Chapter 295 Asking Policy (4k Chapters)
"Picking cotton, picking cotton..."

Fusu looked at the servant who was tearing the cotton fibers out of the cotton bolls, and couldn't help thinking of this magical song in his mind.

How is the cotton bouncing?Fuck, not at all...Fu Su stood still in place, recalling the movie he had seen in his mind.

He vaguely remembered using something similar to a slingshot, someone plucked the bowstring, and the vibration of the bowstring flicked the cotton loose...

Forget it, don't bother, anyway, it will take at least three years for cotton to really enter thousands of households.It's better to leave this invention to others!You have to believe that the wisdom of the people is infinite... Fusu nodded secretly, and said to the servant in charge of supervision:

"Let them be careful, don't miss any cottonseeds, the one who peels the most cottonseeds will be rewarded with a thousand coins, the top ten, and meat for dinner!"

Hearing Fusu's words, all the busy servants present immediately sped up their movements.

Try to peel off all the cottonseeds as soon as possible, and plant another wave... Fusu walked out while planning in his heart.

Although the output and quality of cotton sown in summer are not stable, what he wants is enough cottonseed. As for the cotton wool, it is not important.

"Well, I will save another wave of seeds this year, and wait until next year or the year after, and then use the normal method to sow in spring and harvest in autumn to harvest high-quality seeds for promotion!"

"Actually, the best cotton seeds are the continental cotton grown in Central America, but this belongs to the lifetime series..."

Fusu walked towards Wei Liao, Qiang Li, Wang Li and others who were waiting outside the hall, what he was thinking about was that there would be another two or three years of preparations, a wave of cotton clothes and felts in his hands, and a large number of bred warm-blooded horses , you can try to solve the Donghu people, and then expand from Liaodong County, so that the black land occupied by foreign races can return to the embrace of the motherland!

"Your Majesty, Huben Zhonglang general Han Xin pays his respects to His Majesty!"

"Sir, Habayashi General Wang Li pays his respects to His Majesty!"

"Sir, Captain Habayashi Huyan Punu pays homage to His Majesty!"

Wei Liao and Qiang Li just bowed their hands in salute, while Han Xin and the others saluted with their bows reaching to the ground.

Fusu nodded slightly, then said with a smile: "Let's go, walk with me while the weather is still not hot."

He let these veterans, young generals and 'Hungarian traitors' come here today, mainly to prepare in advance for the ceremony of welcoming autumn next month.

The gift to welcome the summer is to reward the ministers.

But in autumn, the main punishment is to kill. After the ceremony is over, the army will be rewarded, and the emperor will personally teach the military generals in the army.

Unlike the fat man with infinite prestige, even if he talked nonsense, none of the generals below would dare to say a word.

Fusu can't do it anymore. Not only civil servants like to hate the emperor these days, but even military commanders will not let the emperor go when they are not commanding troops, and then let themselves be famous in history.

For example, Wang Jian's sentence, as a great king, he will not be named a marquis if he has meritorious service... I am ashamed of what the first emperor said, and I directly conferred the title of marquis to the Wang family and his sons!

This aggressive general method is worthy of being the four famous generals of the Warring States Period!

Of course, this is also because he has an eternal emperor like the first emperor. If he happens to meet the good-faced and stingy King Zhaoxiang, he turns his head and kills himself with a sword. It is impossible to live a minute longer!

A moment later, in the lotus pond gazebo where Wei Liao and Li Xin were entertained last time, a row of tables was set up again. After serving herbal tea and exquisite snacks, they lit incense and walked away.

Qiang Li, Wang Li and the others looked as usual, Han Xin just stared at the little dim sum in front of him and was slightly stunned, while the 'Grandma Huyan' who seemed to have entered the Grand View Garden kept his eyes wide open and looked around in shock .

Wang Li poked him with his elbow, and said with a voice like a mosquito snoring: "Don't stare at Your Majesty, be careful to punish you for assassinating the king and beheaded by pushing out the palace gate!"

Huyanpu Nu shivered, then imitated Wang Li and sat upright, lowering his head, staring at the crystal clear and white teacup in front of him.

Mother, is this the palace of Daqin?How many sheep must be sold to build such a yard... Huyan Punu thought about it in his heart, and felt that he could not afford to build a house of this size if he sold all the sheep of the Xiongnu.

Wang Li cast a sideways glance at Huyan Punu. After eating and living together for so many days, he understood the thoughts of the barbarian beside him. He smiled in his heart. This is just the emperor's palace. The majesty, majesty and magnificence of Xianyang Palace and Zhangtai Palace, he had to faint on the spot!
As the captain in charge of military affairs, Qiang Li spoke first after everyone sat down: "I don't know what kind of art of war Your Majesty wants to hear?"

"Desheng Bingshu" is the best, but do you understand?Let's do something normal... Fusu said with a smile: "I want to hear about the art of controlling cavalry with steps."

He looked at Huyan Punu and Han Xin Wangli and said, "And how to solve the Xiongnu's strategy of invading the border."

The former is simple. As early as when Jiang Ziya wrote "Six Secret Teachings", he described how infantry should deal with chariots. Now, although chariots have basically withdrawn from the stage of history, the tactical thinking is the same.

As for the latter, it is difficult. After all, according to the current form, Mao Dun should ask his subordinates how to defend against the Qin people going north to plunder.

But Fusu knew that the vitality of the nomads was extremely strong, like weeds, which would regenerate when the spring breeze blows. Without the Huns, there would be various foreign aggressions such as Turkic, Xianbei, and Rouran.

So what he wants to ask is how to prevent nomads from going south before clicking the 'machine gun' technology and unlocking the entry [Nomads who can sing and dance].

In later generations, the conditions for the Qing Dynasty to solve the nomadic southward movement almost did not exist in this era.

For example, marriage, or marriage, is to marry the princess to the Mongolian princes, and then bring their daughters or sisters into the harem, and then give the Mongolian princes super-national treatment.

The emperor who is rich all over the world doesn't mind adding tableware to a few or dozens of beautiful prairie girls in the harem, but if he marries a princess... well, Ying Yinman can tear down the Xianyang Palace!

It is impossible for the ministers and clans of Qin to accept such a proposal!
In the Central Plains Dynasty, except for those with malicious intentions like the Sui Dynasty, and the weird ones like Iron and Blood, they all resisted marrying the princess.

Well, Datang is also an exception, but it was when the Tang Dynasty was at an advantage and made marriages, similar to Mongolia and Goryeo.

To give a chestnut, it is the marriage of the Tang Dynasty to Huihe, the princess of the Tang Dynasty married Huihe Khan as the queen, and the princess of Huihe married Li Chengcai, the king of Dunhuang in the Tang Dynasty, as his concubine.

The two parties come and go, which is a relatively equal marriage.

And the control of thoughts, the Lamaism used to reduce Ding, is even more disappearing in this era!
As for the conditions for changing grassland people from nomadic herding to fixed herding in later generations, there is also no high reference value before the emergence of a developed logistics network and industrialized feed processing technology.

Therefore, every step that Fusu is taking now is a new road that no one has ever walked before, and there will be no one before or after.

There are no successful experiences for him to learn from.

Every step is innovation!
In the gazebo, hearing Fusu's question, Wang Li subconsciously became excited, and rode on foot. Among the military officials sitting, except for Han Xin, he was the most experienced one.

When he and Meng Tian resumed the battle of Monan, he had a different understanding of his series of actions.

The difference in military strength is huge, and the lack of preparation in the early stage is not the point.

The reason why Mao Dun could easily suppress the Qin army and quickly break through his line of defense after the first day of probing was the selection and transformation of the terrain.

However, Wang Li suppressed his urge to express himself, lowered his head, half-closed his eyes, and waited for Wei Liao or Qiang Li to be the opening person.

However, to Wang Li's surprise, Han Xin suddenly raised his head and spoke first.

"Since Your Majesty asked a question, I will briefly explain it from the perspective of basic infantry and cavalry command."

Han Xin stood up, walked to the center of the gazebo, bowed his hands to Fusu, and said loudly after seeing the other party smiling at him: "The infantry fights in formation, combining the strength of thousands of people. In a majestic formation, the soldiers marched in after hearing the drums. , the brave shall not be the first, the timid shall not be the last, and the violators shall be killed without mercy!"

Infantry phalanx, marching against the wall, order and prohibition, kindness does not command soldiers, we all understand the truth of these papers, but for the sake of you being a soldier, I will continue to listen patiently...Fu Su nodded slightly, Face an encouraging smile.

Han Xin looked at Fusu's smile and became more confident: "All infantry formations, whether it is the three formations of heaven, earth, and people, or other formations, in the final analysis, there are only three modes."

"The phalanx used when the two armies confront each other, the horizontal formation that is easy to kill with bows and crossbows before the confrontation, and the vertical formation that marches quickly!"

"All the ways of arranging troops and defeating the enemy are the combination of these three formations."

Han Xin thought for a while, then said with a smile: "This is like what His Majesty once said, battle after battle, the art of war, the skill of using it, all in one mind!"

Seeing the shocked gazes cast by Wei Liao and Qiang Yan, Fusu had a professional smirk on his face, and sighed inwardly, I'm sorry for Yue Shaobao...

Han Xin continued: "Different from the infantry who fight intensively, at least for a long time, the cavalry uses the separation and separation formation. Even if they fight without formation, they can also exert a very strong combat effectiveness."

"For example, in the battle against the Qiang people that day, the doctor ordered Li..." Han Xin paused, feeling that it was inappropriate to call Li Xin directly by his name. A trace of embarrassment appeared on his face, and he continued:

"Lang Zhongling took advantage of the cavalry's cavalry and shooting advantages, so that the Qiang infantry had to gather together, and used the concentrated shields and crossbows to prevent the rangers from charging."

"But this is exactly what the doctor wanted. The dense formation of the Qiang people made our army's stone catapults throw a stone at least seven or eight enemies, or even a dozen!"

"When the Qiang people were in chaos, the heavy cavalry led by Meng Ying rushed straight into the enemy's line, captured the heads of the bandits, and dedicated them to the ancestral temple..."

Damn Zhang Liang, if he hadn't been haunted all the time, what the catapult threw out that day would not be stones, but explosives... Fu Su put his hands together in front of him, listening to Han Xin, thinking whether to Give Ganfu another sum of money and let him organize some "sunrise masses" to report and expose the "enemy agents" around him.

Han Xin didn't know anything about Fusu's mind-wandering, and continued: "But assuming Mengying doesn't succeed in charging, the Qiang infantry will also be powerless to catch up after repelling her!"

"It's not just that the two legs of a man can't catch up with the four legs of a war horse, but because the infantry must first disband the phalanx if they want to chase the cavalry."

"This is tantamount to disarming most of my combat power, but when the cavalry's separation and reunion formation is fleeing, the combat power will not decrease. If you organize a counterattack at will, you can easily defeat the pursuers, and even turn defeat into victory! "

Fusu nodded, agreeing with this. The Mongols of later generations often used such tactics. The rangers scattered to find fighters, and then feigned defeat to lure the enemy to pursue them. When the enemy's formation changed from the state of fighting in formation to the formation of pursuit After that, the Mongols began to put on heavy armor, and started to attack with spears.

Han Xin finally made a conclusion: "So there is no such thing as simply controlling cavalry with steps. When fighting, the general needs to command not only infantry, but also cavalry..."

"He needs to coordinate all the soldiers, halberd soldiers, sword and shield soldiers, bow and crossbow soldiers, light cavalry, armor cavalry, crossbow cavalry...even drummers, messengers, etc. The difference between victory and defeat."

"This so-called temple is the one who wins!"

After Han Xin finished speaking, he bowed his hands to Fusu and sat back in his seat.

Wang Li on the side was stunned on the spot, his expression fluctuating. He had always believed that Han Xin's victory in the Nuoshui Dongshan battle was mainly due to luck and his own timely support. Unexpectedly...

Wei Liao on the other side gently twirled his beard, and said with a smile: "Such a rising star really makes the old minister feel ashamed. It seems that disobedience is always going to die!"

Wang Li took a few deep breaths, calmed himself down and walked out from behind the table, bowed to Fusu, and then said carefully, "In my opinion, the cost of setting up cavalry for the Huns is far lower than that of the Qin Dynasty. Army, after all, the Huns rode sheep when they were young, and they rode horses when they grew up. Many cavalry in the Qin army did not get close to the horses until they arrived at the barracks..."

The sheep riding you mentioned, is it serious... Fusu complained in his heart, and immediately asked: "Do you want to say, use chariots to restrain the cavalry of the Huns!"

Wang Li nodded, and said sadly: "I lost Monan last time. One reason is that I didn't choose the location well. Mouton could attack me from three directions, so that the strength of the defense was diluted."

"The second is that the four-wheeled carriages carried by the minister are not enough. If we can carry more when we go out of the fortress, and they are connected end to end, it will be a strong city! In addition to the crossbow arrows carried by our army, Maodun will double the strength of the troops. I can't help it!"

Fu Su nodded with a smile. He didn't have any doubts about Wang Li's statement. After all, Wei Qing's Wugang chariot formation was the first to use a chariot formation against rangers. Still an effective tactic.

 Thanks to '╭ァ怺逺ゞrp', 'Don't Say It Was Once', 'Dark Cui', 'The Bear Who Eats Bunny', 'Book Friends 1612...7935', 'Wang Chengsi', 'Yongbu Loyalty Monthly tickets for ', 'Lao Najie', 'Qin Ying Fengyun', 'Mo', 'Xie Yajun', 'Spiritual Star Dream'!

(End of this chapter)

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