Chapter 256 Welcome to Summer
An earthen platform seven miles away from the Ji Temple.

Although the temperature at this time is not too high, if you are wearing layers of court clothes and standing under the sun, people with a slightly weaker physique will really not be able to accept it.

So, just when everyone was looking forward to it, a gallop came.

"The emperor's frame has reached the extreme temple—"

Zhongshu reader Zuo Cheng Chen Ping couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Your Majesty has to take a bath and change clothes when he arrives at the Ji Temple... In other words, there is still an hour before the official start of the summer welcome!"

Zhang Cang, who was standing beside him, smiled narrowly: "Well, you are resentful, it just so happens that I am one month short of impeachment targets..."

Chen Ping smiled, changed the subject and said, "Did you find a problem?"

Zhang Cang turned his head: "What's the problem?"

Chen Ping glanced around and said: "Today, the court officials of the Manchu Dynasty are roughly divided into three teams. The leader is the Sangong Jiuqing, and the middle is the clan. This has always been the practice."

He paused for a moment, with a meaningful expression on his face: "The ones on the right side of the clan are all the emperor's close ministers with the title of servant..."

Zhang Cang nodded invisibly: "I have already discovered this, and I also heard that such a standing arrangement was adjusted by His Majesty himself..."

Chen Ping stared at him for a long time, and tentatively said: "You mean..."

Zhang Cang shook his head and smiled, "I didn't say anything!"

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, why are you playing Liaozhai here... Chen Ping remembered what Fusu once said, even though he didn’t know what Liaozhai was, there were thousands of ghosts in this period, So he still understands the meaning of the fox.

In Chen Ping's view, today's standing position is definitely not a coincidence or a coincidence, and it must have a different meaning. This can be seen from the sweating of the officials on the left side of the clan.

That's right, there are only so many radish pits, if I don't pull them out, how can I jump in... Chen Ping looked at the calm Zhang Cang beside him. .

He remembered a question that Fusu had asked them when he was still in Caishiguan.

Talk about long-term peace and stability!
He watched the ceremony officials busy on the earthen platform, and seemed to find some inspiration that was different from that day in a trance.

So he poked Zhang Cang with his elbow and asked, "We are here today to welcome the summer, why are there so many people here?"

Zhang Cang asked strangely, "What? You don't know?"

Chen Ping nodded: "I know, but I want you to tell me more details!"

Zhang Daqin Encyclopedia smiled faintly and started his performance.

"Today's Yingxia is called the suburban sacrifice, and the main object of sacrifice is the god of heaven. But it is different from gods like Queen Mother of the West, but the god of stars."

"The most important thing is to match the five directions, five colors, five sounds, five flavors, five elements, and five senses with the four seasons and four images!"

"Because today is the beginning of summer, the sun is moving quickly to the north at this moment, and the vegetation is flourishing with luxuriant branches and leaves. Therefore, Zhou people used fire in the five elements to replace the south. The color of fire is 'red', so today they use red flags."

"Black." Xiao He on the other side spit out two words lightly.

So Zhang Cang withdrew his finger pointing at the earthen platform: "Well, it was always red in previous years..."

Chen Ping nodded: "You continue."

After Zhang Cang rolled his eyes at Xiao He, he continued, "The Sacrifice to Welcome Summer is mainly dedicated to the Red Emperor of the Southern Suburbs and the Star Gods of the South."

"That is, the Suzaku Qisu such as Jing, Gui, Liu, Xing, Zhang, Yi, and Zhen. In addition, there are Emperor Yan's sacrifices, and Huozheng Zhu Rong's Congji."

Chen Ping frowned slightly: "Emperor Yan? One of the five emperors, Shennong?"

Zhang Cang nodded and said: "Exactly, but Shennong became one of the five emperors in the Zhou Dynasty. According to my guess, this should be because none of the five emperors in ancient times had their capital in the south, so we had to feel wronged. The position of Jinyun, the Shennong family who governs the south is Emperor Yan, and it is used as a sacrifice."

Chen Ping nodded and said: "Speaking of the Shang Dynasty, I have heard the folks say that Shang is the Emperor of Man, called the Emperor, and equal to the sky; Zhou is the Son of Heaven, not called the Emperor, and inferior to the sky..."

Xiao He said with a smile: "I've heard people say this before, but it's just a random speculation!"

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Cang turned his head and said with a smile: "The businessman thinks that he is the son of the sky, the heir of the sky, so the heaven will not perish, and Shangtang will not perish."

"For example, in "Tang Oath", it is said that if Xia committed many crimes, he was ordered to kill him. It means that I have received an order from heaven, and the conquest of Xia Dynasty is to punish Xia Dynasty on behalf of heaven!"

"However, the people of Zhou said 'the fate of heaven is inexhaustible, but fate is not constant', that is to say, heaven has no 'son', and it will not favor anyone. If a businessman loses his virtue, he will lose the world, and if Zhou people have virtue, he will win the world. The so-called Son of Heaven He is a virtuous person."

Xiao He thought for a while and said: "This is not what I said, the world is not benevolent..."

Chen Ping said loudly from the side: "When I arrive in Daqin, I will be so virtuous that I will surpass the three emperors and surpass the five emperors, and I will be called the emperor!"

Zhang Cang was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Chen Ping suddenly with some puzzlement, as if he had been beaten to death.

Only Xiao He seemed to have vaguely guessed something, but his brows were furrowed and he didn't say a word.

Chen Ping said: "Since the five directions, five colors, five sounds, five tastes, five elements, and five sense organs must be matched in the sacrificial offerings, why are there only four at the time of the festival every year, namely the White Emperor, the Red Emperor, the Qing Emperor and the Yellow Emperor."

"Obviously, one of them is missing, the Black Emperor, the First Emperor!"

Hearing Chen Ping's words, Zhang Cang opened his mouth wide, his eyes widened, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

Xiao He shook his head slightly and said, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for the First Emperor to become the Black Emperor. After all... His Majesty is not good at this matter!"

Chen Ping waved his hand slightly: "This is not a problem. Your Majesty often says that public opinion cannot be violated..."

In his opinion, five buckets of corn is enough for public opinion, but the difficulty lies in how to persuade Fusu to agree to this proposal... After all, the son wants to make his father a god, and then let people all over the world worship him every year...

But only in this way can the "monarchy be granted by God" and "even forever"!
when they fell silent.

Flags were flying on the road in the distance, and the five thousand cavalry led by Prince Chang of Jingshi Ling were still in the lead.

The angry horse in fresh clothes, the armor is shining, and the spears and halberds are like a forest, neat and solemn.

After that, there are thousands of palace gate guards holding shields, spears, and crossbows.

After that, there is the golden root chariot with two Sanchen flags slanted in the back of the carriage, and Zhonglang, Langqi and Qimenjun guarding around the carriage.


Meng Yi was holding a royal forest saber with a sharkskin sheath, and commanded the Zhonglangs to form a human wall between the golden root cart and the earthen platform.

Why!Destroy it, it's hot to wear chain mail on a hot day... Fusu got off the carriage, looked up at the scorching sun in the sky, and walked forward.

(End of this chapter)

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