Chapter 287 Wuwei (Chapter 3k, plus more on weekends)

"It's getting hot, it's time for the Yuezhi people to change their king!"

Hearing Fusu's words, not only Li Xin, but also Wei Liao, who was beside him with an old god, opened his eyes wide with disbelief on his face.

Li Xin and Wei Liao exchanged glances, straightened their bodies and cupped their hands and asked, "What do you mean by your Majesty's words?"

Naturally, it was an act of hegemony by the Qin Empire... Fu Su crossed his hands and asked in front of him, "When the watchdog of the family starts eating inside and out, what will you two do?"

What His Majesty said, probably not only King Yueshi... A figure appeared in Wei Liao's mind, but with a smile on his mouth, he didn't say a word.

Li Xin shook his head lightly and said, "If the people of Qin participated directly, I'm afraid it would be a bit beyond our reach. Even if we send troops from Longxi, the transportation of food and grass will consume a lot of money!"

Fusu handed over another copy of Li Qian's secret memorial: "The Yuezhi people are not monolithic, not to mention the mutual constraints between their own five tribes, and the Yuezhi king's tribe, just talk about this one. The fact that King Yuezhi died six sons in a series of bizarre incidents and only survived one daughter reveals a great conspiracy!"

Fusu watched Li Xin and Wei Liao read carefully, and thought in his heart, in fact, before the 21st century, no matter in the West or the East, although women had the right to inherit, once they got married, it was difficult to guarantee their wealth and power.

The most typical ones are Matilda of Tuscany, and the 'Virgin Queen' of the corrupt country, Elizabeth I.

The former is the hope of rebuilding Rome among the Crusader Kings; while the latter is the pattern of the entire world, opening the golden age of the empire on which the sun never sets!

The virgin queen chose not to marry for life just because of the power in her hands.

After all, according to the traditions of Western countries, once the queen gets married, she must cede the ruling power to her husband.

Under such circumstances, the weak man cannot cope with the complicated situation at home and abroad; while the strong man will not come all the way to be a puppet...

So a queen with a super long standby time, although her man's background is relatively 'noble', but she has a sense of existence...well, different people have different opinions.

The same applies to the Yuezhi people at this moment. Combined with Li Qian's memorabilia, more than [-]% of the sons of the Yuezhi king who died in infancy may have died under conspiracy.

So in such a situation, whoever marries the princess of Yueshi can justifiably become the uncrowned king of Yueshi!
Fusu guessed that the reason why King Yuezhi defected to Daqin first, and then hooked up with the Huns, was probably also due to this factor.

After all, Qin State is too strong, and it is possible to swallow Yueshi in one gulp at any time, leaving no scum left!

But if we look at the history of later generations, the hookup between the Yueshi and the Xiongnu is a real dance with wolves. After all, the skull of the Yuezhi king has become the wine vessel of the Xiongnu Shanyu...

Wei Liao put down the bamboo slips in his hand, raised his eyes to look at Fusu: "I don't know what result His Majesty wants to achieve?"

The corner of Fusu's mouth smiled: "Naturally, we should change someone to become King Yueshi first, and then the counties and counties will replace him!"

Wei Liao nodded slightly, expressing that he knew what to do.

This is his strong point, when Qin Ting bribed Guo Kai and other important ministers, Wei Liao was one of them.

The elite among those people was played by Wei Liao between applause, and the relatively simple-minded leaders of the Yuezhi group were no problem.

Li Xin raised his head, looked at Fusu and asked, "Then, regarding this memorial to King Yueshi, what is Your Majesty's plan?"

Fusu looked at Li Xin and didn't say anything for a long time, until cold sweat broke out on his forehead, then he said with a smile: "Li Qian, Lieutenant of the Huyue Clan, behaved rudely, punished him with armor, and Qin Qi, who followed him, failed to persuade him I will punish you with a shield!"

Li Xin breathed a sigh of relief, when he was about to say something, he saw Fusu continue to say with a smile on his face:

"Li Qian, Lieutenant of the Huyue Clan, is decisive in dealing with affairs, promoting Qin's national prestige, and will be rewarded with a rank of knighthood; the followers of Qin Qi will be rewarded with tens of thousands of coins for their meritorious service in killing the enemy!"

If they don't create an excuse for war, how can I be the captain of the ball?Besides, this is called a family of ethnic groups... Fusu looked at Li Xin and Wei Liao who were stunned on the spot, and refilled half a cup of herbal tea in the teacup in front of him.

Wei Liao looked at Li Xin and smiled, then looked at Fusu and asked, "Li Qian's report, requesting reinforcement of Zhaowu City, and the application for recruiting the Yue clan shepherd slaves, how should I respond?"

Fusu thought for a while: "The reinforcement of Zhaowu City was approved, um, Zhaowu City was renamed Wuwei City, and the wild boar Ze they killed the Huns was also renamed Xuanwei Ze! As for the recruiting month Clan slave, the risk is too great, it is easy to lure wolves into the house, so no approval!"

After finishing speaking, Fusu pointed to the snacks on the table and said:

"Try it quickly, this is the jujube paste yam cake made by the cook. It tastes soft and glutinous, sweet but not greasy! More importantly, it also has the magical effect of nourishing the spleen and stomach, curing qi deficiency and indigestion!"

Wei Liao opened his mouth, and then laughed loudly: "Your Majesty is worthy of being the contemporary Bian Que!"


Linzi County, East Anping County.

Here and Linzi County, the seat of Linzi County, are separated by a river, but whether it is the scale of the city wall or the wealth of the head of Guizhou, there is no doubt that one is in the sky and the other is underground.

In the evening, even though it was time to close the city gates, the city gates here were still open, and the county soldiers guarding the city gates also lazily leaned against the city wall, looking at the continuous flow of convoys in front of them.

In the convoy, except for a small number of oxen and horse-drawn carts, the rest are all human-powered carts.

Embroidered clothes Lang Guangao stood at the top of the city, constantly clutching the Guanhong knife around his waist, but then let go.

"Small rats, don't eat me! Three-year-old girl (you), why would I care..."

He was reciting a song "Shuo Shu" softly, just because the convoy below the city was loaded with food for military meritorious lords.

Guan Gao didn't quite understand why he couldn't emulate the stories of Sanchuan County or Hanoi County and destroy these big households with two hearts.

He cast a sideways glance at Tian Jia standing beside him. Although this relative of the emperor is not annoying, the proposal to allow a large family with the surname of Tian in Qidi to exchange food for nobles should have something to do with this person!

When Guan Gao was looking at Tian Jia, Tian Jia was also looking at Guan Gao.

Young man, full of drive, but unfortunately, after learning the legalist theory of magic power, his brain is broken!But such a person will definitely become the emperor's loyal eagle dog in the future... Tian Jia defined his height in his heart, and then the old god was there to enjoy the rare quiet time.

These days, he knows what hotness is.

Every day when I opened my eyes, there were relatives who came from all counties in Qidi, who couldn't beat eight poles, begging to come to my door, wanting to pay food in exchange for a title.

After all, both Qin and the previous six countries were actively reforming in the war.

Military merit is not just the exclusive product of Qin.

But unlike other countries' generosity, Qin is extremely stingy in rewarding military meritorious titles!

To give a chestnut, at that time, King Wei Hui once rewarded 40 mu of land to the uncle of the prime minister, 20 mu to the descendants of Wu Qi, 80 mu to Baning, and [-] mu to Cuan (cuàn) Xiangtian, giving a total of [-] acres of land. Ten thousand mu, equivalent to eight thousand Qingtian!

But in Qin State, Daliangzao, the highest rank of military merit in the same period, could only add seventeen more fields to the basic grant of land at most!

According to the fact that each household in Qin State grants [-] mu of land, which is calculated as one hectare, compared with Wei State, which also uses the military merit system, even considering that Qin Mu is larger than Wei Mu, these [-] acres of land can make Qin State There will be thousands more self-cultivating farmers!

These self-cultivating farmers are the real deal, the source of soldiers and taxes controlled by the state!
Tian Jia looked at the continuous flow of convoys below, with an inexplicable look on his face.

These relatives of his are officially qualified to set foot on the big ship of the Qin State, but they are only half a century away from actually stepping on the ship!

The real rise of the Tian clan will have to wait until after Jian Er gives birth to the prince... Tian Jia looks in the direction of Xianyang City, thinking in his mind when he will be able to become a grandpa (grandfather).


At the same time, outside the county mansion in Linzi County, a black-painted carriage hurriedly approached.

Before the carriage came to a complete stop, the back door of the carriage was pushed open, and a censor with a Xiezhi crown on his head jumped out of the carriage, and after asking the clerk at the door where Hou Feng was working at this time, he walked quickly Go to the county mansion.

"There is an order!"

The censor held up a roll of silk cloth with horns as a shaft, and went straight into the main hall of the county mansion.

Hou Feng sat up from behind the case, rushed forward, and checked the authenticity of the edict together with several officials of Linzi County in the main hall.

"Well, that's right, the seal on it is correct, and the format of the edict is also correct!" Hou Feng nodded, and led several officials to stand at the bottom, bowing to salute.

"The emperor's majesty said: The ancient moon decree has a cloud, and it is the moon. Don't cut it down, you can't make soil achievements; don't make big things, use it to raise your energy; don't issue orders, so as not to hinder Shennong's affairs! Chang, Shennong will hold meritorious deeds, but if he does great things, there will be disasters..."

After a while, Yu Shi finished reading the edict, rolled up the silk cloth and handed it to Hou Feng.

Hou Feng put away the edict, looked at Yushi and asked, "Didn't you say before that the Yellow River embankment should be repaired before the autumn flood? Why did your majesty issue an edict to stop work? I have prepared the food and wages, why did I suddenly go to the embankment?" Stopped?"

The censor shook his head and said, "I don't know about this! But when I left Xianyang City, I heard from my colleagues that the edict to stop the collection of corvees and the garrison of soldiers has all the counties in the Kanto region, not just Linzi!"

Hou Feng frowned, and read the edict again: "It doesn't say when you can start work? Could it be that you have been resting and doing nothing?"

The censor shook his head again: "The censor who set out from Xianyang is only responsible for announcing the edict and supervising the execution of the counties. As for the others, I don't know at all... Well, I heard that the censor Zhongcheng mentioned that your majesty whispered something" The contingency of history', and 'close Xianyang City, it is not necessary, do not gather' and so on..."

ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'To Youth', 'The Gate of the Phoenix', and 'Dawn and Dawn 01'!

(End of this chapter)

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