Chapter 293 Great Qin Dream

South of the Wei River, at the foot of Mount Li.

A black-painted four-wheeled carriage drove up to the wooden bridge, and the stream under the bridge was rushing, splashing foam like broken jade and snow, spinning and rolling away.

Sitting in the carriage was Xiao He with his eyes closed.

Although Fusu went to Linguang Palace to escape the summer heat, these officials did not have such a good life, especially Xiao He, who was served by Zheng Guo with small shoes every day, was busy day and night.

But who is Xiao He, an old official from Pei County.

He will not be as resigned as some novices. Although he maintains a friendly relationship with Zheng Guo on the surface, he will carry forward the early request for instructions and the late report. Basically, everything he does is played directly to help Su. Understand clearly.

Today he left Zhisu Neishi Mansion to go to Xi County to recruit workers and build Guangtong Canal.

Although the weather was hot at this time, and it was in the farming season, and Fusu was worried about the end of the historical line, he stopped the corvee and garrison all over the country.

But it does not hinder the preparations in advance for the projects started after the autumn sowing.

"Hey, Your Majesty is really kind..." Xiao He leaned on the carriage and whispered to himself.

He went to Xi County to recruit workers, and he had another task, which was to clear the ocher clothes in the Xianyang City Treasury for a big sale.

According to the project plan left by the first emperor, the number of corvees that need to be collected for the construction of the Afang Palace, the Emperor's Mausoleum and the continuous widening of the roads is at least one million.

The number of uniforms and ocher clothes sold to the heads of Guizhou, who were in corvée, naturally piled up like a mountain.

After all, corvee in Qin State is low-paid, paid labor.

It is normal for the court to collect ramie at a low price to make ocher clothes and sell them to the head of Guizhou at a high price...

But after Fusu succeeded to the throne, in order to alleviate public grievances, he stopped the Efang Palace and widened the road again, and perfunctorily completed the final project of the emperor's mausoleum.

This has led to a mountain of ocher clothes that cannot be sold!

True ocher clothes are unsalable, help us!
So the new internal historian Kuai Che thought of an idea. Since the imperial court wanted to build the Guangtong Canal, and it was based on the amount of work measured in the previous period, there was a limit to recruitment.

Then, in order to prevent the recruited Qianshou from releasing pigeons from the court for various reasons, every Qianshou who is recruited as an engineer needs to buy a set of winter clothes in advance out of his own pocket.

It's not expensive, 110 yuan, if anyone doesn't have enough money, the government can also provide low-interest loans...

Originally priced at 110 and a half taels of ocher clothes, now you only need the same amount of five baht to buy them successfully.

Rounding up means no money!

Therefore, this is an important reason why Xiao He said to help Su Renhou.


Jincheng County, by Qinghai Lake.

Although it is midsummer at this time, it is still very cool on the edge of the vast and vast Qinghai Lake.

Shentujia hung a knife around his waist and held a long leather whip in his hand. Beside him was Jiang Lamu, who was wearing a white agate on his head and a Qin female costume.

But in front of them, more than 100 Qiang sheep in black and white are burying their heads in hard work.

Since Shentujia's two Qiang slaves, brother-in-law and brother-in-law, led Lu Ze to find a gold mine, their family's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Shen Tujia was the master of the slaves, so he naturally got the most benefits. Not only was he awarded a first-class title, he was promoted to be the head of the pavilion, and he became a fighting food official, but he was also rewarded with a hundred Qiang sheep by Zhang Han.

Not only him, but the two Qiang slaves were also exempted from their status as servants and hired as pavilion soldiers to be responsible for security and patrol work.

However, this move produced a chain reaction that Zhang Han did not expect.

When the two Qiang people dressed in pavilion clothes and appeared in front of other Qiang slaves showing off their might, all the slaves in Jincheng County were excited.

Qiang slaves kept reporting secrets that only the locals could know.

For example, where is the birthplace of wild yaks, where is the only way for yellow sheep to migrate, where can you pick up good-looking agates, where may the Qiang people who slipped through the net hide...

There are all kinds of things, and the number is huge.

Let the officials of the Qiang Zhonglang General's Mansion be so busy that they burned the ointment and continued to burn the sundial.

And those Qiang slaves who didn't have any secrets worked very hard.

Those who have meritorious service must be rewarded, and those who have done wrong must be punished.

In the hearts of the slaves of the Qiang people, a seed called 'Da Qin Meng' was produced, and then quickly took root and sprouted, and grew into a towering tree in an instant!

But it's different from those Qiang people who are working hard day and night.

Shen Tujia took a rest today, just like Liu Tingchang used this time to go to the fields to pull weeds with his wife, Shen Tingchang also used this time to go out to accompany his wife to herd the sheep.

As for the land awarded, Shentujia was born as a hunter, and his farming skills were almost zero, not to mention Jiang Ram and her two brothers!
So Shentu Jia simply rented out the granted acres to the neighbors in the Lifang, and collected the land rent every year, which was quite relaxing.

Jiang Ram looked at Shen Tujia's smiling face, and the same smile appeared on his face.

Fate is unpredictable. From a slave of the Qiang people, she became the wife of the pavilion chief in a short period of time. People in Lifang looked at her from strangeness to respect. This made her always suspect that this was just a dream. A dream that made her reluctant to wake up.

"Have you heard the story of the big fish in the lake?"

Hearing Jiang Ram's question, Shen Tujia shook his head. He is an outsider, so he doesn't know the local legends.

Jiang Ram put his hands together, put them on his chest, looked at Qinghai Lake in the distance, with reverence on his face:
"A long, long time ago, the grassland here was flooded because there was a spring on the ground that kept bubbling water."

"The flood flooded the cattle and sheep, the old man and the children! At this moment, a well-meaning young man decided to go into the bottom of the lake, block the spring, and save everyone."

"So he entered the lake and swam and swam and swam and swam... When he was exhausted, tired and hungry, many big fish in the lake surrounded him and swam into his mouth automatically Feed him!"

"But he was too tired to bite, so the fish of the Holy Spirit shook his body, shook off the scales, and then continued to swim into his mouth for him to eat!"

"When the boy gained strength after eating enough, he swam to the bottom of the lake, turned his body into a mountain, blocked the spring, and the flood receded."

"But the boy's lover could never wait for him to come back, so he jumped into the lake sadly and turned into that beautiful island, staying together with his lover forever..."

After speaking, Jiang Ram's deer-like eyes were moved to tears.

But Shentujia frowned slightly, and he thought in his heart: It was the same flood, King Yu fought hard to control the flood, but the Qiang people wanted others to sacrifice... Maybe this is the reason for the different fates!
ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Bachelor Novelist', 'mciu', 'Book Friends 2017...9351', 'Book Friends 2020...5503', 'Keshi'!

(End of this chapter)

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