Chapter 286 Rising Storm (Chapter 3k)
Hearing what Ji Bu said, Chen Ying chuckled, "Why don't you say that Ji Bu has a face like a pig, and his heart is loud!"

He took a step forward and said in a low voice: "After you take office in Xingyang, don't worry about other things. The first thing to do is to train the county soldiers and speed up the repair of the city wall! You know, Sanchuan County is the east gate of Guanzhong, and Xingyang County, but the east gate of Sanchuan County!"

After Chen Ying finished speaking, Ji Bu only showed a slightly thoughtful expression, but Zhong Limei beside him blinked his eyes full of doubts.

He frowned and asked, "Brother Chen Ying, now that the world is united and there is no war, why do you need to step up the training of the army and build the city wall?"

Chen Ying just smiled without saying a word. Many of the materials he came across in the palace cannot be shared with outsiders, even if he regards Zhong Limei as his own younger brother.

Ji Bu also smiled without saying a word. As a ranger, he has a certain understanding of the thoughts of the people of the Kanto.

To put it bluntly, if he hadn't been enlisted to become a talented person, I'm afraid he might also be king at this moment...

So when Chen Ying said it, Ji Bu understood it instantly.

Zhilu, who eats the king, is worried about the king. Since the emperor thinks highly of me, I will sell my life to him... Ji Bu patted Zhong Limei on the shoulder with a smile, then got on his horse, and cupped his hands at Chen Ying : "Brother, farewell!"

He was going to take advantage of the cool weather in the evening to hurry. Anyway, from Xianyang City to Xingyang County, all the way was galloping. Basically, there were no bandits. The reputation and fighting skills accumulated as a ranger are also guaranteed not to suffer!
Chen Ying nodded slightly, and returned the salute with cupped hands: "Take care all the way!"

Zhong Limei shouted at Ji Bu's disappearing figure: "Brother Ji Bu, remember to write to me, and bring more delicious food!"

Chen Ying said with a smile: "Letters can be written, but delicious ones should not be delivered."

Zhong Limei asked curiously, "Why did elder brother say that?"

Chen Ying revealed a mysterious expression: "Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow at the latest, the document appointing you to serve in the Jiuyuan Army should be delivered."

Zhong Limei looked excited: "Your Majesty wants me to go to the Jiuyuan Army? To serve under the eunuch Meng Tian?"

Chen Ying said in a low voice: "That's right, what you need to pay attention to is that after you arrive in the Nine Plains Army, you have to put away your sharp edge, and focus on safety in doing things on weekdays, and don't take risks. You know, you are a person who is in the heart of the emperor... "


Linguang Palace in Ganquan Mountain, a moon-like arch bridge near the water, and a small building stand alone in the dark forest.

"That's it?" Tian Ji's expression was full of hatred.

"Yeah." Qi Ruier's cheeks were flushed, and she subconsciously pinched a ring on her belt with her fingers.

Tian Ji paced a few steps on the spot, staring into a pair of peach blossom eyes and said: "Didn't I tell you? If the enemy moves, I won't move, and if the enemy doesn't move, I will roll up and move!"

Qi Rui'er lowered her head and said in a waxy voice: "But, but His Majesty has been moving..."

Tian Ji glared at her again, turned around and walked into the dormitory, took out a scroll of silk paintings from the box and threw it out: "Take a good look at me, what does the dormitory look like!"

Zhao Ji put down the embroidery frame, opened her almond eyes, opened her mouth slightly, blinked and said, "How did your Majesty's collection of Fang Jijia's secret techniques come to you?"

Tian Ji turned her head and said without thinking: "I stole it... Bah, it's not important! The important thing is that I want to teach her how to sleep!"

As she spoke, she sighed in her heart, why can't I control my hands?However, the set of jewelry Mrs. Qi sent is really beautiful!Presumably His Majesty would not blame him... right!Anyway, Qi Rui'er is so beautiful, it's cheap for him!
Qi Rui'er picked it up, turned it up with a flushed face, and immediately opened a pair of eyes full of spring, looked at Tian Ji and said: "I also have this thing, and it was stuffed into my sleeve by my mother when I left Shang County that day. ...Well, the villain painted on it is similar to this one, except that there are not so many words..."

Tian Ji had a look of disbelief: "So, you know how to serve the bed?"

Qi Ruier bit her lip and said nothing.

Tian Ji asked: "Then why do you..."

Qi Rui'er lowered her head shyly, she was a little embarrassed to speak, and there was a bit of resentment in her heart. Although the emperor touched her, he was very gentle, and it was only limited to his actions, and he never made it to the last step. .

What she desires in her heart is for the supreme emperor to dominate her and control her. It is best to roughly tear her dress, let her completely expose herself in front of the emperor, and then order her to show off Those shameful scenes in silk paintings...

So, how can she, a girl who has just turned 15 years old, tell outsiders about such thoughts!

On the east side of Lin Guang Palace, pass through two palace gates, walk across a stone bridge, and turn right, and you will arrive at a lotus pond with a shimmering lake.

There are exquisite pavilions in the lotus pond, and there are green weeping willows beside the pond, surrounded by corridors, curved bridges, pavilions and pavilions, all of which are hidden among the trees.

At the moment in the lake pavilion, Fusu was wearing a strong outfit, listening to the sound of frogs, and doing a set of aerobics that he had modified himself.

Ah, I really miss the life of being able to wear beach shorts and eat popsicles shirtless... Fu Su wiped the sweat off his face and looked at the three-layer emperor uniform held in Han Rang's hands ', I just feel my head is getting bigger!
In the distance, a servant hurried over and whispered something in Han Rang's ear.

Han Rang didn't dare to neglect, he hurried forward and said: "Your Majesty, Prime Minister Zuo Wei Liao and Doctor Li Xin asked to see him, and they also brought some documents that were urgently sent from Jincheng County."

Hugh Mu today dear... Fusu lamented in her heart, but said to Han Rang: "Let them come over, yes, let someone put a table here, put herbal tea and snacks."

After a while, Fusu drank herbal tea and looked at the frog jumping on the lotus leaf, feeling a sense of loss in his heart.

This feeling was something he hadn't expected.

When he was 007 every day after crossing, he was extremely eager for the rest and bath every four days.

But when he was escaping the summer heat in Lin Guang Palace, especially after handing over many unimportant things to Li Cheng and Secretary Chen Ping, he became more leisurely and leisurely, so that he needed to exercise frequently. To pass the boring time.

But now he has only been idle for half a day, but he has a deep sense of loss in his heart.

Hey, he is so cheap... Fusu drank the herbal tea in his hand, with a ritual smile on his face, watching Li Xin get closer and closer.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Lin Guang Palace is not Xianyang Palace, so please sit down."

After Fusu finished speaking, he immediately picked up the urgent documents sent from Jincheng County.

"Well, this one was sent by a mission to the Western Regions, huh? There are so many seeds!"

Fusu opened the package and found that there were many strange plant seeds wrapped in sackcloth.

He couldn't help but fell into deep thought. If it was melon seeds, he could barely recognize them, but these things looked like wheat grains, and some looked like weed seeds, and he really couldn't recognize them!

He leaned over slightly, sniffing the seeds lightly, and finally could vaguely confirm one of them.


However, he didn't dare to say for sure. After all, although the taste was somewhat similar, he, who had only seen cumin powder, couldn't tell what cumin looked like.

Moreover, after more than 2000 years of cultivation, it is still unknown whether the cumin in the Qin Dynasty looks the same as the cumin in later generations.

Fusu recalled an oil painting he had seen before time travel. The watermelon was painted in the Renaissance period. The watermelon in the oil painting looked like an old loofah, and the skin basically accounted for half of the total weight of the watermelon...

Well, I remember that cumin seems to be a special product in Xinjiang and Gansu. Regardless, try to plant it. It germinates best, and if it doesn’t germinate, it will fall down... Fusu pondered for a while, handed these seeds to Han Rang, and told him to find some seeds. An old farmer who is good at farming, let them try to plant and see what grows.

After finishing the order, he wrote an approval letter on the urgent delivery, so that the next time the mission collected seeds, they could invite or buy them by the way, and the farmers who would grow the crops would also pack them and send them to Xianyang.

After all, a librarian who did not want to be named said well, the human factor comes first!

After Fusu finished processing the first memorial, he turned to the other two.

Heh, no wonder Li Xin ran over in a hurry. I thought he wanted to come to the palace to become a rich man, but I didn’t expect him to be affectionate... Fusu looked at the nervous Li Xin, and then turned to look at him. There are two memorials placed on the case.

One of them was sent by Li Qian, the lieutenant of Huyue Clan, accusing the Yue Clan King of colluding with the Xiongnu with evil intentions!

In the other letter, King Yuezhi accused Li Qian of acting rough and not paying attention to Guiyi, who was appointed by the emperor himself. .

This kind of young man is really unreliable... Under Li Xin's eager eyes, Fu Su picked up Li Qian's memorial and read it carefully.

"Well, the daughter of King Yueshi understands righteousness!" Fu Su nodded invisibly, raised the memorial in his hand, looked at Li Xin and asked, "Did Lang Zhongling come here for this?"

Li Xin was silent for a while, then sighed and said: "The dog is ignorant, and almost ruined His Majesty's plan!"

The big plan he mentioned was the earliest policy for the Yuezhi people. Before finding out the situation in the Western Regions, everything should be stable and try to meet the needs of the Yuezhi people.

After the Western Regions have been hollowed out, let the Yuezhi people lie on their stomachs...

Fusu waved his hands and said, "At this time and then at that time, we didn't know much about the Yue Clan at that time, we only knew that they controlled hundreds of thousands of strings, dominated the Hexi Corridor, and could be called a tyrant in the Western Regions."

He raised his head, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "But it's different now, the reality is clear, since King Yueshi has failed my trust in him, then it's not as good as this..."

"It's getting hot, it's time for the Yuezhi people to change their king!"

(End of this chapter)

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