Chapter 307 Welcome Autumn
The moon of Mengqiu, the sun is on the wings, and the stars are built in the evening, and the sun is in the middle; its day is Geng Xin; It is pungent; it smells fishy; it is sacrificed to the door;

Lin Guanggong, Yunyang County, a luxurious big bed.

Fusu's legs were pressed against Tian Ji's arms. The latter's hair was messy, his cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were blurred.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me..."

Tian Ji's peach-blossom eyes are full of love, but the movement of sniffing her nose from time to time greatly reduces her allure.

"It's a beautiful idea!" Fusu was unmoved, and reached out to take a jade bowl: "I have been away from the palace for a few days, and you are greedy for cold and caught yourself a cold! Hehe, you are doing it yourself!"

He tried the temperature of the soup, and then put the spoon near Tian Ji's lips: "Open your mouth!"

Tian Ji turned her head and said in a coquettish voice with a strong nasal voice: "No..."

Fusu was unmoved: " you want to resist the order?"


Outside the palace, looking at the Taishi Ling Dong Tang coming towards here with his head bowed in the distance, Han Rang stepped forward to meet him and waved his whisk.

"Your Majesty has important matters to deal with at the moment, Tai Shiling please wait here!"

Dong Tang raised his head to look at Han Rang, and then looked at the palace hidden in the shade of the trees. He understood in an instant, and a meaningful smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Is this a man?Hehe... Han Rang waved his whisk, staring at a crow's nest on the tree in a daze.

Dong Tang waited in the shade for a while, feeling a little impatient.

Because today is the day when he came to report the "Liqiu" to the emperor, so he was wearing a set of solemn auspicious clothes.

There are three layers inside and three layers outside, and there is also the kind decorated with animal skins...

The sun was scorching hot, even though this was the Lin Guang Palace where the emperor escaped the summer heat, and he was standing under the shade of a tree, it was still too hot!

What's more terrible is that although he is Taishiling, he seems to have a high status, but his salary is not much, and his title is also low, he has no money, and he has no conditions to buy ice for summer, so his chest, back and back are covered with prickly heat...

At this moment, sweating profusely, his body feels like being pricked by needles!

Dong Tang looked at the locked palace door longingly, and sighed softly: "Your Majesty's kidneys are so healthy!"

Han Rang shook his fly whisk violently: "What's just that Mrs. Tian Ji is unwell, and His Majesty is visiting!"

Put it on, keep it on!This kind of thing is recorded by the servant, and I don't care about it. Is it necessary... Dong Tang looked sideways and smiled a few times in agreement.

After a while, the door of the hall opened, and Han Rang trotted forward a few steps, half squatting on the ground to arrange the accessories around Fusu's waist.

"Chen, the Taishi ordered Dong Tang to pay homage to His Majesty!" Dong Tang rushed forward, bowed and saluted, his voice full of joy of being relieved.

"What's the matter?" Fusu asked almost knowingly, with a feeling of exhausted exhaustion and hopelessness in his tone.

"The beginning of autumn in three days, it's time for Jinde!" Dong Tang maintained the posture of bowing down, and continued: "Please fast immediately, Your Majesty, and prepare for the ceremony of welcoming autumn!"

On the day of welcoming autumn... Fusu recalled that proverb, and said to Han Rang: "Preach Chang Hu Wujing, pass Tai Le, Tai Zhu, and Tai Bu to the front hall for discussion!"

He looked at Dong Tang and said, "Tai Shiling is also here!"

"Minister Zunzhi..." Dong Tang replied in a weeping voice.

After a while, Hu Wujing brought Tai Leling and others who belonged to Fengchang Mansion to the side hall.

The reason why they came so quickly was that most of the officials accompanied the emperor to Linguang Palace to escape the summer heat, except for the excluded officials such as Prime Minister You and Doctor Yushi who stayed behind in Xianyang City.

Tai Leling looked at Dong Tang who was about to get into the ice cauldron and asked, "What is the matter that His Majesty asked me to come here?"

It's so cool, my heart is icy... Dong Tang enjoyed it, shook his head and said, "I don't know either!"

Hu Wujing looked around and asked, "Where is Your Majesty?"

Dong Tang gasped and said, "Your Majesty... went to change clothes..."

Hu Wujing had no choice but to say to his subordinates behind him: "Since that's the case, you can do whatever you want!"

In a short time, he came wearing white unlined clothes inside, black gauze clothes outside, and Fusu sleeves fluttering on his head.

"See Your Majesty!"

"You don't need to be polite, just sit down!"

Fusu flicked his sleeves, and immediately sat down, because this is a palace, so he was too lazy to sit upright, and sat cross-legged a little lazily.

"I have my own opinions about Yingqiu in three days' time!"

He asked someone to pass a note to Tai Buling: "This is the auspicious time for the beginning of the ceremony I planned to welcome the autumn..."

Tai Buling took over, and his brows were furrowed instantly: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is inappropriate?"

Hu Wujing tilted his body slightly, glanced at the note in Tai Buling's hand, his two eyebrows that were almost falling out were also tightly knit together.

He looked at Fusu and said: "Your Majesty, the important affairs of the country are enshrined in Rong."

"According to the etiquette system, at five quarters before the day and night of welcoming the autumn (before the fifth watch), the ministers and ministers of the Manchu Dynasty are all dressed in white with soap collars and shirts, and His Majesty will lead the autumn in the western suburbs!"

"If it is changed to the middle of the day (11:00-12:59), it's not welcome, I'm afraid..."

Fusu shook his head, and said lazily: "There is nothing wrong with it. On the day of welcoming autumn, the Baidi was worshiped. The previous emperor was the incarnation of the Black Emperor in the world. For the sake of the previous emperor, the Baidi You won't argue with me!"

Do you really believe it... Hu Wujing suddenly raised his head, his face full of surprise, and was about to say something, but Fusu's tone changed, and he said in an unquestionable tone:

"There's no need to discuss this matter again. I invite you to come and wait. It's just a notice."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Tai Buling and asked, "How good or bad is the time I choose?"

If I say fierce, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of the palace gate... Tai Bu Ling took out the tortoise shell from his bosom, pretended to be a ghost, and his face was full of surprise: "Your Majesty, good luck, Your Majesty!"

Tai Zhuling also echoed and said: "Your Majesty is worthy of being the son of God, if you choose at random, it will be auspicious time..."

Listening to them blowing rainbow farts in unison, although Fusu had a look of enjoyment on his face, he was neither angry nor happy, and there was no turmoil in his heart.

The etiquette of offering sacrifices to ghosts and gods, the good and bad times of the day, and their bragging at the moment, whoever believes is naive!

After a while, Fusu told Hu Wujing and others to retreat on their own, on the grounds that there was still a memorial to deal with.

Outside the hall gate, Tai Bu Ling squinted at Tai Zhu Ling, and complained in his heart: The flattery was so loud that he didn't even get a meal, ha ha!

Tai Zhuling rolled his eyes, flicked his sleeves and strode away.

Hu Wujing didn't bother to pay attention to the intrigue of his subordinates, he tremblingly walked out of the palace alone, whispering softly in a voice that only he could hear:
"Hehe...Your Majesty is no longer the son of the past...If you don't retreat when you should retreat, if you don't hide your tail that should be hidden, it will not only lead to death, but also bring disaster to future generations..."

 ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Gabeifeng', 'Cidai' and 'Knowing King'!

(End of this chapter)

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