Chapter 308 Destiny is in Qin!

To the west of Zhangtai Palace, about nine miles away, stands a nine-foot-high earthen platform, on which is built a nine-foot-high altar.

This is the West Hall where the emperor welcomes autumn every year.

Before dawn, nearly [-] soldiers came from all directions, one post at ten steps, one sentry at five steps, and the surrounding area was blocked.

But in the farther places, there were constant traffic of horsemen and flags flying all over the sky, which amazed the people of Xianyang who were used to seeing big scenes.

Well, most of them are lying on the cracks in the walls of the square and peeking out.

Because what You Qi shouted was martial law, the kind of beheading when you go out to buy a steamed bun...

After three poles in the sun, groups of cavalry cavalry holding white flags came slowly, and behind them were yellow-door drum chariots with golden gongs and yellow axes.

It is not the Gauls who hold the white flag, but Qiu Weijinde, which corresponds to white in color.

According to the etiquette system, the band played the music of "Emperor's Arrival" all the way.

"The emperor comes to the altar of the middle, the four sides inherit the universe, the rope and the rope will change, and the place is ready. Qinghe Liuhe, the number is five. The sea is peaceful, the culture and the martial arts are prosperous. The land is rich and the three lights are clear. Mu Mu Youyou, Jiafu Shangxuan."

Behind the yellow door drum chariot, there is a convoy of ministers and ministers sitting upright.

What they rode today was not the kind of anan car with a carriage, but a military chariot with the paint cloth removed, also made of field chariots, with white flags also planted on it.

According to the grade, the decorations of the field chariots are different, and sitting on the chariots are the princes of the clan wearing the crowns of traveling far away, civil servants wearing the crowns of Jinxian, law officials with the crowns of Xiezhi, military officials with the crowns of pheasants, and skillful scholars. The crown's yellow door follows the official, but the non-crown's servant shoots, there are all kinds of things, and they are different.

Among them, the most conspicuous ones are the servants and Zhongchang servants who rode forward together with Mengying. They wear big Wubian crowns on their heads, with cicadas as writings and mink tails as decorations.

Well, the term "Diaochan" in later generations originally referred to this kind of hat, and there is another idiom related to this kind of hat, dog tail continues mink...

The convoy is endless and mighty, the first ones have already arrived, but the ones at the end of the convoy have not yet started to move.

When the "auspicious time" set by Fusu was approaching, the emperor's car started slowly.

Like the ministers and ministers, today Fusu did not ride in his limited-edition hand-polished golden root chariot. Instead, he rode in an orderly manner according to the etiquette system. No, he walked forward on a military chariot.

According to the rules left by the first emperor, when offering sacrifices to the heavens, the emperor's dress is more casual than the usual Xuanyi clothes. He only needs to wear a black straight train, that is, Xuanxuan.

When he was about to set off, he looked at his special one, which was seven inches wide and two inches long, with a round front and rear, vermilion inside, Xuan Shang, four inches hanging from the front and three inches hanging from the back, and tied with white jade beads. , using its color as a crown, strode away without looking back.

The one with the crown of the sky, I like it the most... Fusu recalled his fear of being dominated by the "door curtain", and took the famous sword Zhanlu, which is the king's way, the sword at the side, and the prosperity of the country.

A moment later, when Fusu staggered to the west hall, the sound of drum music shook the sky.

All the soldiers and ministers who heard the sound of the drum began to shout in unison.

"Your Majesty!"

"Thousands of years of the Qin Kingdom!"

Much neater than the previous few times... With a smile on the corner of Fusu's mouth, he stepped on a small stool and slowly got off the army cart.

He looked around, and wherever he looked, no matter whether it was the Duke of Qin or the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty, they all lowered their heads in fear and did not dare to look at him.

Is this the pain of being an emperor?The heights are really unbearably cold... Fusu lightly stroked the beard on his lips, held the hilt of his sword, raised his head and chest, shrugged his stomach, and walked towards the high platform with square steps, one step at a time.

When he walked under the high platform, the sound of the drums stopped instantly, and the chimes, shengxiao, and qinse sounded, and 64 actors sang.

"The god is in the autumn. The emperor lives in Xihao. Yunzi Jinde. Cut into ten thousand treasures."

"Hung Lai sparrow. See Huo Xie. There is no mysterious bird in the curtain. Chrysanthemum has yellow flowers."

"Zai Lie Sheng Qing. Style Chen Yi Zu. Ling Wang Chang Huai. Only virtue is with."

When Fusu came to the stage and the ceremony of welcoming autumn officially started, the sound of Yayue changed to "Yun Qiao" and "Yu Ming", and the dancers wearing Jianhua crowns and Fangshan crowns waved their relatives and began to dance.

On the high platform, Young Master Gao and several members of the clan, holding the prey shot yesterday in their hands, raised it high and offered it to the gods, expressing the meaning of autumn coming.

Fusu looked solemn and solemn, and meticulously followed the requirements of the etiquette officer to worship Baidi, and his companions Shaohao, Rushou, Taibai, Sanchen, and Kui, Lou, Wei, Subaru, Bi, Shen, and Xi, the Western Qisu.

In the mechanical prostration, he silently counted the seconds in his heart, waiting for the critical moment to come.

He secretly swore in his heart that if Fu Sheng messed up the matter, not only would all the Confucian students go back to their hometowns to farm, but even the "Shangshu" hidden in the wall of the old guy's house would be burned in front of him!
Well, keep a copy before burning...

At this moment, the sky gradually dimmed, and the exclamation came from the crowd in the distance, and it became more and more violent. If it weren't for being restrained by the censor, even many ministers and ministers would not care about their manners at all.

"Look, what happened to the sun?"

"Ah, I'm blind..."

In the sky, the sun was slowly being swallowed by the darkness, and the stars gradually appeared above the sky, as if declaring that he was always there, but he was powerless to compete with the sun and the moon.

The old man was fascinated... Fusu was unmoved, he did not rush to look up at the sun, since the solar eclipse had just started, it was not suitable to look directly at it.

According to Fusu's memory, the solar eclipse was caused by the moon blocking the sun's light, and the moon is smaller than the earth, so the solar eclipse only lasts for a few minutes.

While Fusu was waiting for the end of the solar eclipse, the audience did not know who took the lead, and fell to their knees with a crash, shouting crazy words like begging God for forgiveness, and returning the sun to the world again.

Gradually, all the people around the high platform fell to their knees, even Gongzi Gao and the first emperor's sons and daughters were no exception.

Fu Su turned his head slightly, looked around, and found that even the soldiers in the distance were also kneeling on the ground and kept kowtowing.

In later generations, it is commonplace, no, chasing and seeing rare astronomical phenomena, but I never thought that in this era... Fusu secretly rejoiced that he had Fu Sheng, a big boss who was also proficient in astronomical calculations, as well as himself. Make preparations, otherwise, the rebels lurking in the dark will really succeed!
After all, this real solar eclipse is ten times more shocking than midnight foxes and fish belly books, more than a hundred times more shocking!
Fusu guessed that it was almost done, and drew out the long sword at his waist with a swipe, pointed it at the sky, and shouted sharply:

"Rebirth day after day, destiny is in Qin!"

(End of this chapter)

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