Chapter 262 The God of Creation
Seeing Wu Yong supporting Su, Chen Ping was a little surprised, and immediately said without changing his face: "The minister came here today to change the four to five!"

Why!If there is a choice, I don't want to engage in this kind of feudal superstition... Fu Su shook his head and smiled: "Let's go, sit in the gazebo over there and talk."

In a short time, on the gazebo on the island in the middle of the lake, futons, low tables, pastries, herbal tea, and incense are all available.

Fusu sat cross-legged on a chair he made himself.

After Chen Ping saluted, he sat upright under Fusu and sniffed lightly a few times: "The smell of this incense is so strange!"

Fusu poured himself a cup of herbal tea, and motioned him to take it by himself, without formality: "Mugwort is used to smoke mosquitoes. Tell me what you think."

Chen Ping considered his tone for a while, and asked in a low voice: "Have you ever heard of the theory of restarting the Mandate of Heaven that has been widely circulated recently?"

Fusu nodded slightly, expressing that he knew that Ganfu led people to arrest many people who spread rumors, but he never found the source of the rumors.

However, in this era, there are countless such similar mottos, the most famous of which is the phrase 'the one who replaces the Han Dynasty should be Tu Gao'.

In the Western Han Dynasty, there were similar people of destiny appearing continuously. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, a certain son of destiny said that the word "Xiu" in his name originally meant "rice with ears". The rice was born on the side of the road and was tall, so he It is the fate of destiny, and it has successfully continued the Han family.

Later, Yuan Shu also said that his character was called Road, and there was a character for Road, which happened to coincide with Dang Tu Gao's character for Tu (Road). This is God's will, and then he was beaten like a dog...

Then the Cao family came on stage, 'Dangtu' means 'Danglu', 'Dangtu Gao' is a tall thing on the main road, similar to the archways of later generations, but it was called 'Que' at that time, Both 'Han Que'.

The word "Wei" is a big name, that is to say, Wei is a big adjective, and the tall que in front of the palace gate is called "Xiang Wei".

So, although it was a bit convoluted, it was God's arrangement that Cao Wei replaced Liu Han.

And God's arrangement is naturally the biggest...

Then, at the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, Wang Jun, the governor of Youzhou, followed Yuan Shu's example and said that my father's character is Chudao, and Dao is the road and Tu, so I am the real son of destiny.

Then he was killed by Shi Le...

It is unbelievable that a motto has lasted for hundreds of years!

Although Fusu instinctively rejects this kind of thing, he has to pay attention to it.

He raised his phoenix eyes slightly: "So that's why you want to make the former emperor a god?"

Chen Ping nodded heavily: "I think that after this, the former emperor can be equal to heaven, and everything he does is the will of heaven. In this way, the people's grievances accumulated by Qin since the unification of the six kingdoms can be slowly resolved."

"Furthermore, His Majesty is of the blood of the former emperor, so he is naturally the Son of God, that is, the Son of Heaven. Even if the Destiny is restarted, His Majesty is a well-deserved Man of Destiny!"

Heh, there are more than a dozen people like this!It's no wonder that after Hu Hai came to power, he killed all his brothers and sisters. I always thought he was the succession law of the Janissaries, but I didn't expect him to be the Ottoman Turkish succession law that killed all the brothers and sisters!Of course, Luluo is also Luo... Fu Su pondered for a moment in his heart, then smiled and said to the expectant Chen Ping:

"Since Zuo Cheng is so confident, let's try to retreat! But I can say it up front. It's not good for me to intervene in this kind of matter."

Well, it's like forging a pretext for declaring war against a dependent country. Only when there is reason and evidence can it be considered famous.

After all, China has always been a country of etiquette, but even those Angsa gangs used a bag of washing powder as an excuse to launch invasions into other countries!

Chen Ping said hesitantly: "I understand, but..."

I understand, it's money, right... Fusu complained in his heart, but his face didn't change. After all, if he wants to build momentum among the people, he can't do anything with empty words.

"You need to ask Han Rang for the property you need!"

Hearing Fusu's words, Chen Ping stood up and bowed to the ground: "Thank you Your Majesty for your trust, I will fulfill my mission!"

After speaking, he took a few steps back, turned around and left, leaving Fusu with fluttering sleeves.

Why!It's a pity that there are not enough silver mines. Otherwise, a hydraulic stamping machine can be used to print the fat man's face on the silver coins, which can also play a corresponding role. Well, Qin Datou...Fu Su drank a cup of herbal tea and looked at the The sun is gradually slanting west, enjoying this rare tranquility.

In fact, it was a pavilion chief surnamed Liu who changed four to five in later generations, but the black emperor who walked up to the altar was himself.

This is a compromise he made in order to win over the old Qin people in the Guanzhong area. For this reason, he did not hesitate to abandon the set of "red emperor, white emperor" and other sayings, and even changed the clothes of the Han Dynasty to those of the Qin Dynasty. black.

And when his son Emperor Wen succeeded to the throne, when he wanted to strengthen the imperial power by changing the system inherited from Qin, he was ruthlessly suppressed by the group of heroes.

His former pawn Xin Yuanping also fell.

It wasn't until Han Wu succeeded to the throne that he launched the "Correct Shuo and Yifu Color" again, and then the Jianyuan New Deal failed, and he also sat as the puppet emperor for six years.

It wasn't until the group of heroes died that Han Wu finally changed the October as the beginning of the year in Qin Dynasty to the first month as the beginning of the year.

As for clothing color, it is according to the end of five virtues, Qin destroyed Zhou, it was water virtue that replaced fire virtue, and Han defeated Qin, it was earth virtue that replaced water virtue, so clothing color is still yellow.

Well, it's khaki rather than bright yellow.

In Liu Xiu's period, in order to show that his throne was inherited from Henkel, he changed yellow to red, which is the color of the red emperor's son.

While Fusu was enjoying the quiet time, an internal servant came from a distance: "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince Luanbu is begging to see you."

"Let him come over."

Luan Bu came from a distance, knelt down on both knees and saluted: "Meet Your Majesty!"

Luan Bu was regarded as a domestic slave, so Fusu didn't show politeness to him, he waved his hand and said, "What's the matter?"

Luan Bu cupped his hands and replied: "Your Majesty, the chicks hatched in the palace can't be sold anymore... Of the more than 1 chicks brought to the market yesterday, only a few hundred were sold."

Hmm, is the market saturated?What a fragile agricultural society and economy!That's right, middle-class families with chickens at home don't need to buy a lot of chickens, and those poor families can't afford it at all, and those princes and relatives, even if they buy chickens, they buy chickens that have grown up. Yes, adult chickens that can be cooked directly... Fu Su pondered slightly and said:
"How about this, sort the existing chickens, pick out the healthy ones and transport them to Sanchuan County, if they can't be sold, they will be sent to Yiyang Industrial Park, and they will be raised to improve the food for the artisans. As for the weak ones, they will be sent to Raise it in Shanglin Garden."

After all, the roads during this period were far away and bumpy, and under long-distance transportation, chickens with a slightly weaker physique could easily die for you in minutes!

(End of this chapter)

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