Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 285 Attacking Yueqi Battalion

Chapter 285 Attacking Yueqi Battalion (Chapter 4k, more updates will be added on weekends)

The northern foot of Qilian Mountain, the westernmost end of the Hexi Corridor.

The sun is like a fire, and the hot sun shines directly on the earth.

A team holding the banner of Qin, stepped on the weeds that were sunburned, and marched along the road with almost no traces.

In the huge team, there are soldiers dressed as Qin people, and Hu merchants in various costumes, but there are more Yueshi cavalry on horseback.

Although the weather was extremely hot, the rider sitting on the camel's back held up the big flag in his hand, sweating profusely and seeing gold stars, but the big flag didn't waver at all.

This is their belief!

In stark contrast, those Hu merchants who led the livestock.

They wrapped themselves tightly, panting heavily, and followed the camel caravan with difficulty and habit.

When they were in Mingze, they were robbed by a group of desert horse bandits. It happened that the mission of the Qin people passed by and killed the horse bandits.

Of course, not for nothing.

"Horse bandits, you must suppress them at any time! The Qin people are here, and you will have a better life!"

Chai Wu rode on horseback, making a promise that could hardly be fulfilled to the grateful Hu merchants around him.

Cai Yin curled his lips invisibly, looked at Hu Shang on the other side and asked, "How far is it to get to Yiwu (now Hami, Xinjiang)?"

As he said, imitating Hu Shang's appearance, he wrapped the horse's hoof tightly with sackcloth, which was used to prevent poisonous snakes, scorpions and other poisonous insects.

The Hu merchant who was asked by him thought for a while, and then said affirmatively: "After about half a day's journey, you will enter the quicksand area, and then pass through two oases, and you will leave the boundary of the Yuezhi people, and then go In ten days, you will be able to see Yiwu City!"

Cai Yin lamented in his heart, he began to regret accepting this mission to the Western Regions.

Without him, there are not a few living people to be seen along the way, the real "few people but many beasts"...

However, when he thought of leaving his name in history after the end of the mission, he was full of energy again!
Cai Yin thought of the sketches held by the farm students in the team, which were said to be drawn by His Majesty the Emperor himself. There were not only fruits such as cantaloupe and grapes on it, but also crops marked as special grades, and his thoughts ran for a while.

"elder brother……"

A slightly stiff voice brought Cai Yin's thoughts back to reality.

He turned his head to look, and saw a fair-skinned orchid with a high nose and deep eyes, who was wearing a linen shawl full of patches, and handed over a water bag filled with clear water.

This is one of the rewards for the Hu merchants to follow the mission of the Qin people. These women are concubines of the Hu merchants. They are used to satisfy their own desires on weekdays. When they encounter horse bandits or the current situation, they will be dedicated to them. , in exchange for a chance to save his own life.

Cai Yin took the water bag, looked at Hu Ji's looming body in front of him, and felt for the first time in his heart that His Majesty ordered them to go on missions to various countries in the Western Regions, not just for the grapes and cantaloupes planted in the fields... right!

Among the camel caravan, in stark contrast to Cai Yin's poise and composure, was the group of peasant scholars packed from the Central Plains.

When they faced Hu Ji's teasing, only one thought emerged in their minds, that is such a dexterous arm, it would be a pity not to weave...

As a result, within a ten-foot area around the peasants, no orchid wanted to approach them.

After all, Hu Ji wanted to take this opportunity to be with the envoy Qin, not only to enjoy protection, but also to be superior to their original masters, and to eat and drink along the way, not to learn how to farm and weave!

However, the peasant scholars didn't care about it either. Their daily life was actually very similar to that of Confucian Yan Hui, who said, "One sack of food, one ladle of drink, in a back alley."People can't bear their worries, and they don't change their joys when they return.

So the orchids stayed away from them, and the peasant family felt very good.

But at this moment, a small-scale dispute broke out among the peasant scholars.

The main reason is that they came all the way and collected a lot of weird plant seeds. The focus of their dispute is who will go east and send these seeds back to Xianyang!

On the one hand, they want to see these seeds take root and germinate, but on the other hand, they want to continue westward, looking for more seeds they have never seen before.


Shu County, Bodao County, Bodao City (now Yibin, Sichuan).

Li Shang walked out of a stilted bamboo house and listened to the rhythmic beating sound in the paper mill in the distance with some irritability. On the bed in the bamboo house, sleeping soundly was the daughter of the leader of a local Bo people tribe.

Too many lice do not itch, too many debts do not worry.

Ever since he was chased and beaten by his elder brother Man Xianyang City for taking in two Yue girls, Li Shang completely let himself go. Under Zhang Cang's instigation, he started his life of collecting girls of all ethnic groups.

"Captain, shall we go into the mountains today?" A general of the Yueqi Battalion came from a distance, looked at the spring scenery in Li Shang's room, and asked enviously.

Although they brought a lot of local products from Nanhai County to Xianyang City to sell, but under the prevailing consumerism there, the money in their hands disappeared without a trace like snow in the sun.

Not only that, almost all Yue people owe a large sum of money to the government more or less...

Therefore, in order to repay the money they owed to the government, they almost scrambled to follow Li Shang to the south, provide armed protection for the newly opened plantations, and capture savages who might plunder the plantations in exchange for debt repayment.

Li Shang yawned and stretched his aching lower back: "Go in, why don't you go in?"

"Whether it's a plantation or a paper mill, what is the lack of people? The officials in charge of the industry here said that the purchase price of the Boren Lichen, as long as they have healthy limbs, they will all be added [-] yuan!"

A hundred generals from Yue shouted in remorse: "Oh, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be so ruthless! Captain, when we go into the mountains in the future, we should not use ring swords or short spears, but sticks. Already!"

Li Shang smiled and nodded: "It makes sense, that Bo man is worth thousands of dollars! If you kill him, you will lose money!"

A hundred generals from Yue came over and asked in a low voice, "Captain, has the price of concubines increased?"

Li Shang shook his head and said: "Our roads are not good here, not only is it difficult to transfer materials, but it is also difficult for concubines to be transported to Beidi County or Shang County where they can be sold at a high price, so we just go down the river and sell them to Pakistan. County. But the problem is, what Berkshire lacks is also servants who can do heavy work, not concubines!"

"Well, how about this, when I come back, I will go to the officials of the Shaofu and ask him to find a way to find a few workers who are good at raising silkworms and reeling silk, and then teach these concubines how to raise silkworms and make clothes, so that their value will increase!"

Just when the hundred generals of the Yue people were about to say something, there was a rush of horseshoes outside the city wall.

Suddenly, a guard hurried over.

"Report to the Colonel, Shu County Magistrate Chang Ying (è) has arrived!"

Li Shang frowned slightly: "What is he here for? We belong directly to His Majesty, not under the management of Shu County?"

The hundred generals of the Yue people also frowned: "Lieutenant, who is Chang Ying? Could it be because we arrested many Bo people and hindered his evaluation of officials in Shu County?"

Li Shang asked in surprise: "Oh, you even know about the evaluation?"

He didn't wait for a hundred generals from the Yue people to answer, and then said: "Chang Ying, the governor of Shu County, was the general of Qin who conquered Yelang Kingdom and established Yelang and Hanyang counties. The five-foot road we enter the mountain now is built by him. of!"

After finishing speaking, Li Shang tidied up his clothes and walked quickly outside the village.

"I've seen the sheriff!"

"No need to be too polite, the old man is here today to ask for something!"

Li Shang straightened up, looking at the gray-haired old man in front of him with a pair of long crowns, he was a little confused for a while.

He is just a small captain of Yueqi, but the other party is the governor of Shu County, he can almost be called the uncrowned king of the county. Does such a person have something to ask him to do?
Chang Ying forced a smile, but then a murderous look appeared on his face: "The Ba people in Langzhong County, Ba County are rebellious!"

Li Shang looked sideways slightly: "The Ba people in Berkshire rebelled. It would be fine if the Berkshire guards sent troops to put down the rebellion. What does it have to do with us?"

Chang Ying shook his head and said: "That's true, but the governor of Ba County sent troops to drive these Ba people away from their own land! Now these Ba people have defected to our Ba people in Shu County. According to Jiaming County According to the report, there are about four or five thousand Ba people, and they are entrenched between Ba and Shu!"

Li Shang said with a smile: "That is to say, when Shu County sends troops, the Ba people will run back to Berkshire; if Ba County sends troops, the Ba people will run back to Shu County?"

Chang Ying had a bit of a dumbfounding look on his face: "That's it! Lieutenant Li may not know something, and the transfer of troops across counties needs to be reported to His Majesty for approval, otherwise he will be punished as a conspiracy!"

"But after Ba and Shu counties are united, I will report to His Majesty. After His Majesty's approval, I am afraid that this rebellion will be out of control!"

Li Shang nodded in agreement. It is true that paying back the rebels cannot be delayed.

He looked at Chang Ying and asked, "I don't know what I can do for Chang Junshou?"

Chang Ying pondered for a while and said: "Lieutenant Li led the Yueqi battalion northward to exterminate this group of Ba people, and I will dispatch another five thousand soldiers from Shu County, which will also belong to your command. It's just that they can't cross the border, they can only be in Shu County. Plug the leak on the county side."

Li Shang frowned and said, "So, what if the Ba people fled to Berkshire? The Yueqi Battalion is His Majesty's private army and has the right to pursue and suppress across the border, but I have received orders to guard the plantation and capture the surrounding area. Savages who may pose a threat to the plantation!"

He said with some hesitation: "If the Yueqi camp goes north without permission, once His Majesty finds out, I can't bear the charge!"

Chang Ying shook his head with a smile and said: "Lieutenant Li, don't worry. As the saying goes, you must follow the authority in a hurry. I will give you an urgent report on the mobilization of the Yueqi battalion to suppress the rebellion. I think your majesty will definitely agree!"

He looked at Li Shang who nodded in agreement, and then said: "This time when the old man came, the two thousand county soldiers he brought with him will stay as guards for the plantation. The guards trained by the old man will ensure the safety of the plantation." There must be no danger, Captain Li can avoid any worries and concentrate on suppressing the rebellion."

Li Shang spread his hands and said with a smile: "Changjun guards are comprehensive, and Li Shang bows down, but I don't know if Berkshire can join forces. They are not required to cross the border to send troops, just need to send county soldiers to guard everywhere Essentially, just prevent the Ba people from escaping!"

Chang Ying stroked his beard and smiled: "Lieutenant Li is really extraordinary. On this point, the old man will immediately write to Bajun to let them strictly prevent the traitors from escaping!"

Li Shang looked at the generals who were winking at him, and said with some embarrassment, "Then, the captured prisoners?"

Chang Ying laughed: "Naturally, all of them belong to Yueqiying!"

"How embarrassing! But since the governor Chang said so, I can't shirk it!" Li Shang said like a cannonball: "I'll go ahead and order immediately, and I can start at noon today..."


Xianyang City, on the south bank of the Bashui River.

Ji Bu was wearing a bamboo hat and leading a khaki prairie horse. In front of him was Zhong Limei with red eyes.

Ji Bu took a half step back with disgust on his face: "Why are you crying? Is it a man? Are you so reluctant to part with me? You don't like men, do you? Tell you, I'm the only child in my family, and my old mother still counts on me I'm getting married and having kids!"

Zhong Limei: he ~ tui!

He rubbed his eyes vigorously and said, "Naigong is just blind!"

Ji Bu patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said with a long sigh, "Hey, I think back to when we first met, it seems like it was only yesterday, but in a blink of an eye, we will be separated. When Naigong is away, you should be careful." Lock the door and don't let the wild man..."

Zhong Limei: he ~ tui!

He interrupted Ji Bu, and said with disdain, "Fart, you are just appointed as Xingyang magistrate by His Majesty. It is only a few days' journey from Xianyang City. Where did you come from?"

Ji Bu smiled awkwardly, scratched his face and said, "You said that Your Majesty has never met me, so why did you appoint me as the magistrate of Xingyang County? Could it be that Chen Ying recommended me to the emperor?"

"You are scraping felt on the back of a tortoise, what a beautiful idea!"

Chen Ying came from a distance, waving a folding fan, and nodded to Zhong Limei with a smile.

He turned to look at Ji Bu and said, "Actually, you and His Majesty have met before!"

Ji Bu tilted his head and looked puzzled: "When did it happen? Why don't I have any memory?"

Chen Ying raised her hand and gestured: "Do you still remember such a man? He was wearing a black straight train, with a high nose and phoenix eyes, and two handsome mustaches on his lips..."

Ji Bu suddenly realized, lowered his voice and said, "That is Your Majesty? Didn't you say that Your Majesty is the Son of God? Why didn't I feel it..."

Chen Ying closed the folding fan quickly, and knocked on Ji Bu's head: "That's because you are blind. Open your eyes and look at Da Qin at this time. If His Majesty is not the son of a god, how could there be such a drastic change!"

Zhong Limei nodded frequently with a face of approval.

Although Ji Bu was somewhat dissatisfied, he still somewhat agreed with what Chen Ying said.

He looked at Chen Ying and asked, "Although the official is taking a rest today, you ran back to Xianyang City from Lin Guang Palace on purpose, probably not just to see me off, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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