Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 28 I invite soldiers to eat hot pot

Chapter 28 I invite soldiers to eat hot pot

Just after dawn in the morning, Fusu, wearing a black narrow-sleeved hunting suit, was escorted by nearly a thousand cavalrymen and came to Duyou Pavilion on Wuzhi.

Zhang Han, who will be the young mansion, rushed forward and bowed to salute.

Fusu jumped off his horse and said, "Take me to the paper-making workshop."


Afterwards, surrounded by a team of shield-bearing soldiers, the two walked into the paper-making workshop under construction.

Zhang Han pointed to a ditch that was originally used to irrigate the farmland and said, "Your Majesty, please see that this is a ditch for the future placement of water reels."

"In order to get enough motivation, I have ordered Zhao Guang, the magistrate of Xingping County, to conscript 500 servants (official slaves) to widen the canal."

Fusu took a look at what was still just a ditch, and said, "Digging a ditch is a laborious task. Each person will be given a ration of one stone of millet per month, and the money needed to purchase the grain will be allocated from my private funds."

After a few words of flattery, Zhang Han pointed to a puddle in the distance and said, "According to your Majesty's order, the ten thousand catties of bamboo brought from Wugong County have been cut and soaked in water. day, it will be a hundred days."

Fusu nodded, but said nothing about it.

There is no way, relying on the existing conditions, we can only use the most traditional method to process raw materials.

According to the records in "Tiangong Kaiwu", bamboo needs to be soaked for a hundred days before it can be used.

Fortunately, the internal history area where Xianyang is located does not lack bamboo, otherwise the papermaking workshop would have to be located in Shu County thousands of miles away.

And there is another advantage of using bamboo to make paper near Xianyang.

That is to reduce the incidents of giant pandas hurting people!

The Gun Gun in this period is different from the Meng Meng Da in later generations, the Gun Gun now is very fierce!

Taking the memorials Fusu saw as an example, in the past six months, only a few counties close to Zhongnan Mountain have reported at least ten incidents of giant pandas hurting people!
"Your Majesty, this is paper made from wheat straw." Zhang Han held up a stack of test products with both hands.

Fusu picked up one and rubbed it with his hands.

The color is yellowish, the surface is uneven, and it is obviously not suitable for writing.

However, this pile of yellow paper and the ones piled up on the car farther away are only used by Fusu to test the papermaking process and realize the free use of toilet paper.

The young master Fusu lives frugally, only uses bamboo slips to go to the toilet, not cloth, and in order not to collapse...

Only a recommendation ticket can soothe the pain in the traveler's heart...

However, Fusu only intends to try to make this batch of straw paper. This is because the wheat straw in the Qin Dynasty was called chú gǎo, which was fodder for cattle and horses. The amount of reserves is set as one of the thirteen types of data that the ruler must know.

If it is exposed that a large amount of wheat straw is only used to make toilet paper, even Meng Tian will spit on him!
After a while, the inspection of the papermaking workshop was completed.

Bamboo still needs to be soaked, so there is still a period of time before the real start of papermaking, so after Fusu ordered the straw paper to be transported back to the palace, he did not stay here any longer.

Before leaving, Fusu said: "I want to go to Shanglin Garden to hunt, I wonder if the general will be willing to go with me?"

Zhang Han was flattered and said: "Your Majesty has a request, how dare I refuse to obey?"

Along the way, under Fusu's intentional questioning, Zhang Han began to talk about his views on the Qiang people and the Huns.

Especially when Fusu asked about the establishment of prefectures and counties by Qinghai Lake, Zhang Han gave a high evaluation and admiration.

Although Fusu saw that Zhang Han somewhat agreed with his intentions, it was obvious that he still supported him in expanding the territory.

The ministers at this time are different from the slaves of later generations, and there are many ministers who dare to criticize the emperor face to face!
Fusu recalled Zhang Han's repeated battles and victories in history, and asked:

"Jincheng County will not set up a county guard for the time being, but only a Qiang Zhonglang general with a rank of two thousand shi, who will lead the military administration and fight against the Qiang people. I wonder if the general will be willing to take on this important task?"

Zhang Han froze for a moment, his eyes suddenly opened round.

The Qiang Zhonglang will be in charge of the military administration of one side. The important thing is that Jincheng County is a border county, which is between the Qiang people and the Huns, and it is easy to break out conflicts with both sides.

Daqin confers titles based on military merits, first there are high-ranking titles, and then there are high-ranking officials!

For example, he is currently serving as a general, although he is a high-ranking official with a rank of two thousand stones, but his title is only a public servant at the level of a scholar-bureaucrat.

As a result, when he went out, he even had to salute some subordinates who were inferior to him in official positions!
Thinking of this, Zhang Han felt short of breath. He straightened his body on the horseback, cupped his hands and said, "I am willing!"

Fu Su waved his hand, indicating that he doesn't need to be too polite, and continued to ask: "Qing thinks that you will take the post of Shaofu, who should add it?"

Zhang Han thought for a while, and said: "The Zuo Xiao ordered the public to lose track, a descendant of Lu Ban, good at carpentry, hardworking, and worthy of a great job!"

Just waiting for you to say so!Fusu nodded slightly, and said, "Yes."

Along the way, Fusu listened to Zhang Han talking about how he would comfort the Qiang people in the south, the Yue clan in the west, and organize military and civilian settlements after he took office.

And Fusu said that in Jincheng County, the policy of "controlling the soil and dividing the people" will be restarted to recruit people from the counties and counties in Shandong to enrich Jincheng County.

Moreover, for the relocated farmers, five years of land rent will be exempted, and Jiangzuo Shaofu will provide new plows.

The so-called "making soil and dividing the people" means that the government measures the land and distributes the land to farmers for cultivation.

According to Qin law, each household can grant 100 mu of land, but this policy was no longer implemented in the fifth year after the first emperor unified the world.

Because good fields have basically been awarded.

Hearing that Fusu said that he was going to restart the policy of controlling the land and dividing the people in Jincheng County, Zhang Han felt even more that he could be a good protector of Qiang Zhonglang.

At noon, the convoy arrived at Shanglinyuan.

Fusu looked at Han Xin, who was a little cautious in excitement, and thought in his heart: Bingxian, let's get a wave of goodwill first!
And Han Xin's restraint is also a normal reaction.

After all, Han Xin at this time is not the Marquis of Huaiyin known as "the more the better", he is just a young man in his 20s who once thought he was underappreciated.

But now, he has jumped from a jobless vagrant to Habayashiro, a close minister of the emperor, with a promising future.

If you want something, it must be so.

With Fusu's acquiescence, he and Zhang Han were accompanied by his servants Li Cheng, Meng Ying, Habayashi Lang Han Xin, and Li Shiqi, who was worshiped as Doctor Daizhao, to have lunch with him.

After a while, according to Fusu's drawing, charcoal was added to the copper hot pots made in advance, and placed in front of several people's desks.

Then add fish balls, pork belly stewed in advance, venison, mutton, tofu, bean sprouts, etc. to the copper hot pot.

There is no way, the chili is still beautiful alone on the other side of the ocean, and the spiciness of cornel can’t make Fusu happy, and there is no sesame paste, and I can’t eat authentic mutton, so I can only remember it in this way close to Yipinguo up.

But the effect is quite good, at least Meng Tian and Li Cheng, the two Gaoliang disciples, were sweating profusely, not to mention the Bingxian who ate and drank at the pavilion chief's house.

PS: It will be recommended tomorrow, can you vote for Xiaomengxin? (·)
(End of this chapter)

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