Chapter 300 Bottle Caps
In the Lantian County Industrial Park, taking advantage of the coolness of the evening, a dozen ministers chanted and hoisted a huge gear with a pulley crane, and then placed it on the hydraulic forging hammer.

This is a crude device designed by Fusu for forging bottle caps.

As for the material of the bottle cap, it is galvanized iron sheet.

The production of the iron sheet is simple. The melted iron is poured on a flat surface, rolled and cooled.

Although the preparation of zinc is cumbersome, the process is actually very simple.

The dug lead-zinc ore is heated, zincized into gas and overflows outwards, a copper pipe is added to the furnace, bent to the side, and a cold water tank is attached to the end for cooling.

Zinc vapor condenses into zinc liquid on the inner wall of the copper tube, and then slides down the copper tube to obtain impure zinc lumps.

Of course, there is still a lot of zinc vapor that has solidified directly on the copper pipe. After the flame is turned off, just drill in and scrape it off.

Then, use a furnace with a temperature of several hundred degrees to melt the zinc ingots, stir and separate them, and obtain zinc ingots with less impurities.

Therefore, when the last part of the hydraulic forging hammer was installed, the valve of the canal was opened, and the turbid water flow from the Bashui surged out, driving the rotation of the water wheel, and then causing the internal forging hammer to suddenly press down.

The galvanized iron sheet placed below was instantly deformed, and under the double extrusion of the hammer and the mold, it became what Fusu wanted.

In a short time, the first batch of bottle caps and glass jars produced were all sent to Fusu.


Fusu screwed on the bottle cap, and the faces of Gong Shugui and a group of engineers standing beside him showed joyful expressions.

It's not just knowing you're going to be rewarded.

The important thing is to be able to personally participate and witness the creation of such a wonderful thing. For those of them who have worked as craftsmen for most of their lives, it is more of a sense of pride.

But Fusu's joy is different from theirs.

The hydraulic forging hammer is just a downgraded version of steam power, which is nothing.

Fusu's joy lies in the fact that the craftsmen can turn his ideas into reality in such a short period of time, which is a truly remarkable thing!
What is industrialization and what is the industrial revolution?

It is not simply to come up with a steam engine and then enter the industrial age!
It was not water power, wind power, or steam power that prompted the industrial revolution and productivity to take off.

It is the intensive production and assembly-line factory model, which greatly reduces the training costs and skill requirements of workers on the job, as well as the improved product quality after product standardization.

It was like the rattling hydraulic forging hammer in front of Fusu's eyes.

Lever, gear, large hammer... There are all kinds of things. If it is made according to the production method when Fusu just crossed over, it will take at least half a year to make one.

But now, under the production idea of ​​processing separately and then assembling, a hydraulic forging press with eight forging hammers can be made in more than half a month!
This is the new regulation promoted by Fusu following the example of the industrial production model of later generations and abandoning the small workshop model of masters leading apprentices in this era:

According to different positions, skilled workers who only need to learn a certain part of skills are specially trained.

Under the old model, taking the training of a potter as an example, apprentices need to learn how to find suitable pottery clay until they learn how to make pottery blanks and master the kiln fire.

After learning this whole set of techniques, even if the master is willing to teach them all, he will have to learn at least three to five years!

But in the new regulations, those who screw the screw should only screw the screw, and don't care about the others!
Thinking of this, Fusu let out a smirk, reshaping his views on Qin, a dynasty that only left more than a thousand words in "Historical Records".

Before traveling, in his impression, Qin had a standardized assembly line production method similar to later generations.

But after traveling through time, he discovered that the "Resurrected Legion" back then was just a speculation of later generations.

The so-called standard mass production is nothing but the Qin government legalizing the supply and demand of all social production!
This is indeed beneficial. For example, the bows and crossbows produced in Nanjun can match the parts of the bows and crossbows produced in the official workshop of Xianyang City.

But other places are full of historical limitations.

For example, in an agricultural society, the most important agricultural production.

According to the memorials sent back by Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi, Chen Mao and others, everywhere they saw, there was a one-size-fits-all lazy government behavior.

How many seeds to sow on an acre of land, when to sow, and when to harvest are all mechanical, strictly in accordance with the "Field Law" and "Cang Law" promulgated by the Qin government based on the data collected in Guanzhong to guide farming.

However, the geographical location is different, and the hydrological conditions and sunshine conditions are also different. Copying the same set of laws and regulations is undoubtedly full of mistakes and omissions!
That's why the people of the six kingdoms in the Kanto region find it unbearable for Qin Fa. After all, a few blind farmers will end up hurting their own stomachs!
And if you don’t listen to the nonsense of the officials, the leaders of Guizhou will farm according to the experience of their ancestors, and the officials will use the Qin law to govern you...

So the world has been suffering for a long time!
Hey, it seems that he has to bear the pain to make another decision that violates the ancestral system... Fusu forced himself to show a heartbroken expression to resolve the swaying of the distant imperial mausoleum.

Gong Shugui whispered from the side: "Your Majesty, if you borrow these items, can the efficiency of making that kind of large armor be greatly improved?"

Fusu turned his head: "You mean plate armor?"

Gong Chugui nodded: "Exactly! I think that this kind of forging hammer can be used to forge a large piece of iron plate into a rough billet, and then slowly hammer it into shape."

The method of building breastplates in later generations is indeed like this...Fu Su nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "You can try to do it, but the time you can save is limited. The work of building the dome in the later stage is the most tedious and difficult work. Time consuming."

When he was wandering around station B in his later generations, he once saw a video by accident. Three skilled craftsmen made a pair of breastplates from the 16th century. Even with the assistance of an automatic forging hammer, the overall time spent Over a thousand hours!

Of course, the set of plate armor they rolled out, the thickness of the front part of the breastplate is as high as 6 millimeters of local tyrant armor...

However, even if it is replaced by the 2mm breastplates equipped by the cuirassiers, it will take at least hundreds of hours of work.

So even during the Napoleonic Wars, many cavalry called cuirassiers in various European countries actually had no cuirassiers to wear at all...

Without him, without money.

In this Great Qin, which has a standing army of 30, including nearly [-] cavalry, this is also a very difficult thing.

Fusu's plan is to re-equip the elite cavalry first. After all, the plate armor is lighter than the pierced armor, which can reduce the burden on the horses to a certain extent.

Next came the light cavalry.

As for infantry?

Well, the military needs patience...

(End of this chapter)

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