Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 310 Congratulations on the profound virtue

Chapter 310 Congratulations on the profound virtue


Hearing Fusu casually said the word 'ke', the whole audience was in an uproar.

After all, no matter whether it is now or in future generations, no matter what they think in their hearts, the two sides always have to give way a few times before making a decision.

Fusu's 'Yes' sounded like there was no room for maneuver.

Feng Quji lost his position as Prime Minister You, which is already an ironclad fact!
Not only was Feng Quji's close friends unacceptable, but even Feng Quji himself never thought that Fusu would be so heartless that he didn't even have a word to persuade him to stay.

According to his previous thinking, he wanted to advance by retreating, but if Fusu pretended to stay, all the courtiers who were tied to him would stand up and echo Fusu's words, persuading him to 'bear the burden of humiliation', He tried his best to assist the emperor in the position of prime minister on the right.

Fusu glanced at Li Cheng, and the latter immediately understood, took the plate he had prepared a long time ago, and took Xiangyin from Feng Quji almost as if he had grabbed it.

Gold seal and purple ribbon, I really want to have it... Li Cheng nodded slightly to Feng Quji, and then stepped back and left.

Feng Quji let out a long sigh, straightened his clothes and bowed to the ground with a dignified demeanor: "Minister, take your leave!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out of the hall, becoming very old in an instant.

Sitting on the throne, Fusu looked at Feng Quji's back as he staggered away, feeling a sudden feeling in his heart, but it was only fleeting.

Although he has no real evidence for the Feng family's father and son's behavior, it is no longer important.

The purge and reorganization after the resignation will inevitably minimize the influence of the Feng family.

There are a lot of veterans who rely on the old to sell the old, which can just make room for the new generation and open up the upward channel.

When Feng Quji walked out of the main hall, Tai Bu Ling stood up from his seat, rushed to the hall, and bowed to salute: "Day after day is reborn, the weather is out of order, I ask your Majesty to send someone to restore the calendar as soon as possible."

Fusu said in an emotionless voice, "Yes."

Yushi Zhongcheng Zhang Cang stood up from his seat, rushed to the hall, bowed and saluted: "The minister recommends a person to His Majesty, Fu Sheng from Jibei County, who has learned both ancient and modern times, and is especially good at astronomy and calculation, so he can take on this important task!"

Fusu then said in an emotionless voice: "Yes."

Zuo Prime Minister Wei Liao stood up from his seat, rushed to the hall, and bowed to salute: "The sky is different today, but relying on your majesty's profound virtues, you can be reborn every day. This is a blessing for all people! I suggest that the world's common people can be exempted for one year. Fu, congratulations!"

Fusu continued to say in an emotionless voice: "Yes."


At the end of the Hexi Corridor, Yiwu City (now Hami, Xinjiang), the residence of Qin State envoys.

Chai Wu stood behind the fence, pulling the crossbow vigorously with his hands and feet, and reloading the crossbow.

The solar eclipse just now not only scared the residents of the city to run wild, but also several bandits who tried to take advantage of the fire and rushed into the Qin envoy's residence.

Of course, those gangsters were shot into hedgehogs at this moment, lying on the ground with dead bodies...

The Qin mission has been staying in Yiwu City for several days, but the king has not returned so far, so the mission has also stagnated.

Well, the king took people out of the city to let the horses go...

When Chai Wu first heard the news of the king's grazing, he also had a stunned expression.

But when he heard that there were less than 2 people in the entire Yiwulu Kingdom, and most of them did not live in Wangcheng, it made him speechless for a long time.

This fucking is also called country?

But when they saw the local farming techniques, they were relieved.

Well, except for that group of peasant scholars who were so angry that they vomited blood.

Deputy envoy Cai Yin stabbed Chai Wu with the scabbard: "What did you say just now? The sun disappears for a while, it's scary!"

Chai Wu rolled his eyes: "You ask me, who should I ask?"

He turned his head, looked at Cai Yin and asked: "Tell me, there won't be any unscrupulous people running to us!"

Cai Yin thought for a while and said: "Probably not, there are those few 'role models', unless they are tired of work! Hey, it's really a man-made death!"

Chai Wu suddenly smiled lewdly: "Maybe it's for the cantaloupe and grapes?"

Cai Yin was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that the cantaloupe and grapes the other party was talking about were orchids who had abandoned Hu merchants and were determined to advance and retreat with the mission.

They laughed for a while, Cai Yin looked at the completely dead Yiwulu people outside the fence, and asked with some concern:

"You said that killing these people will cause trouble for us?"

Chai Wu smiled nonchalantly: "If you kill him, you will kill him. How dare he, King Yiwulu, talk too much?"

He pointed to the guards standing guard outside the palace in the distance: "Just like them, if King Yiwulu has any brains, he will act as if nothing happened! Besides, we are killing thieves!"

Cai Yin subconsciously began to argue: "When did Huawai Barbarian have a brain? What if he insists on accusing us?"

Chai Wu smiled disdainfully and said: "When the time comes, gather our people and rush into the palace to kill him! After finishing the work, just choose one of his brothers to be the king, and let him send someone to Xianyang City to meet His Majesty !"

Cai Yin stroked the stubble on his chin, and said with a smile: "Well, I heard that Princess Yiwulu is beautiful and moving, so I happened to take it back to Xianyang City on the way, and present it to Your Majesty as a souvenir of Yiwulu..."

After Cai Yin finished speaking, the missionary soldiers beside him looked at the palace built on the mountain in the distance, and burst out laughing.

No one understands the taste of orchids better than them...

Chai Wu looked at the bright sky for a while, then turned his head and said:
"This is the last stop of this mission. We will stay here to collect information from various countries, sort out the maps drawn along the way, and wait for the Hu merchants who are going west to come east, and return to Daqin together!"

Cai Yin was taken aback: "But when we set off, what His Majesty said was to hollow out the Western Regions! We won't leave, will we?"

Chai Wu said with a smile: "It is not a day's cold to freeze three feet. Your Majesty also said that it is not enough to empty the Western Regions in one mission."

He lowered his voice and said: "When I left Xianyang City, His Majesty gave me a secret order to survey the distribution of Yuezhi people's pastures and draw a map of the so-called 'Hexi Corridor'..."

Cai Yin frowned: "You mean, when we leave Xianyang City, Your Majesty will prepare..."


Chai Wu stretched out his finger to gesture, and then said:

"This is the first, and the second is that merchants seek profit. When Hu merchants return to their homeland in the west, the size of the caravan will inevitably expand several times when they return to the east. If there is no Qin envoys to accompany them, I am afraid that the Yuezhi and Qiang people along the way will Even the horse bandits will not let go of this opportunity to slaughter fat sheep!"

"I'm not interested in the amount of belongings they carry, but if the pasture seeds and skilled craftsmen they collected for His Majesty are lost, what face will we have to see Your Majesty again?"

Cai Yin nodded in agreement, but then said with a straight face: "Are you sure you don't miss the cantaloupe and grapes here?"

(End of this chapter)

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