Chapter 303 Strongman Politics
Fusu put the carved bow in his hand back into the saddlebag, and took the long halberd along the way.

The reason why he didn't try to shoot the wild boar with a bow and arrow was mainly because of the problem with the arrow.

He carried arrows for shooting small and medium-sized animals such as deer or rabbits. Coupled with the low tension of the riding bow, the arrows could not penetrate the thick, oily and slippery fur of wild boars covered with resin and other impurities. .

As for the wild boar, before it is fatally injured, any damage to it can stimulate it to unlock the 'gene lock' and run away for the second time.

Fusu steered his horse away from the wild boar, then turned the horse's head and held the halberd in his hand.

His eyes fixed on the distance and he gasped, pointing his tusks at his wild boar, and his adrenaline soared.

At this moment, no one has a way out, only you die!

It's life and death... The corner of Fusu's mouth raised a curve, and he lightly tapped the horse's belly with his heel.

In the next second, the bay red horse neighed cheerfully and swept forward like the wind.

Tap, tap, tap!
The horse's hooves fluttered and hit the ground heavily, the sound was like muffled thunder.

The wild boar has no intention of retreating, or in other words, in its small brain, there is no option to escape at all.

So, when the distance between the two sides was getting closer, the bay red horse's four hooves staggered, and moved half of its body sideways, avoiding the wild boar's upward attack.

The halberd in Fusu's hand, with the strength of the wild boar's forward charge, cut a deep gash on its back.

The severe pain and the force from the halberd caused the wild boar to fall to the ground and struggle violently.

In the next second, Fusu pulled the reins abruptly, the bay red horse neighed, and the man stood up.

Fusu held the halberd dripping with blood upside down, raised his arms, and threw it violently with his back.

After the sound of iron piercing the flesh, there was the deafening howling of wild boars.

The extremely sharp halberd pierced through the wild boar's rib in an instant, nailing it to the ground.

The wild boar howled miserably on the ground, kicking its limbs on the ground desperately, trying to escape, but due to blood loss and damage to its organs, it completely lost the ability to move.

And in the perspective of the officials in the distance, Fusu riding on the back of a bay red horse standing upright is like a god coming down to earth!

The sun shone on his silhouette, bringing out bursts of halo, making them truly believe in the Son of God saying that was spread in the streets and alleys.

Thus, in the suddenly silent crowd, a violent and persistent cry erupted from the heart.

"Your Majesty!"

"Thousands of years of the Qin Kingdom!"

And the war drums arranged around the hunting ground in the distance were beaten again vigorously, echoing between the sky and the earth like thunder.

I don't know who arranged it for you, or if you broke in by yourself, but, thank you... Fu Su slowly stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and pulled out the halberd that was deeply rooted in the ground.

He rode on horseback, and walked back amidst the thundering drums, the cheers of the courtiers, and the howling of wild boars.

Holding a halberd in one hand and a bow in the other.

There was an inexplicable look on his face, and a pair of phoenix eyes, exactly the same as those of the First Emperor, carried a murderous look.

In the emperor's hunting ground, it stands to reason that such beasts would not exist.

After all, there is a special person in charge of the hunting grounds, who regularly encircle and drive away tigers, leopards, wolves, wild boars, black bears and other ferocious animals. Only relatively docile animals such as rabbits, deer, and pheasants will be kept or released regularly.

So when Kang Mazi personally conquered Ge Erdan, he sneaked in and shot more than 300 rabbits to death in one day...

The people are fond of martial arts, and only know how to cultivate and fight.

If you say what you look at, it is very likely that you will draw your sword out of its sheath and fight with your life...

Well, that's why Qin Law strictly forbids private fighting...

In this era, it is destined to be rich in warriors who "look at the sword with the light on while drunk".

Because of this, when Fusu faced the wild boar running towards him, he couldn't take a step back, and couldn't show any weakness!
Under the cheers of the officials, Fusu slowly walked back to the crowd. He glanced at Chen Ping who was standing behind the crowd. go.

Without him, with Fusu's seal left there, he dispatched troops from around Xianyang City, controlled all the officials and soldiers involved in the hunt, and thoroughly investigated the source of this wild boar that suddenly broke in!

Fusu threw the halberd back to Meng Ying, and held up the carved bow: "The hunt has officially begun. Whoever shoots the most will own this bow!"

"Your Majesty!"

There was a burst of cheers from the crowd, and they rushed forward immediately.

The ones rushing to the front of the crowd were a large group of youngsters who had just been crowned. Before they came, they had been told repeatedly, don't waste this opportunity, and try to make the emperor remember their names.

In this way, it will have immeasurable benefits for them to enter official careers in the future!
In the distance, Li Shiqi ran over quickly, huddled under the arbor, and whispered in Fusu's ear with a group of old ministers:

"Your Majesty, Fu Sheng has arrived."

Fu Sheng?Who is this... Fusu frowned slightly and looked at Li Shiqi.

Li Shiqi said in a low voice: "It was recommended by Kong Yu, that Fu Sheng who is proficient in "Shangshu", the order to collect relics from the sea issued a while ago..."

Oh, I remembered, I watched a variety show about him before time travel... Fusu nodded with a smile, toasting to many elders of the Three Dynasties and Five Dynasties from time to time.

Well, it is said to be five dynasties, but in fact one is three days, the other is three years...

Fu Su looked at Li Shiqi, and asked in a low voice, "Is this Fu Sheng very capable?"

If the other party is just a scholar who is proficient in Confucian classics, then let him come over to get acquainted, and let him and Kong Yu go to study books together after the first meeting.

Anyway, there are only so many literate people in the world, one more in Qin Ting, and one less in the 'rebel'.

As long as there is an ascending channel, no one wants to take the risk of walking a tightrope.

For example, in the mid-Tang Dynasty, many scholars from poor families first took the road of "frontier poets".

But when Li Linfu and Yang Guozhong were in power, this road was also cut off, so there was the subsequent Anshi Rebellion.

Cold knowledge, although the Anshi Rebellion lasted for eight years, An Lushan died in the second year after the rebellion... the kind of father and son laughing.

Well, Shi Siming also died like this...

Hearing Fusu's question, Li Shiqi thought for a while and said, "Fu Sheng is proficient in astronomy and calculation, so is this considered very capable?"

Fusu coughed heavily.

It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s been more than 2000 years, otherwise, with these two coughs, he will be quarantined in minutes... Fu Su slowed down, and said under the concerned eyes of everyone: "You sit down first, I still have important things to deal with, so I will take care of you." I won't be with you anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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