Chapter 302
Xianyang City, heaven and earth, in a room with wooden beams.

Like the scrubbers around him, Zhang Liang was shirtless, with a loincloth wrapped around his waist, leaning against the cement pool, taking a sip of cool well water from time to time, waiting to start work.

"I'm exhausted!" Zhang Liang stretched his shoulders, and said in a very Versailles way: "There is no time to stop every day, it seems that I will change the three no rubs to four no rubs! Rub ten people, not more!"

The scrubbers around were stunned for a moment, and then agreed with their eyes shining.

There are many dignitaries who come to heaven and earth to take a bath every day. If Han Xing (Zhang Liang) takes one less bath, they can get one more, and their income will increase accordingly.

But in the next second, a head poked out of the door, and someone shouted: "Han Xing, Doctor Feng ordered you, rub it with salt!"

Zhang Liang frowned slightly, threw a clean sackcloth over his shoulder, and walked out slowly.

Zhang Liang patted the other party's stomach, seeing that the other party didn't respond, Zhang Liang frowned slightly, and reminded in a low voice: "The meaning of patting your stomach is to turn you around, hurry up, others will see it!"

Dr. Feng hurriedly groaned twice on the spot, turned his back to Zhang Liang, and whispered, "There is news from the palace: On the day of welcoming autumn, the destiny will be restarted, Qin will lose its deer, and the world will chase after it! Zhang Zi has already prepared for it!" !"

Zhang Liang continued to exert force with his hands as if he had never heard of it, until he rubbed the other person inside and out, and then explained to the person in charge of the bathhouse that he was tired and quit work today, and then went to the dormitory pretending to be tired .

Because he is the 'top card' in the heaven and earth, Zhang Liang has an independent dormitory here. Now lying on the hard kang, he crushed a mosquito to death, and muttered to himself in a low voice.

"News from the palace? Has the Man of Destiny entered the palace?"

"Servant? Maid? This is a bit impossible, after all, she is also the leader of the Yin Yang family!"

"Isn't that going to be a concubine for the dog emperor?"

"Damn it!" Zhang Liang sat up directly, his eyes wide open, frightened by his guess.

But he immediately ruled out this idea. If the man of destiny became the concubine of the dog emperor, he would never make such a prophecy of ruining his family's foundation.

Sitting on the kang, Zhang Liang thought of the words he subconsciously said, and felt amused for a while.

This is what he heard from a court official who came to take a bath, and it is said to be a word that the dog emperor once said.

"Hey, it's a pity, if he wasn't the dog emperor of the Qin people, maybe we would become friends..."

Zhang Liang lay back and opened his cattail fan: "Qin lost its deer, Qin lost its deer..."

At this moment, in the hunting ground of Shanglinyuan, thousands of ministers and ministers in armor and soldiers all over the mountains and plains shouted in unison to the accompaniment of the music of "Zouyu":

"The emperor wins the deer, and the Great Qin will last for ten thousand years!"

In the center of the hunting ground, Fusu was wearing a colorful Fufu and a sky-reaching crown, and raised the carved bow in his hand to signal to the officials.

About ten steps away from him, a sika deer with carved feathers and arrows stuck in its neck is trying its best to swear, accusing Cao Dan's world...

Phew, fortunately I practiced two days in advance and regained my hand feeling, otherwise my embarrassment would be less of a problem, but my fate would be more of a problem... Fusu put the bay red horse under his crotch on his legs, and headed towards the roaring crowd.

According to the etiquette handed down from the Zhou Dynasty, before holding the sacrifice, the emperor needs to take the princes and ministers to hunt, and these prey are sacrifices for the sacrifice.

Of course, this is mainly because in the early Zhou Dynasty, productivity was underdeveloped, let alone aquaculture, so whether it was daily food or sacrificial sacrifices, they had to be obtained through hunting.

As for the emperor's need to shoot a deer before the hunting begins, this is a tradition that has existed since the ignorance of human beings.

In northern Eurasia, from Iceland to Sakhalin, and even across the Bering Strait to northern North America, there are deer worship traditions in these places.

People believe that the deer is a divine animal and a medium to communicate with the heavens.

Therefore, in China, where deer are in close contact with North Asia, where exchanges and competition coexist, they also have this sacred color and become a symbol of "God's favor".

Therefore, Zhao Gao's "pointing at a deer as a horse" before trying to usurp the throne also carried this meaning.

There are no longer deer in Qin's palace, but horses instead; the emperor respected by the people of the world is just a mortal!

He can replace it!

Just as Fusu was riding his horse back holding the carved bow, the sound of drums in the distance shook the heavens and the earth.

This is to drive away the prey and let the princes and relatives who participate in the hunting have fun.

But the drum was beating early. According to the etiquette system, the hunting can only officially begin after Fusu returns to the crowd!
In an instant, the animals trapped in the woods fled desperately.

The most eye-catching thing is a wild boar like a calf!

It was frightened, and immediately stared at Fusu who was showing off his might in the distance, so he lowered his head and rushed forward!

"not good!"

In the distance, wearing bright armor and holding a halberd, Meng Ying shouted loudly:
"Everyone is not allowed to move, stay where they are!"

"Qimen Army, follow me to rescue him!"

In an instant, like the opening of a river, thousands of elite cavalry in iron armor rolled forward. Unfortunately, except for the princes and ministers who participated in the hunting, and the lieutenant army in charge of peripheral security, the Qimen Army did not have the authority to carry bows and crossbows.

Otherwise, at this moment, that wild boar with fangs more than a foot long and rushing forward with a dull head would be shot into a hedgehog in an instant.

Good guy, no wonder people say one pig, two bears and three tigers, the momentum of running is really extraordinary... Fusu rode on the horse, dodging the wild boar's pursuit calmly.

He rejoiced in his heart that it was a good thing that he was not riding Wuzhi today, but this carefully selected war horse.

Otherwise, Wu Zai would definitely yell strangely, and run away with him!

Although the danger is far away in that way, the emperor's dignity is gone, especially his "resolute and brave" character set in front of the world will collapse!
But now, Fusu rode on this bay red war horse, hardly needing too much command. The bay red horse seemed to instinctively avoid the wild boar's tusk attack.

Not only that, but Fusu also felt that he was the one who slowed down the performance of the bay red horse. If it hadn't been carrying a person on its back, he might have taught the wild boar how to be a man with his strong hind legs with hooves on... No, It's a pig!

When Fusu (claret horse) was running with the wild boar, Meng Ying led the Qimen army and surrounded them tightly.

Seeing that Fusu was safe, Meng Ying's hanging heart slowly dropped.

"Your Majesty, take the halberd!" He threw the long halberd in his hand, and immediately led the Qimen army to disperse, and returned the stage to Fusu.

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of 'Breeze and Cloud'! (`) than heart
(End of this chapter)

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