Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 294 Tian Ji: I'm so stupid, really...

Chapter 294 Tian Ji: I'm so stupid, really...

Linguang Palace in Yunyang County, in a water pavilion dotted with pavilions and pavilions.

A heavy rain in the evening instantly extinguished the burning flames of summer. At this moment, the cool breeze was blowing, and Fusu, who was sitting outside enjoying the shade, couldn't help but read a Tang poem.

"The silver candle is cold and the autumn light is on the screen, and the small fan of Qing Luo flutters the firefly. The sky is as cool as water at night, sit and watch the Altair and Vega."

Although it is not suitable for the occasion, and the format is completely incompatible with the current Qin poetry.

But he was entertaining himself, and even if the servant standing in the distance heard it, who would have the guts to force him!
Fusu lay on a rocking chair made of bamboo, stretched out his hand and put a boiled edamame into his mouth. This was a soy bean he specially asked to grow. Before it matured, he picked it and kept it for himself.

On the other side of him, a few strings of fragrant mutton skewers were placed on a small grill.

Hey, it would be even better if there was some iced wheat soda... Fusu spat out the bean curd in her mouth, and reached out to turn the skewers over so as not to burn them.

If one ignores the mosquitoes attacking him at this moment, this is the happiest night in these days.

"I'm careless, I didn't expect the ecological environment to be so good at this time, and there are a lot of wild animals, so there must be a lot of mosquitoes!"

"I am sworn to death with mosquitoes!"

Fu Su casually slapped a mosquito to death, and then heaved a long sigh.

Everything has a spirit, except mosquitoes!
"It's too late this year. Wait until next year. If there is next year, we must pull out all the weeds in the palace and plant wormwood!"

Fusu threw a piece of incense made of wormwood into the incense burner on the other side, watched the rising smoke, and sighed again.

"This kind of open environment can only serve as a comforting effect..."

However, without those two annoying ghosts, tonight would still be a good night... Fusu looked at Tian Ji and Qi Ruier who came hand in hand, and wanted to escape, but couldn't.

"See Your Majesty!"

Tian Ji was supported by Qi Rui'er, and she squatted slightly to salute.

"Let's talk first, I'll let you eat two edamame at most!" Fusu beckoned, and the waiter in the distance hurried over to two bamboo chairs with armrests and backrests.

"Huanger, have you heard? How did your father treat your mother..." Tian Ji covered her face with her sleeves, pretending to sob.

Mother, I have learned... Qi Ruier's round eyes are full of light of seeking knowledge.

"Stop pretending, the big deal is to make you eat two more edamame!" Fu Su looked at the actor in front of him, and felt that such a day was actually quite pleasant.

Tian Ji looked at the four edamame in her palm, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

"This concubine is so stupid, really... Concubine Shan knows that His Majesty always says one thing, but I didn't expect that His Majesty said four, but it really is four... er..."

Fusu had a smug smile on his face: "I have a golden mouth, and naturally a single word is worth a thousand gold..."

"The concubine fought with His Majesty!"

"Watch out for your stomach!"

After a while, Fusu asked with a slight smile on his face: "I roasted the meat, don't you plan to save some for me?"

Tian Ji was taken aback when she heard the words, she turned around silently with the roasted naan roll in her hand, leaving Fusu with a charming, full and round figure.

Qi Rui'er at the side swallowed the food in her mouth, stretched out the roasted naan roll meat in her hand to Fusu, with a sweet smile on her face.

Ah, this, I always feel that if I take a bite, maybe tonight, there will be an extra old Beijing chicken roll in the bedroom... Fu Su was stunned on the spot, but he still bit the bullet.


In the early morning of the next day, Lin Guanggong slept.

Fusu kicked Qi Rui'er who was pretending to be asleep, and said with a straight face, "Change clothes for me!"

Qi Rui'er was wearing a white gauze, and the blue silk was scattered like a waterfall, looking a little lazy and messy.

She looked at Fusu with winking eyes, sat up from the bed, suddenly let out a coquettish cry, took a breath, then half-kneeled on the ground extremely docilely, and straightened Fusu's clothes.

Then the Qin family and clan, as well as a large number of military nobles from Guanlong, will push this child to become the successor of the empire.

Well, not that it's bad.

Rather, he was worried that in this way, the influence of his relatives would be too great, and Qi Rui'er would most likely become the second Mi Bazi...

So, wait another two years.

Moreover, isn't there some other interesting ways to entertain yourself and others!
Fusu waited until Qi Rui'er finished tidying his coat, hooked the other's clean chin, and said with a condescending face, "You did a good job."

After speaking, he turned around and left without looking back.

The blessing of the emperor's authority gave Fusu a sense of majesty and nobility that could not be concealed, which made Qi Rui'er, who was looking at Fusu's back, blush and tremble slightly again.

Fusu, under the service of the female officer of the clothes order, put on his emperor's uniform of the third and outer layers, and immediately picked out a few jade pendants that he liked to hang around his waist, then made today's saber, and strode out of the bedroom go.


On the west side of Lin Guang Palace, in front of the palace gate near Chidao, dozens of four-wheeled carriages escorted by heavy soldiers drove quickly.

The leader is none other than Habayashi General Wang Li.

He looked at the Huben Zhonglang Han Xin who stopped him in front of him and inspected the documents and goods with a complicated expression, and he sighed in his heart.

Once upon a time, he was the Marquis of Che, and his official position was the lieutenant general of the Nine Plains Army, while the other party was just a down-and-out family who ate and drank.

But now?

The two sides are already on an equal footing. No, to be precise, the other side's general with the character '中' added is more favored by the emperor than his own general.

For example, at this time, if you want to enter the emperor's palace, although both parties are acquaintances, you need to pretend that you don't know each other to check your identity.

Officials with the word "中" can pass without hindrance, and they only need to inform the internal officials before they can meet the emperor.

After Han Xin checked Wang Li's documents, he said in a businesslike manner, "What is the carriage pulling?"

Wang Li took a step forward and opened one of the sacks: "This is cotton picked by His Majesty, um, these are all of them!"

Han Xin waved his hand, and a group of soldiers in iron armor came over. He said loudly, "Open them all and check them all, don't miss any part!"

Wang Li retreated to the side without saying a word, this is the procedure that should be done, if an assassin appears in the palace, it has nothing to do with him.

After all, after the first emperor encountered assassins in the Lanchi Palace, he sealed off the pass and killed countless people, which is still vivid in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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