Chapter 288 The Way of Chivalry
In Jibei County, southeast of Boyang County, there stands a not too tall historical mountain, Liangfu Mountain.

It stands in the west and connects with Mount Tai. The mountains are steep and precipitous. The Xinfu is full of aura and full of aura. It occupies an important position in the history of Chinese civilization.

In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius once climbed Liangfu Mountain and wrote "Qiu Ling Song", which used the "mountain road" full of hovenia thorns as a metaphor for the difficulty of implementing the "benevolent way".

In the 28th year of the first emperor, the first emperor enshrined Mount Tai in the east, and then descended to Zen on Liangfu Mountain, which made this place known as the "God of Earth".

But this does not prevent the foot of Liangfu Mountain. Except for the magnificent palace where the first emperor once lived, the rest of the houses are all 'dangerous houses' with thatched roofs and yellow mud walls...

On this day, when the night was getting darker and the Lifang was silent, a desolate singing sound could be faintly heard from the basement of a house that looked ordinary from the outside.

"Step out of the gate of Qicheng, and look at Dangyinli. There are three graves in it, many of which are similar. Ask whose family tomb is, Tianjiang Guyezi."

"Power can row Nanshan, Wen Neng is invincible. Once he was slandered, two peaches killed three scholars. Who can do this, Xiangguoqi Yanzi."


The sound of the chaimen opening sounded, and the underground singing stopped instantly, and only faint footsteps could be heard in the entire Lifang.

"who is it?"

A flash of sword light flashed, and a low shout came from inside the thatched cottage.

"It's me, the Zhu family!"

The visitor gently pushed away the sharp sword on his neck with his fingers, and turned slightly sideways, so that the people in the room could see his appearance clearly by the moonlight.

"I've met the elder brother of the Zhu family!" The people in the room hurriedly put away their swords and bowed in salute.

The moonlight like water sprinkled on his side face, so that those who are familiar with him can recognize him at a glance, this person is the legendary Di County tycoon, Tian Heng, who was buried in the sea of ​​fire.

Tian Zhong, who was following behind Zhu's family, took half a step forward and returned the salute to Tian Heng instead of Zhu's family.

Although Tian Zhong's surname is Tian, ​​he has nothing to do with the Tian family of Qidi. He is a ranger from the state of Chu, but because he heard that Zhu's family "specializes in the needs of others, not selfishness", so he came to join Zhu from thousands of miles away. family, treat Zhu's family like serving his father.

The Zhu family waited until Tian Zhong straightened up, then slightly nodded to Tian Heng: "Where is my brother Tian Dan?"

Tian Hengheng took a few steps back, cleared the rice stalks on the ground, and revealed a square plank. He pulled it away immediately, and shouted softly, "Brother, Mr. Zhu is here!"

In a short time, Tian Dan, Tian Rong, and the other sons of the Tian family who had entered the main house that day all came out of the cellar.

Although they were dressed in rags and looked haggard, they still saluted Zhu's family one by one according to the etiquette among nobles.

But this made Tian Zhong on the side suffer, he kept bending down and bowing his hands in return.

After a while, everyone finished the salute in the thatched cottage.

Tian Dan took a step forward, took the Zhu family's arm, and said with red eyes: "Thanks to elder brother's urgent need, we saved my brothers from killing us..."

The Zhu family smiled and shook their heads: "My brother Tian Dan must not be like this. Qi Mo has always advocated 'mutual benefit and mutual love'. It is my duty as a Mohist disciple to seek help for the noble people who are persecuted by the Qin people!"

Tian Dan let out a long sigh. Many years ago, he had an opportunity to become a disciple of the Mohist school in front of him, but he didn't cherish it at that time, and regretted it when he lost it now. If God can give him another chance , he will definitely say three words to that Mohist student.

Do not join!
Just kidding, after joining Qimo, you need to hand over half of your property first, and then you have to obey Juzi's instructions in everything.

Give me freedom or die!
Tian Dan asked with some doubts: "Brother Kui Ye came here, what is the reason?"

The Zhu family said solemnly: "This place is not a place to stay for a long time. Before I came here, I once saw a few Qin people wearing white Xiezhi clothes, and they rushed to Boyang County. In two days, soldiers from Jibei County will come here to search, so the second and third sons should make plans early!"

Tian Rong on the side frowned and said: "After I escape from Di County, I am penniless and have no record. I am in a dilemma. I still hope that Brother Zhu will save people to the end!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed to the ground, unwilling to straighten his body for a long time.

Tian Dan pulled him up, and reprimanded him in a low voice: "Brother Zhu's rescued us from Linzi County, he has done his best, how can you not know what is good and what is wrong, and you are forcing each other!"

Seeing the Tian brothers acting in front of him, although the Zhu family felt a little disdainful, what he pursued in his heart was not only the "Jianai" of the Mo family, but also the way of chivalry.

Although his actions are not in line with justice, he must believe his words, his actions must be fruitful, his promises must be true, he does not love his body, and goes to the plight of scholars. !

Although the Zhu family has done righteousness countless times, they have always kept a low profile. They never boasted of their benevolence and righteousness everywhere to gain fame like Lord Mengchang did back then.

So despite his disdain in his heart, he will not give up halfway when he should help.

The Zhu family forced a smile on their faces, and said in a normal tone: "I have two paths for the second and third sons to choose."

Seeing the Tian brothers surrounding them, the Zhu family held up a finger and said, "First, go southwest from here, between Xuejun, Dongjun and Yangjun, there is a Juye Lake (near Liangshanbo today) There is a ranger named Peng Yue. This man is extremely wise, and he does justice with his sword! Moreover, his family was slaughtered in the Dongjun Meteorite Case that day, so he has a sworn feud with the Qin people. If the second and third sons defected to the He will be safe!"

Tian Heng took half a step forward, and said to Tian Dan: "I've heard about Brother Peng Yue's name for a long time, but I haven't had the chance to meet him. Since Brother Zhu knows such a hero, why don't we go to Juye Ze!"

Tian Dan waved his hands slightly, shook his head and said, "You might as well listen to what Zhu's elder brother said, and then make plans!"

The Zhu family smiled and stretched out their second finger: "Secondly, go south from here, pass through Xue County, pass through Donghai County, and then cross the river to Kuaiji County, and join the Xiang clan."

Tian Heng tilted his head slightly and asked, "But the former Chu general Xiang Yan?"

The Zhu family nodded and replied: "Exactly, Xiang Liang is the person who is responsible for the Xiang clan. This person has a high prestige in Kuaiji County, and all the wise men and officials are under him. He will take charge of all major local events."

Tian Dan bowed and said, "Brother, please help me to go to Kuaiji County!"


Nanhai County, a plantation in the north of Panyu County.

Ren Xiao stormed out of the door angrily, shouting loudly: "This old man is a general, a general, a general!"

Chen Mao's unflappable voice came from inside the room: "Your Majesty trusts you and asked you to guard one side. This is how you taught Qianshou farming? Is it reasonable for you to do something wrong? You can't even say a few words?"

Ziying took the door from Ren Xiao's hand, smiling all over his face, and at the same time made a three-point comparison to a clan son behind him, which meant that this was the third quarrel between Ren Xiao and Chen Mao.

"And why today?"

 Thanks for the monthly tickets of 'Book Friends 3302...2017', 'Wang Chengsi', 'Qin Yingfengyun', 'Follow the Law', 'Dailiang'!

(End of this chapter)

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