Chapter 258 Reread Ji

In the cool hall of Lanchi Palace, Fusu rolled up his sleeves, squatted on the ground and beat.

In front of him, tools such as compasses, rulers, axes, and chisels were scattered all over the ground.

Suddenly, he stood up from the ground, moved his slightly numb thighs, put the crushed ice from the wooden 'freezer' into the jade cup, and then took out some yogurt and crushed ice from another bottle Stir together.

This was followed by a spoonful of honey in the yogurt crushed ice, and two tablespoons of citrus marmalade.

Citrus Yogurt Honey Smoothie, Done!
Sweet, sour, and sour are me... Fusu closed her eyes, feeling the various flavors appearing in her mouth in turn.

He put the smoothie he had eaten in two mouthfuls back into the freezer, turned his head and continued to squat on the ground to get busy.

Smoothies are good, but if you eat too much, you may have diarrhea, and in this day and age, it may cause a series of complications.

A man was born between heaven and earth, one word.

So after welcoming the summer, he withdrew the ice cubes that should have been distributed to the courtiers, not to enjoy them alone!

According to the three-dimensional view drawn by himself, Fu Subi put together the scattered parts.

This is the pedal threshing machine he prepared for the summer harvest in a while.

The overall structure is very simple. It is nothing more than putting the bundled wheat and rice into the threshing machine, and then another person depresses the pedal hard to drive the roller to rotate, and the iron wire on the rolling center will hook the wheat or rice. , so that the threshing is initially completed.

Afterwards, the rice is taken out of the barrel and transported to the drying field for drying. During this period, the empty shells and straw fragments brought in are blown off by windmills or manpower.

This will allow you to proceed to the next stage.

Pay taxes!

It’s just that threshing with a threshing machine has another problem, that is, the loss is too high. After all, it is a rough machine and cannot bring all the grains out of the ears.

Hmm... In fact, in the era of agricultural mechanization in later generations, there is still a lot of loss during threshing.

However, the yield per mu was high at that time, and a little loss was nothing.

And as long as the purchase price given by the grain merchants is right, many farmers even sell their grain directly on the field, rent a machine with the money to plow and sow, and are still busy working in the city!
So the sparrow has changed from the four pests to the three protected animals...

However, in the state of Qin, where the yield per mu is only more than 100 catties, it is a matter of course to eat food and return meat.

The main function of the threshing machine made by Fusu is to shorten the time between harvesting and drying. After all, there are still a lot of infrastructure projects around Xianyang City waiting for the workers to finish their farm work and come to start work!

The improvement in efficiency brought about by the advancement of tools is ten times less.

In Fusu's vision, farmers only need to thresh most of the grain, and the leftovers on the ears can be handed over to the elderly and children at home to pick up slowly.

As for the women in the family, it is because this period is not only the season of harvesting wheat, but also the season of silkworm weaving.

Of course, after the silk reeling is over, the imperial court will send officials to collect silk tax from them...

So this is why Fusu needs to allow farmers to improve their efficiency and start working as soon as possible.

After all, on the construction site, the money earned does not have to pay personal income tax, and the court manages the meals...

Regardless of how you eat, there is no problem with eating enough for every meal!
While Fusu was doing some handicrafts during his rest and bath time, Han Rang came from the door and whispered, "Your Majesty, Mrs. Tian Ji is asking to see you."

It's a hot day, and I don't want to cool down here, and I don't know what to do when I come here... Fusu was secretly vigilant, and nodded slightly.

"It's so cool here, Your Majesty!" Tian Ji supported her waist with one hand, and couldn't help admiring.

Nonsense, this is a cold palace that cost millions of dollars to build. If it is not cool, I have to cut off the group of engineers who are in charge of the project... Fu Su raised his eyes and looked at the pregnant but still beautiful Tian Ji:

"Tell me, why are you here?"

Tian Ji looked at the 'freezer' placed in the cold hall, her bright peach eyes narrowed into two slits, she moved quietly, but she pretended to be nonchalant and said: "Your Majesty, Yunyang asked me to ask, this year When will you go to Lin Guang Palace to escape the summer heat?"

Cai Mengxia, avoid the heat of a hammer!Didn't you see me take Zhao Ji to a 'suburb vacation', and then I felt jealous, ah, woman, your name is duplicity... Fu Su scolded without raising her head:
"Let's play, let's play, don't touch my yogurt smoothie!"

Tian Ji was taken aback, and put back the jade cup in her hand with a full face of grievance: "I won't eat this, and I won't eat that! Is Your Majesty going to starve our emperor to death?"

Hearing Tian Ji's artificial crying, Fu Su couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

He stood up from the ground and stared at Tian Ji's graceful and luxurious round face: "You touch your conscience, um, no, your pectoralis major is too exaggerated, so you can't touch it."

"You take a look at your double chin in the mirror, and then tell me about starving to death!"

"Besides, you are pregnant with Liujia, can you eat iced food? Especially with yogurt in it, well, you can eat this, but can you eat iced food..."

Seeing the emperor in front of her turn on the 'Tang Monk' mode, Tian Ji cried out in her heart, what's wrong with the double chin, did you eat your rice?

Hey, it seems to be really eaten!
So her aura immediately disappeared without a trace, and she just whispered: "Yunyang asked His Majesty, when are you planning to go to Lin Guang Palace to escape the summer heat?"

Fusu, who was interrupted from casting spells, put his hands on his hips: "Why do you always use Yunyang as an excuse? Also, are you a repeater?"

Tian Ji tilted her head, and the golden steps on her head were rattling: "Who is Dudu Ji? Is it His Majesty's new concubine? Why doesn't this concubine know? Is it pretty? Doesn't Your Majesty look like the one in the story you told?" In that way, are you going to hide your beauty in a golden house?"

Fusu chuckled, with a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth: "You're jealous!"

Tian Ji frowned: "Jealous? What is jealousy? Is it the fermented vinegar that my concubine has been drinking every day since she became pregnant?"

A domineering smile appeared on Fusu's face: "Neither, what I said was that I mentioned other women, and you would be unhappy!"


Tian · today's defeat · Ji pretended to grin, and then sat on the ground and said: "Your Majesty is lonely and deserted here, it's better for me to stay here with your majesty... By the way, let's see who Fudu Ji is!"

"It's okay to accompany me, don't touch my yogurt smoothie!"


Xianyang City, the old Xianyang fried chicken restaurant.

"Ten fried sparrows, cold bitter vegetables, two meat buns, two bowls of old Xianyang fried noodles... the amount of noodles is the same!"

Seeing Li Rouer close the menu, Han Xin touched his pocket involuntarily, secretly rejoicing.

Phew, it's a good thing that I received my annual salary yesterday evening, otherwise I would have asked the other party to treat me again!

Li Rou'er didn't notice Han Xin's thoughts, she just dipped her finger in the tea and began to draw on the table.

"Brother Han, I came up with another solution to your Nuo Shui battle that day..."

(End of this chapter)

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