Chapter 259 Guangtong Warehouse
To the west of Zhangtai Palace, on a plateau on the south bank of the Weishui River.

Fusu's version 2.0 four-wheeled carriage, pulled by six tall, pure black horses without a single hair, came slowly.


Following the shout of a Zhonglang, two rows of knights in iron armor quickly formed a majesty road.

Fusu opened the car door and stepped down on the small stool. The first thing he felt was the oncoming heat wave.

In winter, you fail frequently, but in summer you lose your mind... Fu Su wiped the sweat from his forehead, and walked forward with square steps.

The place he came to today is one of the 22 official warehouses in Xianyang City. The grain stored in it is mainly used for the garrison of Zhangtai Palace and Lantian Daying.

"Book of Rites King System" said that if a country has no savings for nine years, it is said to be insufficient; if it has no savings for six years, it is said to be urgent;Three years of plowing will yield one year's food, and nine years of plowing will yield three years' food. Even if there is severe drought and flooding, the people will have no food for 30 years.

Before Fusu's arrival, he had been worried about the "fire dragon burning the warehouse", so as early as a month ago, he had sent someone to secretly watch the official warehouse, and then announced the order to inspect the warehouse.

Now it seems that he was overthinking.

"Join Your Majesty!"

Zhi Su Nei Shi Zheng Guo rushed forward with Taicang Order and bowed his hands.

Fusu nodded slightly, and walked straight in.

"This is my first time here, won't you 'Master' introduce me?"

Taicang Ling said with a smile: "I'm just your majesty's guard dog, I can't be the master..."

He paused, pointed to the grain storage in the distance and said, "Your Majesty, this is Guangtong warehouse, one of the 22 warehouses in Xianyang. The storage scale is second only to Yongding warehouse in Xianyang city."

"Most of the grain in the warehouse is transported along the Wei River from Yongxian and Chencang counties."

"This warehouse is 3000 feet long from east to west (Qin Chi), and 260 feet wide from north to south. There are [-] underground round warehouses in total, and each cellar can hold [-] stones of grain."

As expected of the Land of Abundance...Fu Su nodded slightly, and asked him, "How much grain is left in the grain depot?"

The Taicang Order thought for a while, and replied firmly: "Because the grain stored in this warehouse was used for the battle against the Qiang people, and your Majesty launched the Ping Tiao Order before, there is still grain in the grain depot72."

72*8000, that is to say, there are a total of 57 stones of grain in storage. Considering that the stored grain needs to be ground and pounded to remove the outer shell, there are about six buckets of corn after one stone of corn is pounded, which means that there is a loss of 40.00%, so the fine grain is 34 More than [-] shi, conservatively according to two shi grains per person per month... It's stable... Fu Su patted Taicang Ling on the shoulder:

"The army can't do without food, and the Taicang order is well dispatched, which is indispensable!"

Taicang Ling said he didn't dare, bowed his head and bowed his hands.

Fusu turned his head, looked at the trembling Zheng Guo and said, "After the harvest of summer grain this year, we will prioritize the storage of grain in Guangtong warehouse!"

After all, it is close to the Wei River, so it is convenient to transport grain down the river and transfer it to the Hangu Pass area.

Zheng Guo nodded, and asked one of his entourages to write down the edict of Fusu on the ruler slip.

He chuckled and said, "I'm old, my brain doesn't work well..."

I am so old that I take the initiative to tell my old man to return home, occupying the latrine and not shit... Fu Su complained in his heart. In fact, he has always wanted to replace Zheng Guo, but this old man is as slippery as a catfish, and he has always completed his job very well. Well, especially when you're trying to find a little fault and take him off, he's always going to give a very insightful note.

So he has always been in a state of love and hate for this weed.

Fu Su said with a smile: "Who said Zhi Su Nei Shi is old? From my point of view, Zhi Su Nei Shi can at least accompany me for another 20 years!"

"20 years?" Zheng Guo shook his head and smiled wryly, "I'm afraid others will grit their teeth with hatred..."

He was talking about Xiao He again, um, it must be like this... Fu Su turned his head and looked away, ignoring Zheng Guo's complaints, and Fu Su was actually happy to see the conflict between him and Xiao He.

After all, there are only so many radish pits. Among the two orders and two ministers under Zhisu Neishi's jurisdiction, Xiao He is the only one who has the title of servant, and can enter and leave the forbidden palace at any time, and participate in political affairs.

With such a close minister of the emperor under his command, one can imagine the pressure in his heart.

"Huh? Why are there so many trees planted here?" Fusu looked around curiously, then turned his head and asked.

Taicang Ling walked to Fusu and explained: "This is to predict whether the food will rot or sprout."

Seeing that Fusu was still puzzled, he slowed down and said: "When storing grain in the husband's warehouse, the most taboo is pests, rats, and grains that rot and sprout due to improper storage."

"Your Majesty, please take a look. Each of these grain stores is extremely particular. The grain storehouses are located on higher ground, which is conducive to moisture protection."

"After the pit is dug, the walls need to be grilled with firewood to dry the soil walls, and then covered with five layers of plant ash, grass bundles, planks, reed mats, and chaff to prevent moisture and keep warm."

"This method is called 'matching chaff', and if the saplings planted on the grain storage soil turn yellow, it means that the grain in the cellar is hot and germinated..."

Fusu nodded slightly, thinking in his heart, it really is like a mountain across the country, no wonder ordinary people's homes can't afford to build granaries, only those big households with a lot of food can maintain large granaries, and they won't be cut off by artificially manipulated grain prices ...


Hanoi County, Huai County.

This place is adjacent to the Taihang Mountains in the north and the Yellow River in the south. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, so it is named "Huai", also known as "Three Hundred Li Huaichuan".

Surrounded by a group of county and county officials, Ting Wei You Chenghou Feng slowly walked out of the county.

He looked back at the faces of the people around him, feeling relieved.

Those with the expression of "finally gone, but don't come back" are affected by the rectification of officials this time, and their interests have been damaged.

And those with "don't go" written all over their faces are mostly low-level officials. They are a group of people who were promoted under the inspection system because they worked hard and were smart and capable.

As for the "don't go" on the face, it is very simple. After all, there are only so many positions for officials, and when they are promoted, some of them must be demoted or punished.

So when Hou Feng left, the old and new factions were bound to set off a bloody battle.

But this has nothing to do with Hou Feng. The harder they fight, the more they need the support of the Qin Ting Central Committee, that is, the emperor. This is more or less good than bad.

Hou Feng looked at the stick-like thing on the carriage, and curiously asked the county Linghu of Wenyi County who came to see him off, "What is this?"

Hu Xiao smiled and said: "Some local specialties, steamed and eaten, nourish the spleen and stomach, promote body fluid and lungs, nourish kidney and astringent essence..."

Kidney-tonifying and astringent essence...Hou Feng was slightly taken aback, with a sweet smile on his face: "I will give the memorial to His Majesty later, and let the Shaofu buy some and send them to the palace to enjoy!"

(End of this chapter)

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