Chapter 297 Silverfish (addition on weekends)
South County, Jiangling County.

In the early morning, there was a continuous drizzle on the bank of Yunmeng Lake, which wet the ground and made the scorching heat subside temporarily.

At this time, in front of the gate of the Nanjun County Mansion, thousands of civilians gathered. These people were free and had nothing to do. They came from the surrounding counties and towns to watch the lively people eating melons.

Without him, the group of "criminals" who had exploited thousands of acres of paddy fields in South County were finally arrested and brought to justice under the continuous siege of the county soldiers.

Well, in fact, it is a group of elephants jumping repeatedly between the mountains and the plains.

All things have spirit.

When the county soldiers were about to shoot them with bed crossbows, the leading elephant slipped back into the mountain with the herd before the county soldiers arrived.

When the county soldiers lay in ambush, the elephants wandered out again from another direction, destroying nearly a thousand acres of rice fields in one night...

Therefore, under the guidance of a few old hunters, the county soldiers who attacked from all sides used traps and bait to shoot or expel this group of 'heinous' guys, and sent the captured survivors to the county city for public display.

At this moment, Meng Yi was standing in front of the county mansion, feeling a little troubled in his heart.

Appearing in front of him, there were four baby elephants chained up. Although a little timid and angry, they still rolled up the food fed by the melon-eating crowd with their trunks and stuffed them into their mouths.

According to Meng Yi's original idea, it is natural to eat food and return meat, and after beheading, sell them in the market according to skin, meat, tendons, bones, etc., to compensate the disaster-stricken Guishou.

But looking at these little elephants now, another idea appeared in his mind.

Meng Yi tilted his head, looked at the county magistrate Xiong Que beside him, and found that the other party was listening to the report of the county soldiers, and arranged for engineers to put the obtained ivory and elephant skins into storage.

Meng Yi waited for a moment, then asked: "Xiong Juncheng, have you heard of the word 'imagination'?"

Xiong Que shook his head. Although he is a direct descendant of Qu Yuan, but because of his family's decline, his family's collection of books has long been exchanged for food by his ancestors, so it is not a day or two not to know all kinds of allusions.

Meng Yi said: "It is said that during the Shang Dynasty, there were also elephants in the Central Plains, and merchants even mastered the method of training elephants, driving elephants to work in the fields like cattle!"

"Later, after the fall of the Shang Dynasty, the method of training elephants was lost. For some reason, elephants also disappeared from the Central Plains. Therefore, later generations only know that there are beasts like elephants, but they don't know what elephants look like. !"

"So, there is the word 'imagination'!"

Xiong Que nodded, and began to flatter: "Mong County Sheriff Bowen Qiangji, Xiong Que bows down!"

After finishing speaking, he asked curiously, "Could it be that the sheriff wants to imitate the merchants, tame elephants and use them for farming?"

The flattery is quite cool, but the brain is not very good... Meng Yi shook his head and said with a smile: "No! If we dedicate this thing to His Majesty, I think we will get a lot of rewards, right?"

"At that time, you and I will be rewarded by His Majesty, and then we will distribute the rewards to the disaster-stricken Qianshou, wouldn't it be wonderful!"

Xiong Que rolled his eyes, and said with a bit of excitement: "Sure enough, sure enough..."

Sure enough, he said a few words, but he didn't think about how to make a novel flattery, so he changed the subject: "The distant water can't quench the near thirst, why don't we take some money from the treasury and distribute it to the head of Guizhou, and then use your majesty's money to pay for it?" To fill the treasury with rewards. How does Meng Junshou think of this?"

Meng Yi smiled and nodded in agreement: "Just do it like this."

"However, I have heard that the owner of the thousands of mu of land that was said to have been harmed by elephants is a Qianshou named Xiong Qi. If the county guard remembers correctly, this person is Xiong Juncheng's younger brother."

On this very cool morning with sporadic light rain, a layer of cold sweat appeared on Xiong Que's forehead instantly.

He opened his mouth, but in the end he seemed to be dumb and didn't say a word.

The corner of Meng Yi's mouth raised a mysterious smile: "If Xiong Juncheng sees him, remember to ask him to make up for the missed taxes! There can only be one thing that hurts the public and private interests, and there can be no two! A human head on a human neck!"


South of the Yellow River, Hangu Pass.

A carriage painted black and covered with mud spots was parked in front of the gate, queuing up to be inspected by the guards.

The car door opened, and an old man with gray hair, dressed in kudzu clothes and a Confucian crown stepped down.

"Yu spread the soil, followed the mountains to publish trees, and built mountains and rivers..."

He murmured softly, walked to the side of the road, and was about to lift up his clothes and relax his body and mind when a sharp-eyed Qin soldier yelled:
"Anyone who dares to defecate anywhere will be fined with a shield, and the city will be destroyed for three months!"

Not only the old man, but also several men in the same posture at the side all froze, tightened their lower body forcefully, and held back what was about to rush out like a torrent of water.

In a short time, a hundred generals came over with several soldiers, and said arrogantly: "Experiment, pass?"

The old man chuckled, took out a piece of silk cloth from his bosom and handed it over.

"What is this?"

"Open it and see if you don't know."

The hundred general looked at the end of the silk cloth, the blood-red seal, and immediately sweated profusely.

Ordered by the sky, you will live forever!
The old man in front of him was Fu Sheng who had received an order to collect relics from the sea and returned to Xianyang to become a doctor of Confucianism.

In fact, at the earliest time, he was unwilling to go back to Xianyang City and go to the muddy waters of Qin State.

But at the same time as the order to pick up relics from the sea, there was also a letter written by Kong Yu himself.

The letter said that the emperor was going to republish hundreds of classics, so now is the critical moment for the prosperity of Confucianism!

Although Fu Sheng resolutely agreed, but under the guise of being unwell, he delayed for a while, re-reinforced the walls of his home, and then embarked on the road to Xianyang City alone.

Without him, Qin Ting is cunning and backtracking not once or twice.

Who knows if this is a trap!
Fu Sheng's plan is to first go to Xianyang City to find out the facts, in case things are true as Kong Yu said, anyway, he knows all the books in his family by heart, and at most it takes some time to rewrite them silently.

If it was a trap, it would be a big deal to give the more than 100 catties to Emperor Qin. As long as the books at home are still there, it's no big deal!
There are two kinds of ideals in the world, one is to realize one's own ideal; the other is to realize the ideal through oneself, even if one loses one's own life...

Fu Sheng took the silk cloth that was handed back respectfully by the hundred generals. Although he was a little disdainful of this person's pretentiousness, he still smiled and saluted: "It is not allowed to defecate anywhere..."

Before Fu Sheng could finish speaking, the general said with a smile on his face: "Sir, please go forward, enter Guancheng and turn left, the corner is the public toilet..."

He thought for a while, then turned to look at a soldier beside him: "It's you, take Mr. to the public toilet, and remember to tell the gatekeeper that there is no charge!"

"Public toilet? Charge?" Fu Sheng muttered these two nouns, his face full of doubts, and he walked forward step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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