Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 296 Questioning Policy [I wish everyone a new year, health and happiness! 】

Chapter 296 Questioning Policy (Chapter 4k) [I wish you all a new year, health and happiness! 】

Fu Su pondered for a while, and as Wang Li continued to narrate, he remembered the many fragments of knowledge that later generations saw when he was a prostitute on the Internet.

The most typical ones are the wars between the Ming Dynasty and Mongolia, as well as the later Jin Dynasty.

The former is famous, in addition to Mingmenzong's Tumubao battle, and Ming Shenzong's three victories in Huangzhong.

Among them, the battle of Xichuan Kangtanggou, where the three victories in Huangzhong was very typical, was similar to the situation of Li Ling back then.

The Mongolian cavalry used superior forces to surround the Ming army formed by artillery and chariots. First, they "attacked from all sides, and the arrows rained like rain", and did not take advantage.

Afterwards, "Attack Qinan in four episodes", concentrated forces to attack the Xining battalion, the main force of the Ming army, with the intention of opening a gap first and then smashing the Ming army's chariot formation, but it still didn't work.

After that, they suffered heavy losses under the firearms of the Ming army, and the red-eyed Mongolian cavalry showed their final cards:

Fu Xiao rides heavy armor, fights with a long spear and hooks, and single-handedly offends Xining soldiers!
The meaning of this sentence is obvious. It is nothing more than the heavy cavalry starting to charge hard.

Of course, another wave of heads was sent.

But later in the battle with Hou Jin, the pure car array suffered a big loss.

In the battle of Dalinghe in the fourth year of Emperor Huaizong of Ming Dynasty, Zhang Chun, who rescued Dalinghe, led more than 4 people, and formed a dense infantry phalanx mainly composed of chariot soldiers, and faced the [-] cavalry of Houjin.

Hou Jin did not repeat the mistakes of the Mongols. He took out dozens of large and small cannons and bombarded them, smashing the Ming army's chariot formation, and then the cavalry chased them and won the final battle.

Fusu let out a long sigh, his heart was in a mess, he didn't know what expression to make.

When he saw this piece of information, he had a question in his mind, Hou Jin and Daming, who is the barbarian...

According to the conclusions of some bigwigs, at least in the early Qing Dynasty, the so-called riding and shooting, just like the XX sword master of the shogun on the devil's side, was only used to pretend to be aggressive and cultivate martial arts virtues.

On the battlefield, the big guns in the hands of the devils are getting longer and longer, and the number of firearms of the Qing army is even more!
Different from many film and television works, when the Qing army fought, the main tactics were shotgun soldiers and artillery in a large-depth and multi-line formation, almost never-ending bursts of fire, and the rattan soldiers and cavalry did not attack until the opponent was shot to death. It is the so-called nine-in-ten serial tactic.

It can be said with certainty that at least during this period, this set of tactics not only swept across East Asia, but even in Europe, it is also an invincible existence in the world!

A moment later, while helping Su in a daze, smiling and nodding, Wang Li finished his summary and stepped back.

It's just that there was no scene that shocked everyone and moved the faces of the big guys present.

Well-regulated, not amazing, but not too overbearing...Fusu made the final conclusion, and then looked at the 'Hunster', Huyan Punu, who had been lowering his head and sneaking glances at him from time to time.

Since this Hun went to Great Qin, he has indeed made great contributions to Qin. Among other things, the salt pond at the western foot of Helan Mountain is a white gold mine!

Seeing that the other party was a little timid, Fu, the head teacher, Su began to roll his name: "Tell me your views on the Huns and the nomads on the northern grasslands."

Huyan Punu was taken aback, looked left and right, then looked up at Fusu, pointing at himself: "Your Majesty is talking to the minister?"

Hearing Huyan Punu's voice hoarse with nervousness, not only Wang Li, but even the corners of Han Xin's mouth raised upwards.

Seeing Fusu nodding slightly, Huyan Punu stood up like a spring, imitating the previous movements of Han Xin and Wang Li, walked to the center of the gazebo, and bowed to Fusu.

He said nervously, "Actually, what His Majesty said about nomadism is not entirely true!"

Hearing Huyan Punu's words, Wang Li scolded in a low voice before the people around him spoke, "You barbarian is so bold! Do you understand the rules!"

Is he really bored, and he has to cooperate with acting... Fu Su waved his hand slightly, and said softly with a smile: "It's okay, let him continue talking! Confucius once said that if three people go together, there must be my teacher! Those who know it, and there are six people here, that is to say, at least two of them are my teachers... Haha!"

Accompanied by Fusu's smirk, a burst of hearty or perfunctory smirks broke out in the gazebo.

Huyan Punu waited for a while, and said boldly: "Combining with what I saw in Daqin, the tribe composed of nomadic people that His Majesty mentioned is actually a city moving along a fixed route."

"Like the cities of Daqin, there are also shops, government offices, craftsmen in the nomadic cities... The difference is that all of these can be dismantled and pulled away on ox carts."

Fu Su restrained his smile and nodded slightly, he knew this.

Huyan Punu went on to say: "Nomadism means swimming from one pasture to another, then camping, staying for a few months, and then changing places."

"This is mainly because the amount of grass is limited, and it grows slower than cattle and sheep. Otherwise, cattle and sheep will starve to death."

"Although the grassland is huge and looks like it will never end, there are not many places suitable for grazing. The places where grazing can be done must be close to the river! Whether it is livestock or shepherds, if they leave the water, they will die!"

Huyan Punu thought about it a little and said: "For generations, the Huns have explored these places suitable for grazing on the grassland for a long time."

"Where the grass is good, where the grass is bad, where it is leeward, where it is cold, where it is easy to blow white hair wind, where it is easy for mosquitoes to eat people, where it is close to the mountains, it is easy to hide from the wind, where it is high and it is not easy to be flooded, etc."

"So each tribe has its own fixed migration route and designated grassland."

"When His Majesty ordered the three-way attack before, he was led by the Huns who knew everything about it, and went straight to the Huns' winter camp."

Fusu nodded again. This is what his Mongolian son said in later generations. Nomads are not running around, otherwise how would they do business with Han merchants?How do tribes intermarry?What should I do if the child who goes to school returns home from vacation and finds that the whole family has gone somewhere?
Huyan Punu said with a smile: "Every year when spring comes to worship the sky, the leaders of the Xiongnu will gather in the royal court. Apart from offering sacrifices to the wolf god and eating and drinking, the most important thing is to establish three things. "

Why don't you leave it here... Fu Su chuckled lightly and asked, "Which three things?"

Huyan Punu raised a finger: "Calculate the growth of the pastures in each department. If the grass does not grow well or has been gnawed too hard, it should not be designated as a pasture. Let the grassland slow down."

Very harmonious development consciousness!That's right, after all, the cattle and sheep grazing by grassland people at this time are for their own living, not for sale, so it is reasonable that there is no overgrazing on the grassland... Fu Su nodded lightly, secretly Be alert to yourself, and do the same after taking down the grassland. After all, after the grassland is deserted, it is not just the grassland people who are pitted.

"Well, you go on."

"The second thing and the third thing are next to each other, which is to delineate the nomadic range of each tribe to avoid fights over grasslands. But in the end, whoever has the sharpest knife will take the best grassland."

Qiang Yan sighed slightly, and interjected: "It seems that the whole world is the same!"

Huyan Punu nodded to him and continued: "So the Huns are not monolithic, and most of the feuds among the tribes stem from this."

Qiang Yan nodded again, and said with a smile: "This is the same as the Qiang people. There are two reasons for fighting. Your pasture is better than mine, and why do you graze on my pasture!"

Fu Su smiled without saying a word, pondering in his heart: Maybe this is the origin of the alliance flag system?The powerful central government used force to rigidly delineate the boundaries between the tribes, preventing them from fighting, and at the same time prohibiting them from running around to facilitate tax collection or transfer payments.

In an instant, he had a flash of light in his heart and found a way to govern the Huns.

Sure enough, if you want to get rich, build roads first... No, to be precise, invest money first!
With a well-developed road network, it is not only used to conquer disobedient officials, but also facilitates the Huns and herdsmen to migrate along the road, and the tax collectors also find them along the road...

Well, and also to learn from the way the Russians conquered Siberia.

Along the road, build settlements in suitable places, squeeze the living space of the surrounding savages, force them to embrace civilization, and become a part of the Great Qin Empire!

Well, I am indeed the chosen one!
Fusu listened to the thoughts of the young generals, and then set his sights on Wei Liao and Qiang Lu who were the old gods.

"Is there anything you two want to teach me?"


At the south gate of Lin Guang Palace, Li Rou'er was stopped by Meng Ying, who was guarding the palace gate.

"I, I'm here to find Princess Yunyang..."

She was a little shy and didn't dare to tell Meng Ying what she really thought.

"Uh..." Meng Ying had an unbelievable expression, when did the iron-blooded woman have a shy side?

"Why are you looking for Yunyang?" He asked narrowly.

"If you want to control it, talk too much, and I will beat you!" Li Rou'er raised her hand and clenched it into a fist, crackling.

In fact, when she came today, besides looking for Han Xin, she also wanted to play with Ying Yinman.

After all, the weather was getting hotter, and the ladies and gentlemen who played well with her on weekdays all followed their father and brother back to the manors in the countryside to escape the summer heat, but Li Xin did not own any manors around Xianyang City to escape the summer heat.

So she planned to use the pretext of looking for Ying Yinman to play, and live in the princess mansion, and then she could justifiably talk to Xiumu's Han Xin about the art of war!

"This is the eldest sister I know!" Meng Ying raised her hands and cheered.

"Don't talk nonsense, let me in!" Li Rou'er wiped the sweat off her face, pointed to the red-maned horse she was riding and said, "Remember to feed my horse some good food!"

Meng Ying put her hands on her hips, her nails rattling, with a speechless expression on her face: "You figured it out, this is His Majesty's Li Palace, you just went in if you said it?"

Li Rou'er took out a jade token from her waist with a proud face: "This is the waist token that His Majesty gave me when he regretted the marriage that day! He promised that I could enter the palace at any time as long as I wanted to play with Yunyang! This privilege is reserved. After the wedding in Yunyang!"

Meng Ying put her hand on her forehead and sighed for a long time: "Actually, I used to have the right to enter the palace at any time, until... Your Majesty has a decree, no one can step into the palace gate without an edict... What a pity!"

Li Rou'er didn't bother to pay attention to Meng Yi's wailing, and kicked him: "Don't talk nonsense, let me in!"

Meng Yi stretched out his hand to stop her, and said seriously: "Although you have a waist card, you still need to search your body if you should!"

He turned his head and shouted to the guards at the palace gate: "Go and find the two female officials!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Rou'er and continued: "This is the rule, and you know it too! So before the lady officer comes, hand over the weapon you're carrying! I'm just keeping it for you, can't you trust me?"

"It's you and I can't believe it..." Li Rou'er muttered in a low voice, but obediently began to unload the weapon on her body.

She took out a throwing knife from her waist, a dagger from her boots, a soft sword from her belt, a steel needle from her hair, untied the small bag she was carrying, and poured out a pile of strangely shaped throwing weapons ...

Meng Ying on the side widened her eyes and swallowed forcefully: "You are not planning to assassinate the king, are you?"

Li Rou'er rolled her eyes, untied the tie on her wrist, and took off a sleeve arrow hidden inside: "Don't frame up good people, I'm just preparing for the fear that I might run into bad people on the way to Lin Guang Palace!"

"Hahaha..." Meng Ying looked at Li Rou'er, who was similar in figure to her, and laughed loudly: "Unless the villain is blind, how could it be... Pain, pain, let go!"

Li Rou'er said with a somewhat regretful expression: "It's a pity that it's useless. There are patrolling soldiers everywhere on this road. I heard that His Majesty brought tens of thousands of people to Lin Guang Palace! What I know is that His Majesty came to escape the summer heat. I don’t know, I thought His Majesty was preparing for war!”


Xianyang City, Xianyang Palace.

On the Penglai Pool in Xianyang Palace, the pool covers an area of ​​ten hectares, and the water is more than ten feet deep. Birds and fish swim, flowers are planted, and a huge rock stands in the pool, which is shaped like the legendary Penglai fairy island.

The Yingzhou Hall not far from Penglai Pool is covered with round tiles, golden pillars with coiled dragons, lattice windows, and long rainbow bridges connecting other palaces, showing the royal style everywhere.

Well, except there isn't a single tree around...

In fact, there were some in the early years, but since the First Emperor Lanchi was robbed, there were no trees in the Xianyang Palace where he often stayed overnight, where the assassins could hide.

Even those loquat trees that were said to be planted by King Xiaowen himself were not spared...

At this time, the Golden Crow had sunk, the moon was rising high, and the two rows of palace lanterns illuminated the entire Hongqiao as brightly as day, and also illuminated a small and thin girl who couldn't help but exclaim.

"This is the place where the Emperor of Qin lived!" Xu Neg looked up from the burning palace lanterns, looked at the stars twinkling in the sky, and muttered a series of obscure terms in his mouth.

At this moment, a concubine in a purple dress with a very sexy mole on her neck passed by Hongqiao.

Xu Neg hurriedly stepped aside and knelt down to salute, but his mouth uttered a voice as low as a mosquito: "On the day of welcoming autumn, the destiny will be restarted, Qin will lose its deer, and the whole world will be chasing each other!"

 Thanks for the monthly tickets of 'Vulcan 1945', 'Latent Thunder', '88km Anti-aircraft Gun', 'Book Friends 2017...8930'!

(End of this chapter)

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