Chapter 301
Jiaodong County, a school yard on the east wall of Jimo County.

It is said that before Tian Dan defeated the Yan army with the fire ox array, he swore an oath here and selected [-] men who dared to die.

Although it was extremely hot at the moment, the school grounds were full of voices, and the surrounding stands were rubbing shoulders, and everyone was cheering heartily.

The center of the school field is a Cuju field redefined according to the size of football fields in later generations.

On the Cuju field, players dressed in blue and white are fighting fiercely.

Well, there are not too many rules and regulations, except that players other than goalkeepers cannot touch the ball with their hands, and players who cannot throw their opponents over their shoulders...

On the main seat of the stand, behind Hou Feng were two children kneeling, playing cattail fans for him.

He looked at a strong man who pretended to be unable to stop and knocked the opponent's player several meters away, and couldn't help admiring Tian Jia beside him: "Well, Qidi really has a refined folk style!"

Tian Jia laughed awkwardly, just drank in silence, without saying a word.

After a while, Cuju ended and the players left the field.

What's next is today's highlight!
Hundreds of strong men who came from all over the world and were proficient in wrestling or other fighting techniques came up, and quickly matched each other according to the results of the previous draw.

Only then did Tian Jia cheer up. This was another task assigned by his emperor's son-in-law, to collect warriors who were skilled in personal martial arts in Qidi, um, martial arts fighters, and pack them up and send them to Xianyang.

Although Tian Jia didn't know why, but the emperor's edict didn't need to be explained to him.

"Cai!" Hou Feng clapped his hands and smiled.

His task is to conduct background checks on the selected fighters, mainly to investigate in detail those who are not on the list of "surrender" big households provided by Tian Jia.

After all, the rich and the poor, the tendons on these guys' bodies can't grow out of hunger and fullness!
If the people sent to the emperor as 'tributes' get mixed up with people with ulterior motives, they will be the first ones to be unlucky!


Yunyang County, Lin Guang Palace, in a palace with carved beams and painted buildings.

Zhao Ji held an embroidery frame in her hand, lowered her head, thinking about something, quietly like a flower blooming alone at night.

At this time, a young man who looked somewhat similar to her walked in from outside the hall and bowed to salute.


Zhao Ji raised her head, her face overflowing with unstoppable joy, she waved her hands and said with a smile: "Zhao Yan, come here quickly, let sister take a good look!"

Zhao Yan shook his head slightly, but asked someone to place a futon under Zhao Ji: "How is sister?"

Zhao Ji was slightly stunned, both happy and annoyed: "Like a certain pig, it can eat and sleep!"

Zhao Yan pretended not to hear what she meant: "That's good, that's good..."

"What?" Zhao Ji raised her eyebrows, then said with a smile, "I haven't seen you in half a year, you are dark and thin now! If the palace servants hadn't informed you that you were here, I really couldn't believe it, you are my younger brother! "

Zhao Yan said with a smile: "It's hot in the south of the Yangtze River, and the traffic is bumpy... Cough, what's the point of talking about this, I just want to see my sister sooner!"

Zhao Ji said with some distress: "How about, when His Majesty comes back, I'll go and beg His Majesty to give you an easy errand to stay in Xianyang City?"

Zhao Yan shook his head with a serious face: "Sister, don't do this! Although my position, Gan Lucheng, is not high, I am able to sit firmly with my real skills!"

A meaningful smile appeared on his face: "Young Master Gao is an intelligent man. Although he is named Ganluling, he has never set foot outside Xianyang City except for the last time. So my younger brother, Ganlucheng, is named Zuoer, but he really says what he says. ..."

"If I change to another place, I'm afraid I still have to start as a deputy first and let me serve the Shangguan. I'm really not used to it!"

Zhao Ji was silent for a moment, then sighed in her heart and said, "Since you think it's good, I'm a woman in the deep palace, so I won't say much..."

Zhao Yan was stunned for a moment, he raised his head and looked at his sister, only to see her black hair set against the moon-white palace dress, with a somewhat inexplicable expression in her elegant and intellectual literary atmosphere.

Could it be that sister wants to fight for the child in her belly... Zhao Yan thought of this, his heart was pounding like a drum, he opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

According to the etiquette in the palace, even if the two brothers and sisters meet, there are still several palace people standing in the palace, and topics such as arguing or not arguing should never be discussed on this occasion!

Zhao Yan took a few breaths slowly, calmed down and said with a smile: "Sister, I brought you some gadgets from Jiangnan, I wonder if you like them?"

"I like it, as long as it is a gift from you, my sister will like it!" Zhao Ji kept her previous expression, just laughing in her heart.

She is an extremely intelligent person, coupled with her understanding of her younger brother, Zhao Yan's fluctuating expression already made her guess what the other party was thinking.

It's just that the reason why Zhao Ji wanted to change Zhao Yan's position and stop running to the south of the Yangtze River was because when Fusu and Fusu fell asleep together, they heard the other party's nonsense...

After Zhao Ji finished speaking perfunctorily, she seemed to think of something: "Have they been delivered to the other people in the palace?"

Zhao Yan pointed his finger and said: "Mrs. Tian, ​​Qi Meiren, and Princess Yunyang, everyone has a share! It's just not as many as my sister's here..."

Zhao Ji asked with a strange look on her face, "Did your majesty send it?"

Zhao Yan was stunned: "Your Majesty? His Majesty the Emperor is rich all over the world, why would he care about this little local product brought back by my brother..."

Brother, you are still too young...Zhao Ji nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand! Come on, bring the ice melon!"

"This season is in the palace, so you can enjoy it like this!" Zhao Yan sighed slightly, and then happily ate ice melon.

Zhao Ji smiled and took out a box from her side, and asked the maid beside her to send it over.

"Ice coupon?" Zhao Yan opened it and looked at Zhao Ji with some doubts.

Zhao Ji said with a smile: "This is a new thing that His Majesty came up with. It's called buying ice in the community. You can make an appointment with an ice coupon one day in advance, and you can come to pick up the goods the next day... [-] yuan each, don't lose it." Already!"


Yunyang County Industrial Park, Yunyang Branch of Old Xianyang Fried Chicken Restaurant.

Han Xin sat down, with a bit of shyness on his face, he took out a box from his sleeve and handed it over.

Li Rou'er also took it with a shy face, but after opening the box, her expression gradually became a little inexplicable.

"what is this?"

"Glass mirror, I see that many noble ladies in Xianyang City have bought it, I think you will like it too..."

"how much is it?"


"Five baht?"

"Half taels."

In an instant, an octave-high female voice rang out: "You prodigal lord! A bow I like very much only sells for [-] baht..."

In the next second, the female voice suddenly became gentle: "Well, in fact, the one just now was not the real me..."

(End of this chapter)

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