Chapter 29 Bunny is so cute... (Please recommend and collect)

Lanchi Palace, Yugui Palace.

Tian Ji, who was wearing a bright red palace dress and full of jewels, glared at Zhao Ji who was sitting opposite, wearing a moon-white elegant dress.

It's a pity that Tian Ji's watery peach blossom eyes are really not lethal. When staring directly at people, there is a kind of passion that wants to talk.

Zhao Ji had two slender jade fingers in the depths: "Your Majesty came to the Yugui Palace yesterday and during the day, twice!"

Wow, she is showing off her sincerity!Tian Ji continued to stare at Zhao Ji with her peach blossom eyes.

Zhao Ji put on a pretentious look: "Your Majesty stayed overnight in Yugui Palace yesterday, and didn't let her go until the light of day..."

Super gas, gas into a puffer fish!Tian Ji puffed her cheeks, slammed the table, and the huge object on her chest that Fusu couldn't put it down shook violently: "Come here!"

Zhao Ji was taken aback, and said, "This is Yugui Palace, not your Yuhua Palace! Who is here?"

Tian Ji was a little embarrassed, and said to her index finger: "That's right..."

At this moment, a court lady in plain palace attire walked in, saluted and said, "Madam, Miss Qi please see me."

Beauty, a rank of empress and concubine in the Qin Dynasty, is below the empress and madam.

Zhao Ji was stunned for a moment, and asked, "But Qi Ji, daughter of Marquis Qi Ji, Order of Lantian Gao?"

The maid nodded and said, "Exactly."

Tian Ji was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Zhao Ji who was also puzzled, and suddenly laughed happily: "Some people have worked hard to please His Majesty, and finally became the 'madam'. , was dubbed a 'beauty', huh huh huh..."

Zhao Ji glanced at Tian Ji, showing a dignified and beautiful smile: "Your Majesty stayed in Yugui Palace yesterday..."

Before Tian Ji could speak, Qi Rui'er walked in slowly from outside the palace gate, Yingying bowed down and said: "I have seen the two ladies."

Qi Rui'er, who was wearing a moon-white gauze dress, stood sideways, her sharp melon-seeded face shone with a warm jade-like luster, and a valuable gold step was inserted into the ginseng bun on her head, and a gold tassel was adorned with a A round pearl, when walking, the tassels sway, like a fairy descending from the earth.

Tian Ji and Zhao Ji were stunned, and thought, no wonder His Majesty would directly call her a beauty, the word beauty really deserves her name!

Immediately, they all thought at the same time: Hmph, men are big pigs!

But Zhao Ji thought again, even though Qi Ji had been in the palace for many days, she had never heard of His Majesty summoning her, and her Majesty even stayed in the Yugui Palace yesterday, no matter how much she begged for mercy, she tossed herself all night...

It is said that men like the new and dislike the old, but after all, His Majesty has me in his heart!A sweetness appeared in Zhao Ji's heart, and a smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

"Since you have been named a beauty, we will call you sisters from now on." Tian Ji stood up from behind the desk, walked to Qi Rui'er, and pulled her to sit beside her.

Well, the breasts are not as big as mine, and the buttocks are not as tall as mine...but the waist is so thin and soft!Tian Ji showed an envious expression, and started to get up and down.

One showing a strange smile, one sneaking my ass, is this the harem?It's so scary, I really want to escape... Qi Rui'er showed an embarrassed smile, and escaped Tian Ji's 'claw' without a trace.

The maid in plain palace attire came in again: "Ma'am, the eunuch ordered Han Rang to see you."

Zhao Ji nodded and said, "Please hurry up."

After a while, Han Rang rushed in, glanced at Qi Ji with some differences, bowed and said: "I have seen the two ladies, Qi Meiren."

Tian Ji asked: "You are not serving His Majesty, what are you doing here?"

Han Rang frowned slightly, thinking that he had heard this sentence somewhere before, he cupped his hands and said: "If you go back to Madam, Your Majesty will go hunting in Shanglin Garden, and specially order the servants to pack their bags, and invite all the ladies to live in Wentang Palace temporarily."

Zhao Ji frowned and asked, "Why don't you let us live in Lanchi Palace? What about my weaving room?"

Tian Ji asked curiously: "Where is Wentang Palace, why have I never heard of it?"

Han Rang first said to Zhao Ji: "Your Majesty said that we will build a greenhouse in Lanchi Palace for the winter. Your weaving room will be taken care of by the Shaofu."

Then he looked at Tian Ji and said: "Wentang Palace is Zhou Zhili Palace... well, it is in the place where the former emperor built his room with stones and named "Goddess Tangquan". .”

"It is said that there is a hot spring flowing there all year round, so His Majesty named it Tangquan Palace."

"Your Majesty also said that bathing with warm soup can not only eliminate stubborn diseases, but also make the skin more delicate, smooth and elastic..."

Tian Ji and Zhao Ji looked at each other, and both saw the same thought in each other's eyes.

Tian Ji said reservedly: "If that's the case, then let's go. Would you like to share the same room with me tonight, Qi Meiren?"

Mom, save me... Qi Rui'er's face collapsed, but she still forced a smile and said, "It's all up to my sister to arrange..."


Shanglin Court.

After Fusu had lunch, he chatted with Li Shiqi about educating the leaders of the Yue people.

Then, followed by Zhang Han, Li Cheng, Meng Ying and hundreds of riders, they rode their horses deep into Shanglin Garden.

It is not the same as the royal garden covering an area of ​​more than 2000 square kilometers in the Han Dynasty, which was "surrounded by a wall for more than four hundred miles".

At this time, the front hall used to decorate the facade of Shanglin Garden, commonly known as the Efang Palace, was stopped by Fusu, and even the criminals who were in charge of building the palace turned into miners and went to Guiyi to dig coal... …

Therefore, what was built in Shanglin Garden at this time is only an artificial lake dug by the first emperor before his death, "diverting the Wei River into a long pond, [-] miles from east to west, and [-] miles from north to south".

As for the so-called "Guangqi Palace, with a scale of more than three hundred miles, a separate hall from the palace, Mishan across the valley, two chariots and roads, and the pavilion road leading to Lishan Mountain for more than [-] miles," it is completely just a blueprint.

It is worth mentioning that all the land planned in the above blueprint has been requisitioned by the government. Fortunately, the Qin State at this time is dominated by the state-owned economy, and the requisition of land will not cause any demolition...

Because of this, there are more beasts than people in Shanglin Garden, and even the camp where nearly ten thousand Yubayashi soldiers are located only occupies a small area by the side of the long pond.

This can be regarded as the best use of everything...Fu Su glanced at the distant military camp, he will inspect this new army composed of 'slaves giving birth' tomorrow morning.

Because the first emperor did not like hunting, and Fusu stopped the construction of Afang Palace, the vegetation and ecology here have not been damaged too much.

As far as the eyes can see, this hunting ground is indistinguishable from the wilderness.

Hundreds of riders spread out in a fan-like manner, and the horses equipped with horseshoes and stirrups allowed them to show off their riding skills in front of Fusu to their heart's content.

A gray rabbit being chased by hounds ran towards Fusuma in a panic, so he drew his bow and set an arrow, and nailed the rabbit to the ground with a whoosh.

"Your Majesty is mighty!" All the knights chanted rainbow farts loudly.

PS: Legend has it that the cute new author is a cute feline animal. It will rub its head with a soft compress to every passing reader and make a purring sound. (Seeking collections and recommending 0/1 every day)

(End of this chapter)

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