Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 289 Chen Mao: This is too much 1 must post to Moments!

Chapter 289 Chen Mao: You must post it to your Moments if you go too far!

Chen Mao rushed out of the house, and said angrily: "Young master came just in time, you come to judge me, I said a few words to him, he even demolished the door for me! Junjun Ren demolished me now I really dare not think about what I will do in the future!"

Putting his hands on his forehead, Ziying complained in his heart about an emperor who didn't want to be named, who enjoyed himself in the Lin Guang Palace. The former Chen Mao was not like this. After the title of chief...

孽 孽!
Ren Xiao sneered, looked at Ziying and said, "This old man is a county lieutenant who is in charge of the army. The daily government affairs are just in charge of the daily government affairs, especially the farmer's field work. The farmer is in charge of the farmer's work. Chen Mao's blind accusation is really a You are not a son of man!"

Seeing that Chen Mao was about to retort, Ziying hurriedly stepped forward and stopped between the two of them: "So, what is the reason for the quarrel today?"

Chen Mao took a deep breath and said: "Yesterday I went to Panyu to guide farming and mulberry, and I saw the farmers plowing the paddy fields with yellow cattle! I went up to reprimand, but was ridiculed by Yi Tiandian, who said it was taught by Ren Junwei. The method of farming cattle! Tell me, my lord, isn’t this harming people and cattle!”

Ziying was taken aback, blinked and said, "Niu Gengtian, is that right? This has always been done in Guanzhong!"

He thought for a while and said: "When Zhao Bao, the younger brother of King Zhao Huiwen, persuaded King Zhao not to be an enemy of Qin, he once said, "Qin uses cattle fields, water supplies food, and its dead are listed in the upper land." , the order is strictly enforced, and no battle is allowed!', so the ox plows the field, that's right!"

Chen Mao took a deep breath again, calmed down and said, "Young master, can't you grasp the point of the problem? I'm talking about the oxen plowing the paddy fields! The point is to hoard the paddy fields! The hooves of the oxen are not suitable for long-term soaking in water. Afterwards, the hooves are easy to rot, and if the hooves are rotten, the cow will be useless!"

Ziying glanced at Ren Xiao, and saw the same doubt in his eyes.

Ren Xiao smiled and said: "Your words are a bit exaggerated! That Qianshou who plows the fields is not an idiot, it's enough for the cattle to come out of the water to rest after working for a while!"

Chen Mao sighed and said: "No wonder Nanhai County has such unique conditions, but after more than ten years, the population growth is not as good as that of Liaodong's bitter cold land! The root cause is that officials like you are carnivorous and don't know how to guide farmers The Way of Sang!"

Ren Xiao rolled up his sleeves angrily: "Zhuzi is rude! How old is this old man, and you dare to arrange this old man like this? It's really tolerable, what can't be tolerated!"

Chen Mao also poked his neck and said, "What's the matter, I'm afraid you won't succeed! Although I come from a farming family, my fighting skills are not weaker than those of Qi's fighters!"

Ziying stretched out his hands and shouted, "Stop! Qin Law prohibits private fights!"

He turned to look at Ren Xiao and said, "My good county lieutenant, the weather is indeed a bit hot and people are very angry, and what he said is indeed a bit exaggerated, but we might as well listen to what he thinks."

After persuading Ren Xiao, Ziying turned to look at Chen Mao, and said with a smile: "The Qin people in Nanhai County are mostly criminals, sons-in-law, merchants and other humble people recruited from the Central Plains. They don't know how to farm. It is understandable! Otherwise, why would His Majesty let you come here to guide them about farming and sang affairs!"

Chen Mao sighed and nodded, he actually agreed with what Ziying said.

So he solemnly bowed his hands to Ren Xiao, expressed his apology, and said while thinking: "The so-called farming and mulberry matter actually needs to be adjusted according to local conditions."

"For example, Nanhai County has abundant rainfall, hot climate, summer-like seasons, and is close to rivers. It mainly produces rice and paddy fields, supplemented by wheat and beans. But whether it is the season of sowing or harvesting, all of them are copied mechanically from the agricultural regulations promulgated by Guanzhong. This is undoubtedly a matter of cutting one's feet to fit one's shoes!"

Seeing Ren Xiao nodded slightly, Chen Mao continued to smile and said: "The farming season is rushing. For example, when the rice is harvested at this time, it is necessary to re-plant the soil and fertilize immediately to prepare for a new round of sowing! With the advantages of Nanhai County, it is completely possible Do two crops a year, or even three crops a year!"

"I have observed that the rice fields here have a good water retention capacity. If rapeseed is grown, the yield must be higher than that in the Central Plains!"

"But why would you rather let the land lie idle and grow grass than cultivate it?"

Chen Mao's tone became severe: "Are the farmers here lazy? No, it's because Tian Dian, who guides them, is incompetent. How can he be so incompetent with his faintness!"

"Also, it's not impossible to use yellow cattle to plow the paddy fields. It is also feasible to plow the fields for a while and then let the yellow cattle come out to dry as the county captain said. But there is a kind of cattle called buffaloes. Hou Xishui is also a good farmer, I have seen it in Sishui County and Kuaiji County, and it is said that it was sold from Guilin County."

Seeing Ren Xiao's puzzled face, Chen Mao asked again with a gloomy face: "It's a county away, why don't you all know?"

Ren Xiao coughed twice, turned his head in embarrassment, looked at Ziying who was showing a narrow face, and said, "The Royal Shipyard in Panyu County has launched a new type of ship. Would you be interested in taking a look?"

Ziying followed Ren Xiao and walked out: "New building boat? How about a new method?"

Chen Mao roared angrily: "I haven't finished talking yet, why are you running away, it's too much, I must write a memorial to His Majesty..."

Ren Xiao pretended not to hear Chen Mao's call, and said to himself: "The so-called new-style building ships are based on the original sea-going ships, and according to the graphics drawn by His Majesty, several gaff sails and triangular sails are hung. , it is said that it can make the ship sail against the wind, which is amazing!"

Ziying echoed in a low voice: "Your Majesty's product must be a godsend! Before I set off from Xianyang City, I went to Shanglinyuan Changchi to see the large ships under construction there. It is said that they don't even have oars and rely entirely on the wind. Sailing! It's incredible!"

Ren Xiao suddenly asked curiously: "Young Master, why do you think His Majesty is building so many large ships in Nanhai County?"

Ziying thought for a while, and then frowned: "I'm not too sure about this, but I just heard His Majesty mention it, saying that receiving tributary countries can increase the destiny value, and then what will spread the light of civilization to the end of the sky?" ..."

Ren Xiao nodded his head subconsciously: "In the entire Great Qin, only His Majesty has such a far-sighted idea!"

After finishing speaking, he looked sideways at Ziying and asked in a low voice, "Is there a lack of ministers in the plantation in Nanhai County?"

Ziying looked helpless: "The lack, the shortage is serious! It was originally agreed to level a [-]-mu farm and a sugarcane garden of the same size, but due to manpower problems, the progress was slow...so after the big ship was built, Go as far as you can..."

(End of this chapter)

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