Chapter 298
The Central Earth; its Day Wuji; its Emperor Huangdi; its Divine Houtu; its Insects; its Sound Palace; the Palace of Yellow Bells in the Rhythm; its number five; its sweet taste; its stinky fragrance; its sacrificial Zhongliu; its sacrificial heart .

On the southward road of Yunyang County, Fusu's luxuriously decorated golden root chariot, surrounded by thousands of armored cavalry, headed towards Xianyang City quickly and steadily.

The day after tomorrow is the mid-year sacrifice, so Fusu had to suspend his summer vacation plan and rush back to Zhangtai Palace in advance to make preparations before the sacrifice.

At this moment, he was sitting on the sofa of the carriage, holding a round and tall clay pot in his arms, which contained ice cubes dug from the ice cellar of Lin Guanggong.

If there is a bottle cap, maybe it can keep the coolness for a while... Fusu thought for a while, stretched out his hand to push the window in front of the carriage, and said to Yang Xi who was driving the carriage: "After crossing the Weishui River, first Go to Lantian County to have a look!"


After a while, the convoy drove into Xianyang City. Through the "tears behind the bars", Fusu looked at the bustling crowd on both sides of the road in a daze, and occasionally saw a few peddlers peddling along the street with their loads on their shoulders.

Suddenly, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

On the entire road that traverses Xianyang City, something similar to the zebra crossing of later generations is missing.

If Qianshou wants to walk from the north to the south of the road, there are only two or three chartered gaps.

Otherwise, once you set foot in the center of Chidao, the road specially reserved for the emperor's travel, whichever foot steps on it, that foot will be cut off!
"Although it is the dignity of the emperor, it is too much of a waste of resources!"

"Wait, let the people from the Naishi Mansion draw a few zebra crossings with white paint, and those who pass through the Chidao from here are innocent!"

He was not worried that it would hinder his travel, because within a mile or two in front of the emperor's convoy, there were cavalrymen from the quiet room order standing in front.

"Well, you can also brush up the reputation of loving the people like a son..."

When Fusu was planning how to draw zebra crossings and how many zebra crossings to draw, the convoy drove out from Xianyang City, crossed the Wei Bridge, passed the edge of Zhangtai Palace, and headed all the way to Lantian County.

So, it was hard to stay at Zhangtai Palace since the morning, waiting for many ministers who could see Fusu.

"What? Your Majesty is not coming to Zhangtai Palace anymore?" Right Prime Minister Feng Quji wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked the Zhonglang who sent the order again.

"Well, Your Majesty is going to Lantian County. If the end time is late, you can stay in the Li Palace there." The Zhonglang mechanically repeated what he said just now: "If it is still early, drive straight to Shanglinyuan. There is no need for you all. Waiting here!"

Looking at Zhonglang who rode away on his horse, Feng Quji let out a long sigh. As Prime Minister You, who is under one man and above tens of thousands, he has not seen the emperor for nearly two months...

And Feng Jie, who was helping him to walk to the prime minister's office, had not seen the emperor for almost the same amount of time.

Feng Jie sighed in his heart for a long time. When the new king succeeded to the throne, their father and son knew everything about the 'popular fried chicken'. They were very popular and crowded!
Even many officials who are awarded two thousand stones can be dismissed with one word!

But now, Prime Minister You and Doctor Yushi, the second of the three, have been completely reduced to marginal figures.

Especially for him, who is in charge of all the censors in name, he will receive more than ten memorials to impeach him every day from his subordinate censor...

Although there are a lot of things that are completely based on rumors and rumors, but three people become tigers, and rumors are like knives!
It's fine if the emperor doesn't approve it, but what if the writing brush made of suet jade writes the word "ke" at the end of the memorial?

Feng Jie lowered his voice, and was about to whisper something in Feng Quji's ear, but saw the other party shake his head slightly, so he immediately kept silent.


The golden root car driving in Lantian County stopped at a certain corner, and a burly figure in black brocade clothes rushed into the carriage immediately.

After the sound of two hard objects tapping the carriage was heard, the convoy continued on its way.

In the carriage, Fusu looked at the former Tie Ying warrior in front of him, now the leader of 'Tianluo', and vaguely remembered how he threw Wang Li to the ground even though his face was full of doubts.

"How are you doing recently? Is everyone in the family okay?"

Fusu was smiling, as if he was chatting with an old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Gan Fu was stunned for a moment, with a complex expression on his face: "Thank you for your concern, the minister's family is fine, well, the mother-in-law is going to give birth in half a year!"

"Congratulations!" Fusu still kept smiling: "I will be a father soon!"

He ordered as if remembering something: "Before giving birth, send the person to Changyang Street Maternity Hospital. The midwives and doctors there are the best and most experienced in Daqin!"

Gan Fu first showed gratitude, but then he felt a little embarrassed: "I'm afraid..."

Oh, by the way, the place is too busy because of its reputation, so now it only accepts the family members of those who are above the public seat... Fusu thought for a while, then said with a smile:
"At that time, you can go to Neishi Kuaiche, and he will arrange it for you! Besides, isn't there still half a year left? You strive to arrest Zhang Liang during this period, and I will award you the title of public servant at that time! "

There was a surprised expression on Ganfu's face, and he said in a bit of trouble, "I have searched all over Xianyang City, but there is still no clue about Zhang Liang! Your Majesty, do you think Zhang Liang has already left the customs and fled to the Kanto?" went?"

Fusu shook his head slightly. The current Qin State is different from the Qin State in history. The world is not in chaos, and there is no opportunity for careerists to take advantage of the fire.

If Zhang Liang escaped from Xianyang City just to avoid Qin Ting's arrest, then it would be nothing to worry about.

However, a person who is easily intimidated can be the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty, Zhang Liang and Zhang Zifang, who are as famous as Han Xin and Xiao He in history?
Fu Su firmly believed that Zhang Liang must be in Xianyang City, but he didn't know which dark corner he was hiding in, staring at him slyly, spying on Qin Ting's every move, so he could make the best decision at the first time!

"What's the current situation of the 'Ground Network' that you set up?"

Since you can't get the 'eye of the sky', let's make a ground net first, which is silent but everywhere!
Gan Fu nodded and said: "The underground network in Xianyang City has been rolled out, and it is gradually spreading to surrounding counties and counties. Before long, not only the internal history, but the entire Qin Kingdom will be under the surveillance of the underground network!"

He said with some hesitation: "It's just that people from the ground network are easy to recruit, and their family backgrounds are good! But after the spread of the stalls, Tianluo's manpower will be insufficient. After all, they are the main force to capture the rebels, and they need to undergo a long-term fight. train!"

ps: Thanks to 'lmdfg', 'wanwu Sangzhi', 'dark Cui', 'The Master of the Boss', 'chen111', 'Stove Cooking Alchemy' for the monthly tickets! (`) than heart
(End of this chapter)

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