Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 290 The goose is so big that it cannot be stewed in one pot!

Chapter 290 The goose is too big to be stewed in one pot!

On the Monan Grassland to the north of Yinshan Mountain, a group of people and horses are advancing rapidly.

The sky was gloomy, and the dark clouds seemed to be pressing on the top of people's heads, making everyone feel a little out of breath.

This group of people looks like a prairie tribe, with men and women, old and young. There are a large number of ox carts and horse carts in the team, and thousands of cotton heads are being driven around the crowd. sheep.

However, when you take a closer look, you will find that although these people's hair looks like grassland herdsmen, the clothes they wear are the same as those of Qin people.

Well, except for the bells and whistles that are different in color from ordinary Guisou.

These people were dressed in uniform ocher clothes, which were the uniforms of officials or prisoners of the Qin Dynasty.

They are all the shepherds that the Qin army has plundered from the Huns for several times. Obviously, they have become the shepherds of the Qin people now!

For these Huns, there is no difference between the dog of the leader of the Huns and the dog of the Qin people...

Still, that was their initial thought.

At this moment, the thoughts in their hearts are completely different from before!
It is the greatest honor to be Daqin's dog!
From the simplest point of view, in the past they were hungry and full, and it was enough if they were not starved to death.

Now in the state of Qin, even though they are also slaves, they can receive grain ranging from one stone to two stones every month, and there are six five baht coins as wages every day!

And the captain who manages them has said more than once that when it comes to the year-end evaluation, as long as they can be rated as the "best", they can give themselves Take a Qin person's name!

Not only that, as long as you get the 'best' evaluation for three consecutive years, you can get rid of the status of a minister!
Get 'Best' five years in a row and even get a home south of the Great Wall!
This made them pay extra attention when grazing cattle and sheep.

The specific manifestation is that on the summer pasture in Mobei where they graze, almost all wolves were slaughtered. Almost all the wolves that escaped by chance crossed the desert and went to Mobei, while the old, weak, sick and disabled who could not run Most of them appeared on the wooden racks used for drying leather outside their tents!
They decided to accept the suggestion of the captain of the cavalry and dedicate the best fur to His Majesty the emperor who gave them a new life!
At this moment, a thin black line appeared on the horizon in the distance.

"There are cavalry approaching quickly, everyone cheer up!" The Tuenqi captain roared, drew out the ring sword from his waist, and led a dozen strong Qin people to rush to the forefront of the team.

And the shepherds who were protected by them also drew their wooden bows from their horses, quickly put on the bowstrings, jumped off their horses, and approached the captain of the cavalry.

There was no trace of fear on their faces. On the contrary, like the Qin soldiers around them, they were full of joy in fighting.

According to the law of Qin, even a slave, as long as he can cut off the head of an enemy, he can also obtain the title of knighthood!
Hearing the war, he was delighted, and within a short period of time, it was imprinted in the souls of all the people under the military merit system.

It's just that when everyone was ready to fight, the sharp-eyed captain suddenly shouted angrily: "Hey! It's General Meng Tian!"

As a result, a sound of mourning spread among the Qin army. They put away their ring-shoulders in dejection, put their shields back on their horses, untied the strings of their strong crossbows, and put away the arrows stuck in the soil.

In stark contrast to Qin Jun was the shepherd standing beside them.

When they heard Meng Tian's name, a look of horror first subconsciously appeared on their faces, and then it turned into expressions of joy and reverence.

Because of the change of position, Meng Tian, ​​the god of death who brought them fear, became a guardian who brought peace of mind!
So they began to cheer in blunt Qin language: "The general is mighty! The Qin Kingdom is ten thousand years old!"

A moment later, a Qin character flag fluttered in the wind.

On the Huang Puma under the banner, sat a Qin general, Meng Tian, ​​wearing a bright red owl crown.

"Meet the Admiral!"

Captain Tunqi quickly adjusted his expression, and led his subordinates to give a military salute.

Behind him, those shepherds knelt down on their knees and bowed their heads in salute.

This stems from the disparity in status between the two parties.

Meng Tian jumped off the horse, looked around at the herds gnawing on the green grass, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Are you converting the pasture?"

Captain Tunqi followed him, nodded and said, "That's right, the pasture around the last pasture has been gnawed almost, so we are preparing to go to the next pasture."

Since the last fiasco of Maodun, the entire Monan Grassland has become Qin's de facto summer pasture.

At this time, scattered throughout the fertile Monan Grassland, there were not only hundreds of nomadic spots of their size, but also pastures dedicated to grazing Shangjun's horse farm and Jiuyuan army horses.

Meng Tian smiled and said: "I was about to take someone to your last grazing site, but I didn't expect to meet you here! It's really a coincidence that it's better to come sooner than later!"

The captain of Tunqi asked excitedly: "I don't know what the general is waiting for me? Could it be that the main force of the Huns went south? No, they should not have the guts! Could it be that the general wants to gather us together and go north to take the initiative to teach the Huns? ?”

Ah, another war madman... Meng Tian opened and closed his mouth a few times, then suddenly smiled and said, "It's all wrong!"

"I'm here this time to bring you ducks and geese!"

Captain Tunqi was stunned on the spot, and stammered a little: "Raise, raise, raise, raise ducks and raise geese?"

Meng Tian nodded and said: "You heard me right, that's it. In His Majesty's words, the Monan Grassland has a good environment, with water, grass, and insects. It would be a waste not to raise some chickens, ducks, and geese!"

"The reason why I didn't send you chickens this time is mainly because they were all divided by the Jiuyuan Army. Wait for the next time!"

"However, it is also a good choice to raise some ducks. Duck eggs and duck meat are not mentioned. When it is winter, pluck some duck feathers and stuff them into your robes to keep you warm!"

Seeing the captain of Tunqi's froze, Meng Tian only thought it was funny for a while, and he continued: "As for the geese, after they are raised up, the benefits will be even more, not only can guard the herd, but also can be stewed in an iron pot. Goose is also a rare delicacy!"

Meng Tian patted the captain of Tunqi on the shoulder, and walked away with his hands behind his back. He wanted to send as many ducklings and geese to other grazing points as possible before they were shaken to death.

Captain Tunqi was stunned for a long time, and then he blinked his eyes as if waking up from a dream.

He listened to the chirping of ducklings and geese mixed with the distant sound of horseshoes, and was speechless for a while.

"Isn't the servant in charge of raising horses? Why did he start raising poultry?"

(End of this chapter)

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