Chapter 299

Ganfu raised his eyelids, looked at Fusu and said, "Can I come from the palace gate guards, or from the Lantian Camp..."

The landlord's family has no food left!Besides, these people are still useful to me... Fu Su waved his hand slightly, stopping Gan Fu from continuing: "I will consider this issue, and it can be resolved within a month!"

Gan Fu clasped his fists together: "The minister will just wait!"

Fu Su continued to smile and said, "What do you think is the difficulty in arresting Zhang Liang?"

Gan Fu recalled it for a while, and said with some lack of confidence: "I am not as smart as him..."

"Chen has played tricks on Zhang Liang many times, but he always avoided him. Once he left a message in place, mocking Chen..."

Normal, normal...Fu Su nodded, and said encouragingly: "It's my fault, it's really a bit reluctant for you to deal with Zhang Liang alone."

He thought for a while and said, "Well, later on, you can go to the Zhongshu reader, Zuo Cheng Chen Ping, and ask him to be your deputy to assist you in handling this matter."

"Although the Confucianism in Kanto is pedantic, some words are still very reasonable, such as the sentence that three people walk together, there must be my teacher!"

"So when it comes to arresting Zhang Liang, you should listen to Chen Ping's advice more."

Gan Fu nodded heavily: "I understand, please rest assured, Your Majesty!"


After a while, Fusu looked at Ganfu's back as he rode off on his horse, and muttered to himself.

In fact, the best leader of Tianluo in his heart is Xiuyi Lang Guangao who left Guanzhong with Hou Feng.

In the original historical line, Guan Gao was Zhang Er's disciple. After Zhang Er passed away, Guan Gao continued to serve Zhang Er's son, Liu Tingchang's son-in-law, Zhao Wang Zhang Ao.

One day, Pavilion Chief Liu passed through Zhaodi from Pingcheng. As a son-in-law, Zhang Ao naturally waited on him carefully, but Pavilion Chief Liu was not polite to this pig who stole his own cabbage. He was arrogant and insulted at every turn.

The so-called humiliation of the master and the death of his ministers, Guan Gao and his old partners planned to kill Liu Tingchang to seek justice for their own king!
But the wind leaked out halfway, and he was denounced.

When the court came to arrest the rebels, Guan Gao's old partners all thought of committing suicide to apologize, so as not to endanger Zhang Ao.

But Guan Gao didn't think so, he said that Zhang Ao didn't participate in the rebellion, but now he was captured together, everyone died, didn't even the one who called for the king's grievances disappear?

So all the rebels were escorted back to Chang'an City together with Zhang Ao.

Afterwards, Guan Gao was tortured, he was whipped thousands of times, and his whole body was stabbed with iron objects. There was no place on his body to be beaten. He still insisted that Zhao Wang Zhang Ao did not participate in the rebellion.

Although Empress Lu also interceded for her son-in-law, at that time it was at a critical time whether to change the prince, Liu Tingchang naturally felt more and more that there were other ulterior secrets behind the treason case.

It's just that after Ting Wei told Liu Ting Zhang about Guan Gao's tragic situation, this old man who has always admired Xinling Lord Wei Wuji in his heart may have thought of Hou Ying who was "North Township to send his son off".

So he said with emotion: "Strong man!"

When a Chinese doctor who had a personal relationship with Guan Gao came to ask about the situation, Guan Gao said: Is there anyone who does not love his parents, wife and children?Now that I have been wiped out of the three clans, will I sacrifice the lives of my relatives in order to protect King Zhao!It's just because Zhao Wang really didn't rebel, and we did the rebellion ourselves!

In this era when chivalrous culture prevailed, and Liu Tingchang was also a ranger in his early years, Guan Gao and Zhang Ao were both pardoned for capital crimes.

But Guan Gao said: The reason why I was beaten to pieces and did not commit suicide was to tell the emperor that King Zhao did not rebel.Now that King Zhao has come out, my mission is complete.And the minister is accused of killing the king, what face does he have to go to the emperor!Even if the emperor doesn't kill me, don't I feel ashamed in my heart?

So he committed suicide, leaving a few but important stories in history.

It is just like this, Fusu firmly believes that Guan Gao is the most perfect white-glove candidate he has been looking for.


After the sun was high, the convoy arrived at the industrial area.

Getting off the carriage, Fusu's back immediately became wet.

The air conditioner, the ice cube falling... Fusu murmured silently in his heart, hoping to cool himself down like wishing for a plum to quench his thirst.

"See Your Majesty!"

The public transportation rail who had been waiting here for a long time rushed forward and bowed in salute.

"How's the lathe going?" Fusu was so hot that he couldn't breathe: "Is the thread mold for your car finished?"

Gong Chugui cupped his hands and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, the third lathe is under construction, and the thread mold has been handed over to Shi Shi Ling Xu Kang for him to produce glass bottles of corresponding specifications!"

He said with some doubts: "I don't know what your Majesty wants this for?"

Fu Su asked back: "Do you remember the canned oranges?"

Gongshugui nodded, this kind of canned food is among the rewards for welcoming summer, it is sweet and sour.

It is said that in the black market in Xianyang City, a bottle of such canned food is worth thousands of dollars!
Well, mainly the glass bottles are worth the money...

If it weren't for the worry that the cork was not sealed tightly and the shelf life is not long, I would not be willing to give a reward... Fu Su wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile: "This kind of threaded glass bottle is also used to produce canned food. "

"The iron lid is more tightly sealed than the cork, so that the variety of cans can be enriched!"

Well, braised pork, beef, canned mutton, canned fish, canned melon, canned beans... Even if you just take orders from the army, you don't know how much money you can save in a year!

After all, unlike the slaves of military households who didn't care about their food in later generations, the army of this period usually rewarded soldiers by killing cattle and sheep before fighting.

And during long-distance marches, weak cattle and horses were slaughtered from time to time for soldiers to eat.

Therefore, when the Han Dynasty expedition to the Xiongnu and Dawan later, 10,000+ camels would go out of the fortress, and only tens of thousands or less came back in the end.

Most of these disappeared were eaten as military rations during the march.

It's just that this method is too wasteful!
And when the canning process is unlocked, when the Qin army is on an expedition, they only need to wrap the cans in straw and load them on a four-wheeled carriage, which can greatly improve the speed of marching and the efficiency of combat.

Although it is impossible to produce all-metal cans, it is not difficult to make glass cans.

Cover and pre-seal, put it in a steamer to heat, while killing bacteria, it is also heating the food and the can itself, so that when the can cools down, according to the principle of thermal expansion and contraction, the lid will be tightly sucked in on the glass bottle.

In glass jars, a certain degree of vacuum will also be formed, which excludes air and can also inhibit the growth and reproduction of aerobic microorganisms.

When it's time to eat, pry the bottom of the bottle cap with a knife, stop when you hear the sound of air intake, and the bottle cap will be easily unscrewed.

Well, just in this way, the problem is the production of the bottle cap!

(End of this chapter)

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