Chapter 257

"Si Jinju, please do something!"

Following the order of the ceremonial officer's voice, the ceremony of welcoming the summer suburbs officially began.

Under the command of Tai Le Ling, hundreds of musicians played the elegant music in unison.

According to the etiquette system of this period, the palace is earth, the sign is fire, the feather is water, the merchant is gold, and the horn is wood, so the musicians play the sign that represents fire.

Fu Su straightened his clothes, paced squarely, and walked up to the high platform step by step. Under the command of the ceremony officer, he mechanically repeated the whole process of kneeling, prostrating, prostrating, prostrating and prospering.

According to the so-called "Southern Bingdinghuo", "two is fire", two is an even number and belongs to yin, so the positive number in the south is two yin, and the combination of the positive number two in the south and the positive number five in the middle is seven, so the vice number in the south is seven.

Therefore, when welcoming the summer and worshiping the southern suburbs, the number is seven.

In other words, the elegant music is played seven times, and the salute is seven times...

It's so fucking annoying... Fu · Kowtow Chong · Su complained in his heart, took a piece of red jade handed over by the ceremony officer, and placed it on the altar respectfully.

This is the sacrifice used to welcome the summer, Chiyu.

After offering the sacrificial offerings, the next offerings were fresh beef lungs and bitter herbs.

Although Fusu looked solemn and solemn, his heart was full of distress.

In order to organize to welcome the summer, ten fat and strong bulls were killed in the morning, one is to select enough 'perfect' cow lungs, and the other is to respect the blood food dedicated to the gods, that is, fresh cow blood.

But he thought about it again, the cattle, sheep, pigs, horses and other livestock raised in Fengchang Mansion were originally used for sacrifices, even if they were not used for sacrifices, they would not become farm cattle or flow into the market.

Why!It's a pity that there is no sand tea sauce, otherwise I will organize everyone to have a Chaoshan beef hot pot later... Fu Su recalled the taste of the sand tea sauce, and felt that he could not reproduce it, so he had to give up and concentrate on completing the suburban sacrifice.

And under the earthen platform, in stark contrast to Fusu's face, was the minister with an unstoppable smile on his face.

After the sacrificial ceremony is over, everyone will enter the link of eating big households again.

Eat cattle today!

Eat and take!

According to past practice, another "high temperature subsidy" is issued, and more importantly, the salaries of officials are based on an annual salary system, which is also issued after this day.

After all, Xianyang is big, and it is not easy to live in. In this lean season, some officials even have to rely on debts to survive...

When the sacrificial ceremony was over, Li Xin, the new doctor, even beamed with joy.

Without him, the next first link is to pray to heaven and earth, and to commend him for his previous achievements in beating the Qiang people.

To be precise, it is Fenghou!

It was a relatively simple matter in the later Han Dynasty to crack the soil and become a marquis, but in the current state of Qin, it is extremely difficult to accumulate credit and become a marquis.

Otherwise, Wang Jian would not have complained back then, "As a great king, he will not be named a marquis if he has meritorious service."

Therefore, he commanded hundreds of thousands of troops, and after destroying the most powerful state of Chu among the six kingdoms, he was awarded the title of Marquis of Che.

And his son Wang Ben, after destroying Wei, Dai, Yan, and Qi one after another, he accumulated enough credit to become the Marquis of Che.

It can be said that a courtier with a foreign surname has one family and two marquises, which can be said to be unprecedented in the history of Qin, um, maybe not unprecedented!

Under the envious eyes of the surrounding people, a visitor stood on the third step of the earthen platform, unfolded the silk script in his hand, and chanted loudly:

"Emperor II said: I govern the world with literature, and combat chaos with military force. The military commanders and generals are the pillars of the Qin court and the backbone of the country. They are capable of both civil and military affairs. If they contribute their efforts to serve them, their achievements will be wiped out, and they will not be praised. It's almost my life..."

"...the Qiang bandits harassed me in Longxi, the great commander Li Xin led the army to put down the rebellion, expanded the land for thousands of miles, and killed the captives without counting. Zi Te granted you the title of Pingyi Marquis, a thousand households in the city, and a reward of [-] yuan...The edict of Xi Fate, Yu [wū] play!..."

"... Wei Zhen Yi Di, deeply loved Yuan Rong's heroic achievements to announce Hua Xia, use Zhao Lu cloth's pi smoke, temporarily Xi Wu Bian... Announce the world, so that the emissary can hear it!"

"Meng Xia Bingding in the first year of the second generation."

After the audience finished reading, Li Xin walked up to the high platform under the eyes of everyone, stopped three steps away from the top, and bowed to Fusu.

Fusu stepped forward and took the initiative to step down a step. First, he untied the knot under Li Xin's jaw and took off the old Juebian.

Beside him, who was in charge of the feudal gifts of the princes and the princes and the guests offering sacrifices and food, the lord and lieutenant Ying Xi presented the billboard representing the Marquis of Guannei with both hands.

Fusu took it, gently placed it on Li Xin's head, and immediately tied a beautiful bow under his jaw.

"The old general has worked hard for the country." Fusu looked at Li Xin's gray hair at the temples, feeling a little emotional for a while.

Fusu's words seemed to have touched the softest part of Li Xin's emotions. In an instant, this veteran general who had conquered for half his life, his eyes turned red and tears flowed down his face.

Li Xin bowed to the ground again, and said in a choked tone, "I would like to burn my soul and brains to pieces for Your Majesty, and die with no regrets!"

Fusu bowed slightly in return, and then lifted Li Xin up with both hands.

Fusu turned his head slightly, and looked at his half-brother beside him, Lord Lieutenant Ying Xi, who immediately withdrew his envious gaze, and carefully offered a bronze talisman with both hands.

Although Yingxi's mother was the daughter of the king of Wei, his birth came from a drunken drunk after the first emperor destroyed Chu, because his mother was not favored, and his son was not favored by the way.

Although he is the son of the first emperor, his title is only No. 13, and this is because after Fusu succeeded to the throne, he generally gave his brothers and sisters a first-level title.

For the first emperor, Ying Xi only stayed at the level that he knew that he had such a son.

To put it bluntly, Ying Xi and Shi Huang walked past each other face to face, and even this fat man didn't know that the man opposite was his child...

Ignoring the tears in Ying Xi's heart, Fu Su took the bronze talisman and held it up high.

In an instant, the bells and drums stopped together, and there was no sound.

All eyes under the earthen platform were fixed on the copper talisman in Fusu's hand, which weighed no more than half a catty (Qin Jin).

A small piece of copper talisman is as light as a feather in Fusu's hand, but it represents the honor of the Marquis of Guannei, a thousand households in the city, and a rest with the country!

Fu Su looked at the talisman in his hand, the petite characters engraved on it were exactly the Marquis Edict just now.

Under everyone's envious eyes, Fusu separated the talisman festival, sealed half of it, and solemnly handed over the other half to Li Xin.

Li Xin stretched out his trembling hands, held it carefully, and put it in his arms carefully.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

He bowed to the ground again, and immediately stepped back down two steps, turned around and walked into the queue of the three lords and nine ministers.

Ever since the first emperor took charge of the Great Qin Dynasty, only a dozen or so marquises have been conferred. What he did today will surely be recorded in the annals of history, and the name of Li Xin in Longxi will surely be spread all over the world!
ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Ziqi Donglai Daoqi Changcun', 'wswhk', 'Book Friends 2017...0801'!

(`) Compare the heart
(End of this chapter)

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