Chapter 291
Linguang Palace in Yunyang County, taking advantage of the fact that the sun has not really brought out its own light and heat, Fusu started to walk among the pavilions and pavilions for today.

Suddenly, he stopped and stared straight at Qi Rui'er, who was wearing a moon-white long dress and was pretending to feed fish in the pavilion in the distance.

It's so hot, so I have to join the road at this time... Fusu pretended not to notice, and walked in another direction while doing chest-expanding exercises.

After walking a few steps, he sniffled and muttered softly, "What's the smell? It's so familiar!"

Han Rang took two steps forward and said softly, "Reporting to Your Majesty, it should be the head of Guizhou in Yunyang County, the smell of burning wheat straw."

Fusu suddenly realized that when he was in Xianyang City some time ago, he could smell this smell almost every day, but he didn't expect to smell this smell again after hiding in Lin Guang Palace.

However, he does not intend to issue an edict to ban the burning of straw.

This is not only because Qin has no carbon emission pressure at this time, but mainly because in this era, the behavior of burning straw is a thing that has more advantages than disadvantages.

Before he crossed, without knowing it in detail, he thought that the burned straw was the place where the ears of grain were connected.

So at that time, he was very surprised. According to experts, this is a very valuable thing. Why was it so easily burned?

But after he learned about it, he found that most of the burned stalks were cut off by the sickle and connected to the root of the grain.

This is called 'stubble', finding the stubble.

If you want to pull out this thing and dispose of it, it will take a lot of manpower in the era when there is no rotary tiller.

So burning it is the best choice.

When the straw is burned in the field, the surface temperature rises, which can kill some insect eggs and germs in the ground and inside the straw, so as not to affect the next year's harvest!

Moreover, the plant ash produced after burning can also add a certain amount of potassium fertilizer to the farmland, appropriately increase the fertility of the soil, and effectively increase production!
As for the resulting pollution of the environment, the emission of greenhouse gases.

Well, in Fusu's view, especially the latter, the more the better!

Throughout history, the decline of the Central Plains dynasty is actually inseparable from climate change.

For example, at the end of the Western Han Dynasty, when Wang Mang was in power, the interglacial period continued to spread, the temperature dropped sharply, drought and less rain followed, and locust plagues followed. One catty of gold was exchanged for one corn and one dendrobium, and one dendrobium was one stone, which was about [-] kilograms.

Even after the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the interglacial period still did not subside. At that time, it was recorded that "when the people were hungry, people ate each other, and one catty of gold was easy to buy five liters of beans." This is even worse!
At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the interglacial period came again. "It was 50 hu for a grain of rice, 20 for a hu of bean and wheat, and people ate each other, and the bones accumulated." The Yellow Turban Uprising caused by this directly led to the complete collapse of the Han Dynasty. destruction.

The following dynasties changed, and most of them were like this. The temperature dropped, drought and locust plagues, internal and external troubles, the people were in dire straits, the postal staff were laid off, and Ming Huaizong set up its southeast branch...

Therefore, for the sake of national justice, the Qin State in this period must vigorously develop industry and breeding, especially raise more cattle and emit more greenhouse gases!
In this way, it may be possible to delay the damage of the interglacial period to China.

But one cannot be hanged from one tree, one has to try several times on other trees.

Therefore, Fusu invested a lot of resources in Nanhai County to build the Royal Shipyard and renovate sea-going ships for the purpose of strengthening maritime traffic with the Indochina Peninsula.

According to his plan, Jiaozhi County, Rinan County and other places that have existed since ancient times will naturally not give up an inch of land.

In order to educate the local aborigines and spread the light of civilization, he planned to let Chen Mao go to the local primitive tribes in his spare time to teach them farming skills.

In this way, after the grain production in northern Great Qin was reduced by the interglacial attack, the local aboriginals would, in the spirit of humanitarianism, give the grain grown in their spare time to the Qin people free of charge.

After all, people often say that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring!

Well, this kind of kindness, the people of the peninsula in the northeast of the empire, and the residents of the archipelago to the east would not mind it!
After all, the mountains and rivers are in different lands, and we cannot live together... Bah, it's the same day and night!


At the side gate of Xianyang Palace, several four-wheeled carriages pulled by two horses slowly approached.

When the carriage came to a complete stop, a dozen or so women in ocher clothes stepped out of the carriage.

Some of them looked timidly at the palace gate guards standing in the distance holding halberds, and the towering Ji Que in front of them, while some stood cautiously in the queue with their heads down.

In a short time, several court ladies walked out of Xianyang Palace, and the leading lady handed the badge and documents to the captain guarding the gate.

"These are the concubines who were transferred to the weaving room in the palace under Madam Zhao Ji's orders."

The palace maid whispered to the captain of the palace gate in elegant words mixed with the accents of Qi Lu and Pei Si.

"Lu Pheasant...the female officer under the Prime Minister of Yufu..." The captain of the palace gate read the words on the waist card softly, then nodded and handed back the waist card.

He looked Lu Zhi up and down. Although she was only wearing a plain palace dress, the golden sun was shining on her face, and her shining eyes were innocent like a child's, yet with a bit of mature charm. With a pair of full red lips, he was a little moved.

But it's just heart-wrenching. After all, as the captain of the palace, he was born in a clan with the surname Ying and has a prominent status. Although the other party is a female official under the Yufu Cheng, she is only a concubine. The status of the two parties is very different. If you become a concubine, you will be beaten to death immediately by the old father at home...

Very cruel!

However, Lu Zhi on the side didn't know what the captain of the palace gate was thinking, or even if she knew, she just smiled and left.

The old fortune teller once said that my wife is a noble person in the world!
Obviously, there is only one person in the world who can change her from a concubine to a nobleman!
When Lu Pheasant was walking towards the palace gate like a proud little hen, among the concubines who got off the carriage was a little girl about 1.5 meters tall with eyes like lacquer spots. Elbowed a woman beside her with a blessed face, straight breasts, slender waist and straight legs, and said in a low voice:

"Daughter-in-law Wei Bao, have you made up your mind?"

Bo Ji moved half a step aside, and said in a low voice, "Xu Negative, I think it's better to forget it, I always feel that I'm sorry for Wei Bao..."

The little girl she called Xu Negative sneered: "You feel sorry for Wei Bao, so why didn't you go with him when the ship sank that day? Instead, you have lived resignedly until now!"

Bo Ji bit her lip and said angrily, "You..."

Xu negative had a mocking smile on the face of a naturally cute doll: "What am I, did you poke your sore spot? Don't forget, what I said that day is that you are the image of great wealth and great wealth. You must be able to crack the earth and seal the king!"

(End of this chapter)

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