after a few years of letting the Yellow River carry the silt rolling down, the Liaodong Peninsula of later generations will be integrated with the North China Plain...

Fusu smiled and put his thoughts back to reality.

The current method of repairing the Yellow River embankment is to follow the successful experience of the middle period of the Warring States Period.

By building embankments more than a dozen miles or even dozens of miles away from the central channel, the nearly [-] square kilometers of land on both sides of the Yellow River will be turned into a flood storage area, allowing the Yellow River to sway freely in these tens of miles.

However, the population is small, but when the population multiplies, it is not advisable to waste land like this.

After all, the land near the Yellow River is not only fertile, but also good for irrigation.

Fusu thought for a while, and decided to wait for a while, and combine with the sand attack method of Shushui during the Ming Dynasty, to repair the Yellow River embankment again.

That is to build embankments along the river, artificially increase the flow speed of the Yellow River during the dry season, and wash the sediment carried in the water into the sea to continue to expand the country's land area.

The other embankment far away from the Yellow River channel is used for secondary interception after the Yellow River rushes out of the first embankment.

In this way, the tidal flats between the two embankments can be transformed into countless fertile fields.

ps: Thanks to 'Lonely Lonely Wolf' for the reward! (〃'▽'〃)
(End of this chapter)

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