Chapter 263 Hey, fellow!

After Luan Bu nodded, he asked again: "What about the artificial hatching in the palace?"

Fu Su said with a smile: "Let those servants who have mastered hatching skills go to Fushi County, Shangjun, build a hatching greenhouse there, and then sell the hatched chicks to the farms in Jiuyuan City. Fuping County, Dijun, as for Jincheng County? Let’s talk about it after Zhang Han has repaired the road!”

"Allow Gui there to owe the debt first, or work to repay the debt, or wait until the chick grows up and sell it before paying back the money!"

Anyway, no one dares not to pay back the money owed to him. Being an emperor is so simple and boring...

"Your servant has made a note." After Luan Bu knelt down and bowed, he took a few steps back and walked into the distance.

After Fusu glanced at his back, he began to calculate in his heart.

In fact, he asked people to sell the chickens to the farms in the north, not simply for the sake of people's livelihood, but to curb the possible outbreak of locust plagues there.

Before he crossed over, there was breaking news on the Internet about more than N billion African locusts sweeping all the way.

So he also took a brief look at it. After all, on the Internet at that time, there were locust control experts per capita. If you couldn't tell the truth, you wouldn't be able to get in the way of other people's chats!

According to the Qin Dynasty, waterlogged fish and dry locusts, when there is a flood, the fish throw their roe to the shore. If there is always water, the roe will become a fish, and if the drought continues, the roe will hatch. Yes, the locusts...

Of course, from the perspective of future generations, this view is outrageously wrong.

But after careful study, there is also some truth. After all, locust plagues generally follow floods and droughts.

So there is another old saying that locust plagues are plagues of poverty.

When the weather is good, the locust plague will not happen, but after the disaster year, the locust plague will happen in all likelihood, and it will appear for many years in a row!
After all, ancient China was an agricultural society. In good times, crops were planted on almost all the land that could be seen.

To farm, you first need to plow the land.

And under this, the locust eggs buried in the ground will be turned out of the soil. After all, when plowing the field, the plowshare penetrates tens of centimeters into the soil. This is what the female locusts cannot reach when laying eggs depth.

The plague of locusts that ravaged the beautiful country back then was also after the Western Development. People went to the Rocky Mountains to herd cattle and plow the fields. The locusts and insect eggs were trampled to death by the endless stream of people and cattle, and they were directly dried to extinction!
In this way, the Indians may also thank Ansa for not killing...

Fusu smiled silently, and immediately collected his mind, thinking about the matter at hand.

In an agricultural country like Qin, floods and droughts can all be remedied manually, but locust plagues alone, no matter what method is used, it is impossible to make up for the losses.

Therefore, those who are good at fighting have no great achievements, and preventing problems before they happen is the right way.


The sun was high and the sky was high, on the edge of a river valley in Wudu County, in front of the Di people's village built with chaotic stones.

Qiang Wuji began to direct the army to bury the pot to cook and make preparations before the battle.

He was not worried that the Di people would take advantage of this to launch an attack, because anyone who had the determination to keep the enemy out of his house would not have sealed the gate of his own village with rubbish!

It's just that after a closer look, he found that this village didn't seem to belong to the Di people, but to the Qiang people.

Because there is a sentence describing the architectural style of the Di people in "The Book of Songs·Qin Feng·Xiao Rong",'In its wooden house, it disturbs my heart. '

In other words, the houses where the Di people live are low houses with wooden boards on them.

And now the village that appeared in front of Qiang Wuji, the houses are blockhouses made of stones.

He recalled what his ancestors said, this should be one of their Qiang people, Zhong Qiang.

Well, fellow!

Qiang Wuji smiled silently, this did not affect him to exchange the heads of these Qiang people for military merit...

Two hours later, the entire army had finished eating, and all pre-war preparations had been completed.

A bowl of meat porridge and two slices of bread, this is not for eating, but for providing physical strength for the next battle.

After all, if you are hungry, you will have no physical strength, and if you are full, you will have no fighting spirit.

Then, drums of various tones sounded, and the army began to line up in an orderly manner.

Strong and strong shields are in front, Zhang Shi holding a powerful crossbow is behind, and behind and scattered on the two wings are heavy armored infantry holding long spears and daggers hanging from their waists.

However, Qiang Wuji did not let the army launch an attack immediately, because he also brought two small gravity catapults with him this time.

Although each catapult needs six horses to pull it, and in many places, even a dozen strong men can be assisted to move it.

But when the gravity catapult threw stones the size of a human head towards Zhong Qiang's village with a creaking sound, everyone knew that it was all worth it.

Two crisp sounds came from a distance.

One fell in the dwelling behind the wall, but the only stone that hit was the wall of the Qiang people, and the stone chips flew around, and there was a vague tendency to collapse.

There is no way, the gap in military technology has led to the walls of the Qiang people, which cannot withstand tossing like those of the countries in the Central Plains. The most important thing is that they did not master the adhesive made of glutinous rice juice mixed with other materials.

Seeing that the attack was effective, Qiang Wuji loudly ordered the engineer operating the catapult to adjust his direction and aim at a point.

He reckoned that with another seven or eight hits, a gap should be made.

At that time, rush in along the gap, merit and wealth will be at your fingertips!
Two stones the size of a human head hit the wall one after the other. This time the attack effect was much better than the last one.

Under the control of God's will, one of the stones precisely hit a certain support point of the wall.

Thus, a chain reaction happened instantly.

A large number of stones on the wall slanted down, revealing pairs of eyes full of fear behind the wall, and trembling arms holding crude weapons.

Zhong Qiang was mixed between Qin and Di, and his ancestors were so tough and extraordinary that they would fight to the death and never retreat, which had long since disappeared with the passage of time.

To be precise, most of those tough and extraordinary guys have left no descendants...

As for why they didn't surrender?

Just kidding, although Zhong Qiang is ignorant, what happened to his tribal brothers in the west after they surrendered has long been passed down along the caravans...

The Qin people in the west don't abide by martial ethics. Could it be that the Qin people here are just harmless little white rabbits!

With the continuous bombardment of the catapults, a large hole finally appeared in the wall of the Qiang people.

In an instant, the sound of drums in the Qin army formation shook the sky.

It is as motionless as a mountain, but as slow as a forest.

The Qin soldiers who were still in place walked forward with neat steps.

A moment later, the setting sun was like blood, bloodthirsty crows were circling in the sky, and a banner of the Qin army was flying in the wind in Zhong Qiang's village.

 Thank you for the monthly pass of 'Slowly and Slowly My Way'!
(End of this chapter)

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