Chapter 292 Clever Words (4k Chapters)
Under Bo Ji's angry eyes, Xu Neg continued, "But I didn't say that the child you gave birth to is the offspring of Wei Bao!"

Bo Ji finally couldn't bear it anymore, and retorted: "You charlatans, you always hide half of what you say and keep the other half. If my husband hadn't listened to other people's rumors that day, he wouldn't have traveled all the way to Wenyi County!"

"If he hadn't gone to Wenyi County, he wouldn't have met the dog official Hou Feng, and if he hadn't met that dog, he wouldn't have sunk and died. If he hadn't died, I wouldn't have fallen to where I am today!"

"It's all about you, who brought me to this point! What kind of nobleman are you talking about now? You're a lie!"

Bo Ji blushed, and reprimanded in a low voice: "You, you are shameless!"

Xu Neg looked indifferent, and looked up at Bo Ji: "It's over? It's my turn! When you and I met that day, I said that Wei Bao, the son of Wei, dared to enter the Qin State The county magistrate's family, then he would have a long life."

"So he died within a few days. Has my prophecy been fulfilled?"

She didn't wait for Bo Ji to speak, and continued: "When we were pounding rice in Xianyang City, I said that within three days, your and my fate will be rewritten. Now we don't have to pound rice anymore, and we want to live in the magnificent Xianyang." Palace! This is the place where only the emperor of Qin can live!"

"I'm sure you've never lived in a palace like this in your life!"

"Has my prophecy been fulfilled again?"

Bo Ji opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a while, she instinctively felt that Xu Negative's words were weird, but she didn't think about how to refute.

She raised her head and looked up at the Twelve Golden Men, who were faintly visible in the distance, exuding radiance, and the pavilions and pavilions covered by the palace walls, with a look of shock and longing on her face.

Suddenly, she felt a little moved by Xu Negative's words.

Bao Ji bit her lips lightly, and said like a mosquito: "Yes, but I am a concubine, how can I become the emperor's side?"

Xu negative said with a smug expression on his face: "I have said it before, you are the image of great wealth and greatness, and the heirs you give birth to will surely be crowned kings! If this is the case, it will be spread to the ears of the emperor of Qin, even if he does not Believe me, it will definitely generate curiosity!"

"In this way, don't you have a chance to meet the emperor? With your beauty, I don't believe any man will not be tempted!"

"You said, will he let you give birth to someone else's heir?"

Xu Negative's eyes turned like lacquer, and a shy expression suddenly appeared on his face: "It's just that you are a bride, and the techniques in the room must be rough, I will find a way to find someone to teach you some secret skills, so that you can get More favors..."

Bo Ji was taken aback for a moment, and her face was also flushed: "Then, what is the price?"

Xu negative gritted his back molars, and said with a little anger: "After you successfully climb onto the bed of the dog emperor, I want you to find a way to get half of the jade ring around his waist, and then give it to me!"

Bo Ji frowned slightly, and whispered, "Is it so simple?"

In her mind, as long as she could become the emperor's woman, it would be a matter of no effort to get half a jade ring from the emperor's hands.

But it was extremely difficult for her to successfully climb into the emperor's bed.

After all, she had heard long ago that there are thousands of beauties around the emperor, all of whom are looking forward to the emperor's blessing every night!
And she is just a concubine as humble as dirt...

Xu Negatively shook his head, gritted his molars and said, "This is just the first thing you want to do for me, and the second thing is to take the other from a woman with big breasts and no brains. Got half of the jade ring!"

Bo Ji blinked her eyes, and was about to ask who that woman with big breasts and no brains was, but when she saw that the female officer walking out of the palace gate was almost in front of them, she kept her mouth shut and lowered her head, waiting to be led into Xianyang Palace to go.

But Xu Negative, who was standing beside her, murmured intermittently, such weird words as reckless, not being a son of man, patriarch forgiving, etc.


A side hall of Lin Guang Palace exudes the fragrance of wine at this moment.

Fusu was wearing a mask, looking at the wine retort in the hall emitting bursts of water vapor.

"Steam again!"

Hearing Fusu's order, although the wine worker who was busy in front of the wine retort was a little puzzled, he still followed Fusu's order and poured the fragrant wine into the wine retort.

Well, as expected, I'm still not used to this kind of high-alcohol liquor... Fusu gently pinched the bridge of her nose, and once again moved away from the steamer that exuded the aroma of water and wine.

Today he asked the winemaker in the palace to distill sorghum wine, hoping to obtain high-quality baijiu.

This is not an alcohol addiction, but an act of desperation to get alcohol.

Well, although you can't get the anhydrous alcohol of later generations, you should be able to get high-strength liquor with a degree of about [-] to [-] after several distillations... right?

Fusu saw that the wine worker's footsteps were starting to falter, so he waved his hands and asked several other wine workers hiding in the distance to come on stage as substitutes.

There is no way, this is Daqin in BC, although there are various techniques of using grains and fruits to brew wine.

But it is basically all fermented wine, and the ethanol in the wine, that is, the alcohol content, is only about 5% at best.

Well, it is about the level of craft beer in later generations.

And those old wines that are fermented with grain and have been stored for a long time have an alcohol content of only 10% to 20%.

That's why there is a saying that "Li Baidou's Hundred Poems on Wine, Sleeping in a Restaurant in Chang'an City", you can try to replace him with the later generations of "Men Dao Donkey".

Well, try it in minutes and die...

And when Wu Erlang fought against the Chinese Gold Graduation, if calculated on the basis of each bowl containing three taels of 10-proof liquor, Wu Song's drinking capacity was probably a little more than a catty of today's 50-proof liquor.

Therefore, on the basis of fermented wine, if you want to obtain 52-degree Maotai-flavored wine, you need to consume a considerable amount of food.

Therefore, Shang Yang's proposal to levy a luxury tax on alcoholic beverages was a very normal thing.

After all, it is different from the tobacco tax of later generations. In this era, most of the people who can afford high alcohol consumption are luxury houses.

In the legalist view, a country is the same as a person, and a certain part cannot be too strong. If this part is particularly strong, it will inevitably endanger the whole.

However, wealth will inevitably gather to some people in a certain class.

The way of legalism is to cut off this strong part that endangers the status of the monarch and hinders the normal operation of the country.

That's why I said that 'the law must perish'.

After all, politics is about mutual checks and balances and mutual compromise. After any party of imperial power and ministerial power has an absolute advantage, it will inevitably bring dire consequences.

If the ministers are strong, the country has the power to overthrow, such as the various abdications in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and many acts of bullying orphans and widows.

And when the imperial power is strong, it will inevitably treat people in the world like fish and meat, such as those holy ancestors and colleagues who have written more than ten thousand poems.

Thinking of this, Fusu reminded himself not to be overwhelmed by the sense of accomplishment brought by power, and make any brain-slapping decisions casually.

The power brought by powerful power will make everything develop in the expected direction, and this speed is so fast that people will not even realize that what they do is wrong!

Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty paid a heavy price for this, so that there was a crisis that almost made the Han Dynasty extinct.

The same applies to the current state of Qin.

The State of Qin was dominated by Legalists, and at this time Legalists actually advocated the rule of man, since the king had the supreme power and the final interpretation of all legal provisions.

Well, if you can't explain it, activate another power.

Change the laws of the country to what you want.

For example, when the son of the Mo family's giant son killed someone in Qin, King Huiwen thought that he was old and had only one son. Most importantly, he wanted to save his favor and win over the Mo family for his own use, so he was not guilty of murder.

For example, King Zhaoxiang bestowed Bai Qi, who was dying, not because he was worried about his high achievements, but because he refuted himself in public, which made the king unable to come down, so King Zhaoxiang, a typical person, had a good face The Qin people, naturally won't let Bai Qi live even one more day...

Well, maybe it’s because Bai Qi’s pixels are too high, after all, everyone is 720p, but Bai Qi’s is 1080p...

Another example is Zhao Gao's death crime back then. The first emperor thought that Zhao Gao served him very well, so the death crime was also pardoned.

Therefore, the subsequent feudal dynasties were all Confucianism outside and law inside, trying to put the fig leaf of Confucianism on the dictatorship!

Of course, Confucian scholars are not fools.

If the emperor wants to use the name of Confucianism, he must give up something. After the rise of the imperial examination system, there was a "grand scene" in which the emperor of the Song Dynasty ruled the world with the scholar-bureaucrats.

"Your Majesty, the wine is out!"

Hearing what the wine worker said, Fusu put on a mask and walked over.


Fusu looked at the high-altitude drink that was slowly flowing out, and decisively ordered to stop.

According to the information he learned when he was the keyboard king in later generations, because alcohol has a lower boiling point than water, it evaporates first, and the condensed liquid has the highest alcohol content.

Also known as 'Jiu Tou'.

The alcohol concentration of these drinks can even reach more than 80%!
Fusu carefully poured the head of the wine into a glass bottle, then stuffed it into a cork, and sealed it with melted insect wax.

"This thing, I call it alcohol, has the specific method been recorded?"

Fusu put the glass bottle on the tray and asked a servant in the hall.

"Report to Your Majesty, everything has been recorded!" The servant stepped forward and presented a stack of bamboo paper with both hands.

Fusu took it, flipped through it briefly, nodded slightly and said: "Well, the handwriting is good, let Han Rang know later, everyone will be rewarded!"

After all, if you want the horse to run, you must feed the horse more grass.

Don't kneel... Hey, no, I'm the emperor... Fu Su looked at Hu La La and knelt on the ground, said thank you to the bartender and waiter, and said gently: "Get up, practice a few more times later, and strive to Master the purification of alcohol as soon as possible, and bring out a few more apprentices, and bring out the top ten with the most apprentices, I will reward you a lot!"

Well, in a few months, the sugar cane will be harvested, and the waste honey, or molasses, left over from the sugar pressing will be a good material for brewing rum.

Blocking is worse than sparseness. People's demand for wine is an objective fact. Instead of letting them waste food to make wine, it is better to guide them to drink this kind of fruit wine that turns waste into treasure.

Rum must go through the process of distillation, which also means that it can have a lot of alcohol.

And alcohol, whether it is used for disinfection or making organic solvents, such as synthetic rubber, is a very useful thing.

After a while, Fusu walked out of the side hall.

In an instant, he felt that he had walked from one steamer to another.

Ah, it’s so hot. As expected, the life of human beings is given by the air conditioner... Fusu quickened his pace and walked to his bedroom. There, he used a lot of ice cubes and dug some small ones, which can absorb the cold air from the ground. The holes brought up are used for cooling.

Fusu looked up at the sun hanging in the sky, and suddenly remembered a saying that had been circulating for a long time at this time.

The scorching heat is caused by evil spirits. People need to sacrifice dogs in the city and share food with them, so as to drive away evil spirits and make the weather cool again.

This is a tradition that has continued since ancient times. The so-called "violent ghosts are walking, so they are closed all day long and do nothing else."

Fusu thought of a lychee and dog meat festival that became popular all over the country because of the boycott.

Well, when you come back, let someone plant some lychees in Shanglin Garden or Shu County, and the ones in Shanglin Garden will be used for viewing, and the ones in Shu County will be sent to the palace to enjoy.

After all, "a concubine who rides the world of mortals laughs, but no one knows it's litchi"...

Just when Fusu was thinking about who to be Concubine Yang, Chen Ping trotted over from a distance.

"Your Majesty, Longxi Zoubao."

Fusu looked at Chen Ping's appearance and found a smile on the corner of his mouth, so he felt relieved and took the bamboo slips handed over by Han Rang.

"Well, yes, it's going well."

Fusu nodded slightly, this was the good news from Yingyang Colonel Qiang Wuji from the southwest of Gudao County.

After successive "bloody battles", they have basically wiped out the local barbarians, so while presenting their victory to the imperial court, they asked how to deal with the spoils.

Fusu quickly browsed through the memorabilia, and found that Qiang Wuji had made some slight revisions to his hint.

For example, he said that women should be kept and men should not be kept, but Qiang Wuji separated the men and women, and sent the male prisoners of war to Longxi County for centralized custody.

Well, it’s okay, whether it’s coal mines or iron mines, there is a shortage of mining workers...Fu Su nodded slightly, and said to Chen Ping: "Scatter the prisoners of war and send them to the mines in Beidi County and Shang County."

Chen Ping took out the ruler slip from his sleeve, and after recording it, he asked again: "Your Majesty, how should those meritorious soldiers be arranged?"

Fusu thought for a while: "The soldiers granted the land on the spot, and according to the pre-war plan, they gave concubines as wives."

"As for the newly opened territory, it will be named Wudu County and placed under Longxi County. Yingyang Captain Qiang Wuji will stay there temporarily. Let's be a county magistrate with a rank of a thousand stones first."

ps :感谢‘火神1945’、‘书友1605……3315’、‘小小书仙123’、‘悟空不如’、‘孤独夜小楼’、‘书友2018……3980’的月票!感谢‘悟空不如’的打赏!

(End of this chapter)

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