Chapter 260

Xianyang City belongs to the country.

A man with dark complexion and short stature walked out of the courtyard.

He was one of the guards who came to Xianyang City to pay homage to the emperor with the White Horse Di Shaman.

The Longxi army began to gather in Chencang, and the news of the practice formation was brought back by a businessman who went down the mountain to trade. After discussing with the shaman, the leader of the clan hurried to Xianyang with a large amount of gold, jade, skins and silk City on the road.

"Hey, it's a pity that so many good things are given to Qin people for nothing!"

"Hey, in the words of the patriarch, I'm used to it, it happens every few years..."

He sighed slightly, but immediately froze, staring fixedly at the twelve golden men piercing into the clouds and the solemn palace in the distance.

Seriously, if it weren't for the fact that this place is full of people coming and going, he would want to kneel down and pay respects again!

In a trance, he suddenly felt that even if he emptied the warehouse, it was nothing. After all, what was in front of him was an empire that people dare not look directly at!
Reluctantly, he withdrew his gaze and turned his head towards the market in Xianyang City.

He was going to sell the few pieces of jade he brought with him there, and then buy some Qin people's specialties to take back. If he sells them in reverse, he might have enough money to build a house and marry a wife!
"Excuse me, where is the nearest market?" He grabbed a young man who looked kind and asked, imitating the appearance taught by the official of the country, and bowed to the ground.

"Should be shortened, lifespan will be reduced..." The young man hastily avoided, and said with a smile: "There is a long road, and a short road, which one do you choose?"

He thought for a while, Xianyang City was much hotter than his hometown, so he was already sweating profusely under the sun.

"I choose the closest one!"

"Smart!" The young man snapped his fingers, and then pointed to the alley between Lifang with his chin: "Go forward from here, and turn left when you see a big tree, then go straight and you will be there!"

As if afraid that he would not know where the left is, the young man poked his left arm with his finger: "This is the left!"

"Thank you!" He saluted again and walked quickly into the alley.

"Ah, it's here!" When he saw the big tree the youth said, he immediately turned to the left.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in the back of his head, and he fell down in a whirl.

"Boss, how about it? Let me pretend!" The young man came from the alley and looked at a big man carrying a bat.

This is Gan Fu who once served as the iron eagle sharpshooter by Fusu's side.

Ganfu nodded, and looked at a group of subordinates walking towards this side: "You guys buried him on the spot, remember to dig deeper, don't let him cheat the corpse!"


When the Di people were carried away, Gan Fu looked at another group of people and asked, "Are you ready?"

One of the men with a crooked bun said: "Don't worry, everything is ready, that is a prostitute who was ordered to be executed by His Majesty himself! It's a pity that he was caught too late, and let him harm several girls in a row!"

Russian Qing belongs to the State Council.

A Qin official came in with his sleeves twitched high-spiritedly. With dozens of fully armed Qin soldiers, he went straight to the Di people's mission.

"Hand over the murderer!"

The official Qin kicked open the door, shouted loudly at the group of Di people who were obviously confused, and then the Qin soldiers who followed behind him entered in a file, and escorted all the Di people out of the room.

"This, this gentleman, why do you treat us like this?"

The Diren shaman tried his best to behave decently, he trembled and asked with a frightened expression on his face.

Qin official sneered: "Why do you treat me like this?"

"My Great Qin is a state of etiquette, and I have always respected foreign envoys. The daily meal expenses are the monthly expenses of the five families under my Xianyang City."

Hearing what Qin officials said, one of the Di people showed a very dissatisfied expression. Not to mention the value of the treasures they brought this time, even the food these days is not as good as the dogs raised in the yard by Dianju Guo !

The Qin official didn't bother to pay attention to the dissatisfaction of the Di people, he continued:

"But what about you? Instead of being grateful, you will repay your kindness with revenge!"

The Di shaman immediately shouted injustice.

Qin officials said: "One of the guards in the mission was buying and selling by force in the Nancheng market, and wanted to exchange a few rotten stones for silk from Qin merchants. Qin merchant Tian Boguang refused, and was immediately pierced by a sharp knife. Chest to death!"

"According to the report from the crowd watching Qianshou, after killing people in this village, they beat and injured several Qin people one after another, and then fled!"

"You said you were wronged, come here, and bring up Qin Shangtian Boguang!"

The Di shaman looked at the short dagger stuck in Tian Boguang's chest. It was indeed the guard of the Di man, but how dare he fight the Qin man, which caused the Di shaman to be in chaos for a while.

"There are all the witnesses and material evidence, so why don't you just argue!"

The Qin official shouted: "I will give you three days to send the murderer who hurt someone to the Neishi Mansion, otherwise, not only will you be punished with the same law, but I will also ask your majesty to send troops to question the crime." , to seek justice for me, the people of Qin!"


Hanzhong County, Gudao County, on the school grounds beside Baoshui.

Yingyang Colonel Qiang Wuji boarded the Dianjiang platform, standing on the battlefield below were five thousand soldiers he had selected from Longxi County and Hanzhong County.

Despite the scorching summer, everyone stood meticulously, horizontally and vertically, as motionless as a mountain.

"Our school captain heard that the Di people's envoys had no eyes on His Majesty, and even treated the Qin law like a child's play. They actually fought and killed my great Qin Liangmin in Xianyang City. This school captain can't bear it. Can you bear it?"

Qiang Wuji's words resounded in the ears of the entire army through layers of relay.

In an instant, the army formation that had been silent just now resounded like a volcanic eruption, and there was a deafening sound.

"I can't bear it!"

Qiang Wuji waved his hand, the shouts of mountains and tsunamis stopped abruptly, and he immediately asked: "What can I do if I can't bear it!"

The towering and majestic voice sounded again on the school field.




Qiang Wuji said loudly: "Your Majesty has granted me the Tiger Talisman Yue to take full responsibility for conquering the Di people!"

He looked at the seething army formation below the stage, and waved his hand violently: "Here is an order from the general, three days later, the army will move out!"

"Your Majesty, the Qin army will win forever!"

The soldiers burst into deafening cheers again.

Under Qiang Wuji's deliberate selection, although these 5000 people were all "veteran soldiers" who had experienced border defense once, they had another common characteristic.


Qiang Wuji recalled that before leaving, his father Qiang Yan had vaguely pointed out the emperor's thoughts.

The land keeps the people but not the men, and the women keep the men but not the men!
In this way, these bachelors can get a wife and then take root here.

Well, in the words of some 'historians', 'public knowledge', and 'scholars' of later generations, this is called accelerating national integration, which is conducive to the formation of the Chinese nation!

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass and rewards of 'Deeply Embracing and Not as Long as I'!
(End of this chapter)

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