Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 309 Celestial Phenomena Warning

Chapter 309 Celestial Phenomena Warning
Accompanied by Fusu's shout, the Tengu that swallowed the sun seemed to be frightened, and could only spit out the sun little by little.

"Look, the sun is back!"

"His Majesty!"

Everyone who heard Fusu's shout looked at Fusu in disbelief, then at the gradually revealing sun, resisted the stinging pain in his eyes, and shouted loudly:

"His Majesty!"

Gradually, the shouting sounded from near to far, and all the ministers, ministers, brave generals and soldiers who knelt on the ground with their heads covered in dirt all raised their heads to look at Fusu.

They saw a tall figure with a sword pointing at the sky, and saw the man who even the sky would submit to him.

That is the emperor of Daqin, their emperor!

"His Majesty!"

First, the officials on the stage and the actors in the audience shouted, and then the ministers and ministers in the distance also shouted, and the soldiers who were infected and witnessed the miracle also shouted.

The voices may be loud or small, old or vigorous, sharp or rough, mixed together messily, but the meaning expressed is exactly the same.

"Rebirth day after day, destiny is in Qin!"

When Fusu shouted sharply again, the light of the sun was gradually revealed, and the sky and the earth became bright again, as if the solar eclipse just now hadn't happened.

And the person kneeling on the ground looked at Fusu who was still pointing his sword at the sky like crazy, and shouted again at the top of his voice:

"The destiny is in Qin!"

"The destiny is in Qin!"


Fusu put his sword back into its sheath, his eyes swept over the ashen-faced young master Gao and others who were prostrate at his feet, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although they may not have the idea of ​​coveting the throne in their hearts, or this idea is buried in the deepest part of their hearts, they only dare to think about it in the middle of the night when no one is around.

But at this moment, the best dream in their hearts has been permanently shattered with this kneeling.

Phew, the pretense was successful, and then it was time to share the cake... Fusu looked down, glanced at the crowd kneeling on the ground and shouting in unison, and stared at the group of Confucian doctors wearing Confucian crowns.

In order to prepare for this political show, it is not only the Yin-Yang School, but also the Confucianists who are prominent in the world, who spread the theory of "Restart of the Mandate of Heaven" in Xianyang City and counties and counties all over the world.

It's just that the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows.

After today's political show is over, the official public opinion held by the state of Qin, together with the public opinion held by Confucianism, will spread the saying that the destiny is in Qin to the world at the fastest speed.

Destiny restart?

Well, it’s true that it’s been restarted, but Destiny chose Qin again, and chose Qin’s emperor!

Anyone with ulterior motives and intentions to rebel is acting against the sky!

As for the rise of Confucianism, although Fusu was a little worried, he had other checks and balances.

For example, Daqin Higher Vocational Training College is a pilot project.

The Mohists, who also mastered the theories of "Mandate of Heaven" and "Ghosts and Gods", can fight Confucianism for at least three to fifty years without helping Su and Su.

As for the future, um... Even if the flood is torrential after I die!
Oh, just kidding.

At worst, set up a few more colleges, such as Daqin Institute of Technology, Daqin National Defense, Daqin Grammar and Law, etc., and select outstanding graduates from them to award officials, so as to avoid one family dominating.

Well, launch the school of learning to fight the school of learning...

The emperor is the referee at the highest point, hitting the top bird with a stick!
In fact, Fusu had no malice towards the Confucianism of the pre-Qin period. In many cases, it was the Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism that was reformed in the Song Dynasty and developed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

During this period, both Confucius and Mencius tried to cultivate ideal "workers", "if the way is not good, they will float in the sea", and the rulers are unreliable, so they go home to farm and have children, teach and educate people.

Probably after the fall of the Qin Dynasty, everyone felt that the way of the Legalists was too much, well, at least they couldn’t be so ruthless on the surface.

So there was the "Way of the King and Overlord, Internal Law and External Confucianism" in the Han Dynasty. To put it bluntly, it was to weave a rope with Confucian moral values, hold one end in the hands of the emperor, and tie the other end to the "vicious dog" of the Legalists ( Cool official)'.

In the Song and Ming Dynasties, under the transformation of the rotten Confucians, the rope was inexplicably tied around the necks of the common people. Stretching it not only made the common people eat less, but even spit out what they ate.

Of course, if you relax a little bit, you can get titles like 'Renzong' and 'Xianzhu'.

It's too good to be useful!
When it comes to my Taqing, it will be even more extraordinary.

I won't mention the debate between Hua Yi and the gods, and don't even think about the emperor's teacher and emperor's friends. Kneeling and licking for half a lifetime, begging for a "slave" is not available!

That's why there is "Down with Confucius' shop and save Confucius"!
Well, cold knowledge, the "Yanshenggong" family who surrendered in a fancy way in later generations was actually Xiaozong handpicked by the Yuan Dynasty, and it was Kong Sihui, the third generation of Yanshenggong.


Zhangtai Palace, a tall and majestic main hall.

The ceremony to welcome the autumn is over, and the reward for the army has also been done.

As for teaching military officials the art of war?
Although Fusu had already memorized the lectures of Wei Liao, Han Xin and others, and the speeches polished by Li Cheng, Chen Ying and others, but now this matter can be postponed for a while.

At this moment on the main hall, with the last chapter of Yale, Fusu lifts up the Xuanxuan and bows down, and sits down on the throne.

A censor rushed to the palace from a corner, bowed and bowed, and said: "Your Majesty, I have an answer!"

Fusu glanced at Zhang Cang, who nodded invisibly.

It's done... Fusu gestured to the audience at the side with his eyes, signaling for him to take over the imperial censor's memorial.

After a while, Fu Su closed the memorial, and asked in a gloomy voice: "Who ordered you to impeach Prime Minister You?"

The censor bowed his head again, straightened his waist and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, no one ordered the envoy to do this! I am the censor of the Great Qin Dynasty, wearing the crown of Haechi, naturally I have to do my duty."

He looked at his colleagues with envious faces in the distance, and Prime Minister Feng Quji who was full of doubts, and immediately talked freely:

"This change in the sky is a celestial phenomenon, but it is a man-made disaster! Since the unification of the Qin Dynasty, the Huns were attacked in the north, Baiyue was flattened in the south, the Great Wall was built, Chi Road was built, and countless palaces were built. !"

"It's all the fault of the prime minister for not fulfilling his duty as a minister and admonishing the former emperor! The celestial phenomena are a warning, showing that the court is treacherous!"

The turning point is really blunt, bad reviews... Fusu complained in his heart, with a solemn expression, without saying a word.

Seeing that Fusu did not express his opinion, some ministers and ministers suddenly guessed something and quietly waited for the final result.

After a while, Yu Shi finished speaking and stepped back, the entire hall was silent, and some people gloated at Feng Quji, who had no expression on his face but his back was drenched.

But more, they are looking at the nose and nose, looking at the heart, a look of turning a blind eye.

Feng Quji was silent for a moment, glared at Feng Jie with some hazy eyes, shook his head invisibly, then stood up tremblingly, took off his waist seal, and slowly stepped forward.

"The changes in the sky are due to the loss of morality of the old minister! I am willing to resign from the position of prime minister and beg for the bones to return home..."


 ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'The Gate of Phoenix', 'Haiermo', 'Virtual Shadow Organization', and 'Qingyu'!

(End of this chapter)

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